Okay so I'm 30yrs old. Never been married or have kids. I have however, raised a few that weren't my own. I have not been a fat my entire life. I had trouble with, my weight more than anyone I know. I lived my life to the fullest up to 2005 that is why my entire life to a toll for the WORST!. Here is some background until then.

Great student in school everything came easy to me. I was always chubby but never fat. Still fat enough to be called a "big girl". Active oh yeah, played football for school team, cheered after I stopped playing. Shined in everything I did. Most popular, known, and liked in school amoung teachers and peers alike. 

Life after school, worked 2 full-time jobs and went to college as well as taught at the local GED school...bright bright future. Keeping my weight under 330lbs Going the doctor for gynological problems not weight. One day the said doctor asked if I was happy with my weight? Hello Doc. I'm 5ft 3ish and 330lbs HAPPY no CONTENT and thriving yes. SO he did a major work up stress test, mental, all kinds even hosptialized me and put a nurse on my side for the entire week MEASUREING on a SPECIAL diet I gained 6lbs!!!! You read correct I gained weight under strict doctor meal plan with excerise DAILY! Results....his exact words: "YOU ARE THE HEALTHEST FAT person I have ever run across!" Laughable concept huh. Well doctor why am I gaining weight and having problems keeping it off? I don't know he responds. I said could it be my THYROID? Oh it is only off a little not enough to hurt. Okay your the doctor living life.

2005 Gyno problems took turn for worst I almost bleed to death. Have surgery and told BED REST FOR 6MTHS. I thought are you kidding me, I have work, school, life well she says if you don't you will die so I do it. NOT CHANGING my eat habit actually eat less to compensate for lack of MOVEMENT! By 2008 I'm topping the scales at almost 600lbs. I could get around on my own, bathe myself, walk without assistants but morbidly obese AND STEADILY gaining I can't control it. NO INCOME, GOVERNMENT WON'T HELP no where to turn. Get on computer find and exstinguish all avenues of HELP while still trying to lose weight I start taking ALLI lose some weight GREAT I thought. Finally after about 2 years of searching I find a FREE clinic...go see them and they get me on a diet I think oh great another diet but do it faithfully I tell them about my alli...they instruct keep taking but we gonna do a blood work...1st thing out my mouth...I know you are the doctor and went to school but I know my body please please please check my THYROID!!. NEXT week go back and they say well your THYROID is the problem it looks like it hasn't worked in over 10 years!!!!! So no wonder you couldn't lose or keep the weight off. Prescribe me my meds and in a MONTH I drop 65lbs without EXCERISE!! Just same diet and correct medication! DANCING happy lost 100lbs. Then plateued out. Discouraging but determinded I am.

Medically, I'm getting worst my asthma came back with a vengance. 2011 March, hospitalized due to asthma to the point I need oxygen and walker to WALK!! Then they tell me its not permentant...okay so May my lungs are hurting with every breath...Still trying to loose WEIGHT just isn't happening. More tests then hospital drops me and sprangs my foot hospitalized because I can't walk on crutches ABMULANCED home and bed riden again. Off oxygen but can't walk without walker!  Tests, Tests, and more tests...RESULTS I have asthma & obesed induced COPD...still can't walk without walker more unstable than ever need help to do everything. Conculison 150lbs of skin pressing and hanging in front my small frame is making me immobile. SKIN REMOVAL you say well GREAT IDEA...problem no medical insurance, no job, can't get medicade or disablity. RESULT: I have lost a whole person and only 32lbs from 400lbs and can't be happy because that 32lb weight loss will land me BEDRIDEN because I can't hardly walk as is. This comes straight from the DOCTORS mouth.

So as you can see I'm stuck between a rock and hard place in a 150lbs hole! With no options. One direction continue to lose weight and be bedriden or stay at current weight or gain some back and be some what mobile!! Which would you do? 

So now that you have read about me. Please know that I'm here for support because I'm a 30yr old female that has to let once in a life opportunties pass her by due to a PROBLEM that isn't her own fault. I understand obesity is a disease and in some cases can't be helped...but I'm a 10000000000000000% sure you will never come across another story like mine.

I mean who else have you ever read about that loses another person in weight and is BIGGER in size than when she was at her heaviest? 
