Its been a month since my last update.

Nov 06, 2009

Its been a roller coaster with my weight and I was a bit frustrated!

The first week I hit my first plateau. The scale did not move for 2 a matter of fact it went UP 4 pounds.  It finally started going down again shortly before I returned to work and so far its about 1 pound a day.

I've lost  34.5 since surgery (6 wks today) and 43.5 since my first appointment.  I'm still having a hard time getting all the protein because I feel like I cant stomach more than 1.5 - 2 ounces at a time and being on the phone all day at work I dont really have time to snack.  I know I need to figure out what will work for me and do it though.

I'm gonna ck on the message boards to get some protein ideas... Plus I hate the protein shakes and being lactose intolerant limits my choices.

Till later


