
Aug 14, 2010

Hi, there...  It's been a long time.  I am happy to say that after my band repair I was finally able to lose almost 20 pounds.  My port is still an issue because it hurts a lot of the time and protrudes so it is visible.  I am going to see my doc next week...  I am going to ask him to take this thing out and do the revision of my bypass like he promised he would do if the repair didn't work.

I am not all gung ho about it at all, I know it is going to be hard to have the band gone.  But, it drives me crazy...  and if I accidentally lean into a counter or a shopping cart, it can really hurt!!!  It is a very sensitive area.

Anyway, I am so happy to see some of the success stories I have missed...  Erika...  unbelievable!!!  I am so happy for you!  I have a lot of catching up to do.  I went through some of my bipolar stuff for a while, and am now not working again.  But, I am getting better and focusing a lot on my hobby of photography.  I am trying to become more conscience of what I am doing to really lose this weight; trying to make those subtle changes that make such a massive difference.

Feel free to say hi...  I am not going to be as overly-occupied with the board as I was before, but I would love to hear how everyone is doing...


Home healing...

Jan 30, 2010

I guess it has been a while...  I am not used to blogging, yet  ...  maybe I never will be!  But, just to record my current status and to let anyone interested know...  I am doing fine home from the hospital for the second time in two weeks.  First was my port replacement...  then it was my big toe.  Both are healing fine...  but, it is hard staying down!

I get my "first" fill on February 17th.  I wish it were sooner, but I can't drive until I get my cast off- so, I must be a patient patient!  I know I knew this before, but I am rediscovering how much I love soup...  I just had some and it is so satisfying and calming!!!  I'll keep that in mind moving forward...  

Anyway, I can't sit at the computer long because my foot starts to ache... but, I am still here!  Struggling with the food, especially since I am pretty bored.  Not much of a TV person, but there have been some movies on.  I have a disc in ready to go when they run out on TV!

Thank you so much to all of you for your thoughts and prayers!!!  I really love the support network and the friends I am making here...  

Many blessings... 

The Current Plan...

Dec 17, 2009

Well, it has been a while since I posted anything, so I figured I had better update a little!  After further consultation with my doctor, and research here on OH and other sites, I have decided to follow his advice and repair my port and see how that goes.  I have dramatically changed my eating habits since I joined OH, and even though I have only lost 5.5 pounds since then I feel that it is worth giving it a shot before having my tummy "abused" again... as my husband calls it!

If for any reason this doesn't work, my doctor promised me we could proceed with the revision to a more "distal" rny.  And, if I have any trouble with insurance I expect him to back me up 110%!!!  He said since this is just a repair that it should not really count...  so, I am going with that!

I have posted some pictures on my group's site, but need to get some uploaded here, too.  I will try to do that later this evening.  Anyway, that's really all there is for now...  so, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!  May God bless all of our efforts this coming year and beyond!!!


As for me...

Dec 02, 2009

My name is Davina and I had the rny in 2001 and kept off 110 pounds for over 3 years.  Then I had, what I have called until now, a "life crisis".  Which is true, I just never mentioned that it had anything to do with going off my meds and triggering a major bipolar episode.  By the time my docs got me back on the right meds, I was up 60 pounds.  All of my bad habits rushed back as I was dealing with the "crisis", and I am still struggling to get them under control.  I got the Lap Band 3 years ago and it has done nothing for me.  That is why I am hoping to have a revision to distal rny. 

My meds are as close to perfect as they are going to get now.  Of course, they are all crucial components of my "cocktail", but the docs finally got it right!  So, I am very hopeful that my prayers will get answered and I will get the revision I so desperately need to get back on the right track.  I am practicing my old "good" habits, and have my final appointment to go over the options with my surgeon on Dec 11...  a week from Friday!!!  Starting Monday I will be trying the 5-day pouch test as well.

Anyway...  I am 41, 5' 6", 224 pounds, and have a BMI of 35.6.  My husband's name is Luke, and a lot of the time he is supportive... he definitely wants me to lose the weight!  But most of the time, he doesn't get it.  He comes from a country (Lithuania) that you need to look really really hard to find someone who is fat.  So, he has never been exposed to this issue until he came here 8 years ago...  which is when I met him (and I was at my skinny weight).  We have had some "growing pains" -no pun intended-  over the years as I have dealt with the weight gain... but, we have a strong relationship so we have been able to talk our way through it and maybe have gotten even closer because of it.

I have never blogged before, so this is my first post.  As soon as I know anything new, I will post again!

Many blessings... 

About Me
Naperville, IL
Sep 30, 2009
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