
Aug 14, 2010

Hi, there...  It's been a long time.  I am happy to say that after my band repair I was finally able to lose almost 20 pounds.  My port is still an issue because it hurts a lot of the time and protrudes so it is visible.  I am going to see my doc next week...  I am going to ask him to take this thing out and do the revision of my bypass like he promised he would do if the repair didn't work.

I am not all gung ho about it at all, I know it is going to be hard to have the band gone.  But, it drives me crazy...  and if I accidentally lean into a counter or a shopping cart, it can really hurt!!!  It is a very sensitive area.

Anyway, I am so happy to see some of the success stories I have missed...  Erika...  unbelievable!!!  I am so happy for you!  I have a lot of catching up to do.  I went through some of my bipolar stuff for a while, and am now not working again.  But, I am getting better and focusing a lot on my hobby of photography.  I am trying to become more conscience of what I am doing to really lose this weight; trying to make those subtle changes that make such a massive difference.

Feel free to say hi...  I am not going to be as overly-occupied with the board as I was before, but I would love to hear how everyone is doing...



About Me
Naperville, IL
Sep 30, 2009
Member Since

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