DOWN 20 LBS.!!!!!

Dec 25, 2007

So it's been 11 days since starting pre-op liquid diet and surgery I am down 20 lbs.  Hooray!!!  It hasnt' been easy bypassing all the great holiday food around but I have managed.  I am glad to be home and functioning without any complications.  The weight loss is just the icing on the cake.  I hope for many many many more days like these.  I am now working on cleaning the house from all the Christmas havoc and then putting together my plan for my future and how I will make my changes.  Number one is that I plan on taking Tae Kwon Do - I can picture me with my black belt someday slim and healthy and happy.  Number two is to get my mind in the complete mental place I want to be.  I have gotten tons of wonderful books from great friends and family to help with some of those ideas.  I think lots of soul searching and spending time thinking will be the order on my plate for the next few months.  It's all so worth it, this is my second chance to get it right and that's what I have to do!  So here is to a NEW and Spectacular year ahead of me.

Home from the hospital

Dec 19, 2007

I am home from the hospital today and doing pretty good.  I am mostly feeling a bit uncomfortable and hating getting water down.  But still sipping it.  I am so tired of Jell-o already, but my Dr. said I did great on my 3 day liquid diet and that my surgery went awesome.  I lost 11 lbs on the liquid diet, that was great.  It only took 40 minutes for the actual surgery.  First day was kind of bad, 2nd day was great until they gave me Vicodin for pain, it made me so sick and I was vomiting it up.  They changed me to Ultram this morning and doing much better on that.  Glad to be home, took a nap first thing.  My hand is really sore from the IV, although I did not have a central line, and both of my arms ache just like it feels when you over use them.  Other than that I am feeling pretty well and getting around just fine.  I have not weighed myself since morning of surgery as I think I am still swollen and full of IV liquids so will wait a few more days.  Also since I am at my mothers her scale may be different than mine and won't tell if there has beena a change.  Will talk to all of my OH buddies soon.

1st day of 3 day liquid diet pre-op

Dec 14, 2007

Today is the first day of my pre-op 3 day liquid diet.  I woke up with a migraine so it was making me sick to my stomach.  Wasn't sure if I could take anything so I called my surgeon's office and he said I could take Tylenol or my Rx Imitrex.  So Tylenol it was, well on an empty liquid diet only stomach I got even sicker.  I was drinking beef broth - going for some flavor- well there was none and I think the taste was adding to my nausea.  I did not have any Imitrex so I went to pharmacy to get some, came home from work early, took one in hopes of not vomiting - as I often do even with a stomach full of food.  I fell asleep on the couch and am feeling better.  But I am hungry, am eating sugar free popsicles and that seems to relieve some of the hunger but not for long.  Hopefully my migraine does not come back.  The only thing I can think of is how long it will be before I can eat actual foods again, is this so wrong?  Just need a little affirmations from the rest of you that this too shall pass and the long run is much worth it.  

2 Weeks to go!!!!

Dec 03, 2007

I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!

Oct 25, 2007

I went to my appointments today, by the way my first set of appt.'s in Aug. didn't go through.  So my appointment today was with psych, dietician, nurse practitioner and then the surgeon.  All went well and I left with a surgery date.  I will have surgery 12-17-07 if all goes as planned, YAY!!!!  I have not been nervous all this time and now I walked out of the Dr.'s office today with a small tiny little knot in my stomach, that I imagine will get bigger with each week that passes.  Reality is now sinking in.  Now the thoughts of all the things I have to do before surgery are running through my head.  If anyone has anything to share about this preparation process like mentally, physically, paperwork wise, food wise, what not to forget to bring to the hospital, etc....  Please feel free to share with me.  I thank everyone for all the support.  I guess that image I saw in the changing room mirror at the clothing store will not be staring back at me in horror for too much longer


Aug 24, 2007

I have not written in so long as the waiting was just that, waiting.  I now have been called and have my intake appt.'s coming up next week.  Yay!!! I am so excited.  After that it's an 8 week class and a few more appt.s then surgery.  I'm thinking it is like 4-5 mos. from now!  It is getting so close and I am so excited, I just can't wait!!!  Although I am wishing that I would have done more preparation as far as losing a bit more weight and starting vitamins and letting go of soda.  I have done better, especially with soda, but my vitamins could be better and dropping weight definitely could be.  It's so hard to be motivated with such a huge change in my future.  I also started back to college this week with my B.S. degree so I am very busy and nervous about time issues.  Other than that life is pretty good.


May 29, 2007

This is the worst, waiting for so long to get the surgery.  I think about it constantly and wish my day were here.  Seems like it will be forever, but again I am hoping to have surgery by Dec. sometime.  That's about 5 1/2 to 6 mos.  I know some people have to go through a 6 mos. dieting program before they are even approved.  I am at least approved, it is just that there is so many people on the wait list in front of me it will take that long.  I am trying to work on losing some weight before surgery and that goes up and down.  I also want to work on some of the diet restrictions for after surgery now so I am more ready.  Last I am trying to mentally prepare as well as get my sick time and help and support put together.  That will all come together.  I just can't stand this waiting.  I feel like my life can start over once I have surgery even though it's not so bad now.  Just too many days of being tired and achey and not able to go do things and not wanting to because I feel like I am too big for it.  Well just another day.  I can say this much 5 weeks has gone by since I have been added to the waitlist, so I am that much closer. 


May 09, 2007

I got my letter today that I am approved for surgery!! Yeah!!  I know it will be a bit of a wait until things get rolling but I know now that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Hallelujah.  I will start intake and classes in about 6 months or so.  I'm guessing that time goes by quickly for most.  Just wish it was this month.  Well see ya.

First Entry

May 08, 2007

Today is my first blog, so bear with me.  I applied for surgery 4-24-07 and am anxiously waiting to hear if I am approved.  I am sick and tired of being overweight and with my back hurting on a daily basis something's gotta give.  I have been researching surgery options for a while and actually had decided on lap band but now I am leaning on gastric bypass.  I know I can lose the weight but just need a little push to help me.  I lost 65 lbs. before and was down to 142 lbs.  then wouldn't you know I gained it all back and more now of course.  I am a single mother of a soon to be 17 year old son who is very active and skinny and I wish I could do more things with him.  He is supportive of the surgery even though I don't think he knows what he is getting into.  I have slowly talked my mother into understanding the surgery process and why I think it is a good option for me.  She was not always understanding but now she thinks it is a good idea for me.  Well wish me luck and see ya soon.

About Me
Centennial, CO
Surgery Date
Mar 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 107

Latest Blog 19
Made The Century Club!!!!
Life is going by at rocket speed!
Hitting New Milestones and Someone Special!
Happy Days Are Here Again!!!!
Stall ~ Lose ~ Stall ~ Lose ~ Stall ~ Lose~!!!
Weight Chart
End of Frustration!
1st day back at work
Down 24.5 lbs. from surgery
