Answering quetions from chat

Apr 11, 2010

I was in chat today, and spoke with someone having RNY in a few days who was getting nervous. This persons concerns were over loose skin, and overeating after surgery. We were not able to chat long, so I decided to write a message. Please do understand I don't normally post something from a private message, but there is no personal info in this. I felt what I worte was good enough to post on my blog. Below is the message:

As for your concern over loose skin, how much you will have depends on how much over weight you are. For example a person who is 200 or 300 pounds over weight is going to have more loose skin than someone who like yourself only has 100 pounds to loose. I know 100 pounds seams like alot to need to loose, but actually we are considered light weights in this surgery. So when you hear others talking about all thier loose skin, you have to consider how much over weight they were to begin with. So far I dont really have a problem with hanging skin, although I feel I will have an apron when I get down to goal.

As for over eating after surgery, you will be surprised at how hard that is to do. To over eat, you have to eat until you hurt alot, or til you throw up. If you continue to do this you WILL gain your weight back. When you start to eat again after surgery, your brian and pouch starts to tell you when it is time to stop eating. For me when I am full, I feel a tightness in my pouch, which for me is right under my left rib (doc says it should be center of my ribs). If I eat a few more times, I start to look and feel sort of depressed. That is my mind telling me I have to stop. My face looks like something is wrong. My friends will ask if i am ok. My partner became concerned before surgery that he didn't know what being full feels like, but trust me, he knows what it feels like now.


things to think about when things get hard

Oct 25, 2009

Most of us have a  goal is to not only live longer, but have a better quality of life. We want to be around for our familes, which for most of us would have been a very short period of time without this surgery. Even if we live a long time our lives would not be as full. We look forward to having more energy so we can play with our energetic kids, or become energtic kids with our loved ones. Have the energy to do things we never dreamed of doing before.
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top 10 lessons learned on 10 day liquid diet

Oct 19, 2009

10. Friends promise to do it with you, but don't make it.
9. Popsicles are your friend.
8. Jello and broth taste better towards the end of the 10 days.
7. Helps when the whole household is doing it with you.
6. Buy enough to last before you start so you don't have to go in a grocery store during the diet.
5. Buy a variety of flavors.
4. Keep busy.
3. Stay away from the break room at work.
2. Billboards advertising food or resurants are bad!!

And the #1 lesson learned from the 10 day liquid diet..................


David B.
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1st 30 day on diet

May 14, 2009

My partner and I saw our nut for our 1st 30 follow up on the diet on May 8th of 09. We both had lost about 7 pounds. The nut was very happy with that.  We were too.

We changed some things. We had reduced our milk to 2% instead of whole milk....went back to shed spread light for our butter...Switched to no sugar added ice cream....and when we ate out brinig home 1/2 of the meal for later.

Although we didn't start some changes yet. I have about another week on my cokes then I am going to quit them cold turkey. We really had not done any excersising. I hurt my ankle the following Sunday, so that will prolong starting the excercising for me.



first appontment with surgen 4/2/09

Apr 02, 2009

Thursday April 2, 09

Randy and I went to see Dr. Barnes today. He didn't seam to see any reason for moving forward with the plan to do our RNY. We have our first appointment with the dietian on Friday April 10th.

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2008
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