Life since I last posted

Jan 01, 2009

Where do I start?  I'm in week five of the supervised weight loss program that my ins. requires.  I've lost 12 lbs!  We went to So. Cal to see our kids and grandkids for Christmas. I was hoping someone would say something complimentary.  But no.  Then my daughter Becky gave me a new top for Christmas from my favorite store. It was a size smaller than what I wear. I figured "great I'll have to exchange it". IT FIT!  I guess this is my first "WOW" moment. I actually looked much better in the smaller top.  I've been wearing such baggy clothes thinking it concealed my weight better... however, it also concealed my weight loss.  I know 12# is no big deal compared to what I have to loose.  But it's a big step for me.  I didn't gain one pound over the holidays'. That's a new experience too. 

I keep going back and forth as to whether or not I can lose all my weight without surgery. (125#).  It seems so easy to stick to this program but then it's expensive (the food) and is starting to all taste the same. They talk about maintainence as being more of the same diet and excercise to avoid regain. I guess reality is sinking in for me.  I'm not sure which way to go.  I'll be 63 in February and I don't want the rest of my life to be a constant struggle where weight is concerned. I've decided to meet all the requirements my ins. co and my surgeon require for the surgery and then make my decision whether to go through with it.

My back has remained a big issue. Still restricted from excercising, still get the pain down my legs when I stand too long. The muscle spasms have stopped (TY Jesus) but I still take the muscle relaxers just in case. I've had 1 epidural and 22 trigger injections since the start of Dec. I have also taken more drugs than I've ever taken before.  But I don't want back surgery so I'll keep trying this method. I know losing all the excess weight will help my back as well.


Epidural Today

Dec 03, 2008

My fears were unfounded (TY Jesus).  The absolute worst part of the entire procedure was getting the IV in.  I have the kindof veins that run and hide when someone's poking around.

My lower back is sore.  The doc said to expect that.  He also said that one procedure will probably not be enough because of all that's going on in my back!!!  OK I've got to get this weight off quick and get my weak back muscles strenghtened up.  I refuse to let this get me down.

I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.  It's 4:30 pm and the only one that's called to see how I'm doing is my NUT!    Last time I remembered I have  three adult children, a sister and a mom!  Whah, whah!!  Poor me.  Thank goodness I've got my hubby I can count on.


My Progress with diet and back problems

Nov 24, 2008

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I posted.  I had the MRI the diagnosis was a shock... spinal stenosis, bulging discs and arthritis!!!  I was expecting to hear that I had pulled a muscle!!!

I will be having "trigger injections" in my muscles this Weds. if my ins. company approves it.  Then next week I will have to have an epidural in my lower spine.  I  will be sedated and the needle will be guided by x-ray.  I'm scared.  Has anyone had this procedure that can assure me it works?

I'm feeling better as long as I don't let the meds wear off.  The doctor says that doesn't mean I'm better because the drugs just mask the symptoms.

I started the ins required food replacement diet on Sat 11/22.  the program is through UNR here in Reno.  The food actually tastes quite good.  I'm having trouble getting in all the required food and shakes.  This is a real surprise for me and encouraging.  I thought it was going to be a starvation type diet (based on previous weight loss programs I tried).

I don't know what I would have done without my husband.  He's come to my rescue with all the housework, shopping, laundry, etc. 

Well, hopefully the injections will work and we'll be able to travel to Mammoth to see my daughter and family for the Thanksgiving week-end.  I'm looking forward to it.  Well take my meals with me.  I can still have the traditional yams and potatoes, they're on the program.  I will just eat my own entree.  I would like to hear from people that have been on this program for recipe ideas and tips.  Anyone out there have to go through the UNR program.

I'm thinking about the possibility that this program will really work and I won't have to have my intestines rearranged.  Any thoughts on that???

Met my surgeon

Nov 12, 2008

I met Dr. Sasse yesterday morning.  The office staff was very friendly and he was nice and patient with me.  I was having the muscle spasms through the entire visit. 

From there my husband and I went to my PCP for an exam of my back.  Got all new meds and confirmed that I needed an MRI.  We got our flu shots and then we went to see the "Changeling" at the movies.  What a suspenseful, excellent movie.

I am doing this blog for my own records.  I live a pretty quite life so it may bore you to tears at times! 

Oh one note.  The scales at the weight loss center said I weighed 1 1/2 pounds more than my scales say at home.  When I got to my PCP I was weighed (2 hours later) and I had lost 7# since I walked out of the WLS place!! I said to my husband "Boy, this surgery is working already!"  Lesson for the day: no two scales are created equal!


Nov 10, 2008

I'm just starting out on my journey. I'm 5'3 and weigh 250#. About three weeks ago I started having pain down my right leg and muscle spasms just under my rib cage on the right side. My PCP ordered muscle relaxants and PT. Everything the therapist did made the spasms and pain worse. It feels like my rib is out of place and is poking into my stomach. My right side is burning and the middle of my back is burning. I have tingling in my right upper leg. I'm waiting for an MRI appointment. All kinds of scary things pop up when I Google my symptoms. I posted this on the "Over 50" board and got a few responses.  It is NOT my gallbladder as I had that removed in the 1970's.  I have been waiting since last Thursday for an MRI.  Spent the entire week-end on muscle relaxants and pain meds.  The spasms are really getting to me.

I am suppose to have my WLS consult with the surgeon tomorrow morning and I don't want my present situation to interfere with that.  Please keep me in your prayers.

Orientation last night

Nov 04, 2008

The meeting was very informative but a bit of a sales meeting as well.  I talked to the Doctor afterwards and he said that the gastric roux-en-Y is the standard procedure.  He has never done a VSG.  Naturally, I don't want to be the 'first".  This is the only surgical center in Reno that my insurance will approve.

So that's what I'm going to concentrate on.  I have many hoops to jump through to satisfy the insurance company.  But I think it will be good for me to be as educated and informed as possible.  I have already met with a nutritionist every three weeks since June.  I haven't lost anything but I haven't gained anything either

About Me
Oct 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 6
Epidural Today
My Progress with diet and back problems
Met my surgeon
Orientation last night
