One year Surgiversary!

Feb 24, 2010

Well, it is now 1 year since my surgery.  How has this year been for me?  It has been an adventure to say the least.  I have lost weight I have not been able to do on my own, I have ridden my body of Diabetes II, my asthma is not a problem as before ( I will always have asthma, was born with it).  It has been wonderful to experience doing activities that I could not do before the surgery.  I went on an amusement ride with my son and did not worry about the seats being too small or the safety latches not fitting.  This winter I could get into my car with a JACKET on and not feel like I am squished in like a glove.  I don't feel like I walk into a room and am judged by my weight.  I can shop in a regular store and even the trendy ones and find clothes that will fit, and not just scarves and bracelets! 
Yes, it has been a terrific year.  I find that I move better.   I do NOT exercise though.  No, exercise is work.  Exercise is a chore.  But I DO play!!  Kids love to play!  I like to play!  I play on the WII and my scores are up there with my kids!  I still do Karate.  And I have discovered that I can RUN now!  That is something I have never been able to do!  My son and I go walking and then we will run a few telephone pole lengths.  Its not much, but its a start!!  By summer, I should be going at least 5 telephone pole lengths!! LOL  
But I believe that the most important part of this surgery is all the friends that I have met here and at the Support Group Meetings.  They are the best people that you can surround yourself with.  I would never have been able to do this without them.  They have the answers, the encouragement, and the honesty to tell you what you need to hear ( whether you like or not).   Thank you everyone in helping me succeed in the most important undertaking of my life.  I truly do love you!  

Grateful - 9 months out

Nov 18, 2009

Well, its been 9 months since my wonderful surgery!  I still believe this is the best thing I have EVER done for myself.  I have lost 72 pounds so far.  I have about 15 pounds to go.  I have not really lost any weight for a couple of months now.  I am really pretty much stable.  I do want to lose more, however, I am now so happy with the success, that I am not really in a hurry anymore to go further.  This is a lifelong commitment and I don't have to do this in a rush.  I have already reaped the major benefits of this surgery.  Mostly not having the diabetes and all its medications anymore.  My blood pressure is in normal ranges, my cholesterol too.  I am on the edge of "normal weight" according to the BMI standards.  So now I feel pretty normal.  I don't feel like I stand out as the "big" person in the room.   Anyway...  I am continuing to try to lose weight, and I do want to work harder at it.  In fact, I am excited that I want to start jogging!!  Its something I have never done!  I raced my 15 year old son to my car the other day, and I actually enjoyed the run!  I never was able to get those knees up and go!  That was awsome!   Those are the things that make you go... THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME MY LIFE BACK!!    I am grateful.  

7 months out now

Sep 22, 2009

Well, I am now 7 months out.  I now have lost 70.5 pounds!  I am now only on 3 prescription medications.  Two of which have nothing to do with weight related issues ( asthma- born with it, and allergies).  The third prescriptions is for vitamin D.  I do take alot of that.  But I would much rather take vitamins for the rest of my life than alot of prescriptions.  Vitamins don't have the side effects like drugs do.   Anyway...
I am feeling GREAT!  I can't get over the transformation.  I feel pretty "normal".  I don't feel I stand out when I am in public anymore.  You know how you have your own preception of yourself.  Whether its accurate or not, its still YOUR preception.  And at my pre-surgery weight, I felt like people saw a fat female before they saw ME.  Everything I did or everything I tought always related to my obesity.  If we went out to eat, I thought about my obesity... will I fit in a booth at this restaurant.  If I went for a walk... do people think "its about time she's walking"?   Now,  I feel like no one thinks those things anymore ( they probably never did in the first place).  I don't worry about where we are going to sit anymore, I don't think about anyone else looking at me anymore.   I can focus on other things now... the people I'm with, my surroundings, etc.  
I have noticed also, that I can see the results before the scales says anything.  I had been stuck at 156 for the longest time.  Yet, my clothes were fitting differently still, things kept changing... except the scale.   So I don't worry too much about what the scales says anymore.  I know my body is still doing what it has to do at its own pace.  And I am in this for life, so I will learn to be patient.
This is still the best thing I have ever done for myself.  I am sooo glad I did this.  I know I will be around for a long long time.   I thank God for blessing people like Dr. Giovanni with the knowledge to perform surgeries like this for us.    I appreciate my body so much more than if i was born thin.  I have more empathy for people who are not "perfect" than if I never experienced obesity and the related issues that go with it.  EVERYTHING happens for a reason.  This is my journey and I embrace it!     

5 months out update...

Jul 29, 2009

Its been awhile since I have written.  I am 5 months out now.  I have pretty much gotten used to the new way of eating ( knowing when to eat, when to drink, what to eat, etc)  I am still having trouble exercising regularly.  However, I have found that after losing weight, doing the exercising ( walking, gym, karate) have become much easier and more enjoyable now.  Before, it was such an effort to walk.  I would get tired and winded quickly.  Everyone walked way faster than me.  Now I have no problem.  In fact, my husband comments on how fast I walk now. I don't even notice it. 
I am really glad I had this surgery.  I am off ALL diabetes medications.  My blood sugars are usually between 79 and 100.  That was unthinkable before!  I was on 3 blood pressure medications and this week my Cardiologist cut my last blood pressure pill that I am on down to half a dose daily.  That was very exciting!   That is the only medication i am on that is related to weight.  I do take vitamins though.  As I will for the rest of my life. But that is so much better than meds.  Vitamins don't have the side effects that medications have. 
I am happy with the way that I look.  I can look in the mirror and recognize the person there.  I don't feel that I walk into the room and everyone looks up thinking "wow, look how fat she is".  Ok, maybe they didn't think that, but thats how you feel when your "plus" sized.  Now i feel normal.  Maybe they look at me because I'm pleasant to look at.  Who knows? I still have about 25 pounds to lose.  This may be why i am having trouble losing any more.  I do have to exercise more.  That will help ALOT!!  But thats all I want to lose.  I want to be a size 10.  I figure, at least I can shop for clothes anywhere and if the 10 is a little tight, then there is a size bigger available.  I don't think that is too small.  I'm not asking to be a size 2.  I think my family and friends would have me hospitalized if i got that small!!  LOL
Well, on with my day!  Until next time, folks! 

3 months out now

May 24, 2009

Well, its been 3 months now.  I am getting used to this new way of eating.  However, I think I need to eat more protein and drink more water.  But I don't stress so much anymore.   I have finally started losing weight again.  I am now down 44.2 pounds.  I feel so much better now.  I don't feel so "crowded" anymore.   I don't eat to get that "i am so full i need a wheelbarrow to move" feeling anymore.  I just stop eating when I am not hungry anymore and that seems to do it for me.  I still have a couple of weeks before I see my surgeon and find out what my blood work has to say.  And then I see my NUT right after that.  I am sure she is going to make some changes for me.   Thats all.  All done.  Until next blog..
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The latest... for now.

May 15, 2009

hey,  its been awhile since my last post, so I felt I was due.   I have not really lost weight for about 3 weeks.  It gets frustrating, but I know that your body has to catch up to the weightloss.  I have beefed up the exercising though.  I started going to the gym too now.  So thats 2 nights of karate and then the gym.  I don't know how often yet.  Usually, I will go like 3 times a week to start and then I quit.  So this time, I may only go once or twice a week and see how that goes.  If that goes well ( which I am sure it will) I can up it a day later.   This is a life thing, not a  quick fix.  
I am feeling good.  And I am eating regular food.   I did find out that you really have to be careful about "hidden" sugars in restaurants.  I had cranberry sauce ( 3 small bites) and got very very sick.  Come to find out, they put corn syrup in cranberry sauce.  WHO KNEW??  I was thinking fruit... I can eat fruit.   At least now I know what "dumping" really is and I don't want to do that again.  
I have gone from XXL shirts to L shirts.  From 22/24 pants to 14 pants.  So even though the scale is not moving,  the clothes are getting bigger.  I like that sign, but its hard when people ask you how much weight you've lost.  I generally tell them ( if I am close to them) that the scale has not moved, but the sizes have.  
Stay optimistic.  Send out the positive thoughts and desires.  It WILL happen!!! 

Already getting WOW moments...

Apr 14, 2009

Last night I already started getting my WOW moments.  I went to Karate last night and when I had my Gi on, I looked in the mirror in the dojo and actually could see for myself a difference in my size.  And my belt straps hang down to my knees now!   When we were doing our exercises, we were jogging in place.  When the teacher says "hit it" we go down for 10 push ups ( i do the girly kind ), I noticed that I got down on the floor and up again alot faster than I used to.  Before I was like an old lady working my way back up.  Not anymore!  Of course I thought this was just a personal observation.  Until on the way home my 14 year old son who takes the class with me said " I'm glad you had the surgery.  You get down on the floor and up again alot better.  Not like before where you were soooo slow.  I really like it"   I almost started to cry.  But I held it together.  Then my 13 year old daughter when I was saying good night to her later.  Told me that her friend Andrew said he saw me walking the other day.  He told her he didn't realize it was me, then he said when he saw it was Maile's mom, he told her "you mom looks gooooooooood!"  Wow, a compliment like that from a 13 year old boy!  I didn't think they noticed anything!  I am feeling pretty good right now.   I have lost 37 lbs so far and keep losing!   I really am glad I had this surgery.  I haven't felt so healthy in a long time!   I see my diabetes doctor on Friday.  Let's see what he has to say, hmmmmm. 

just an update

Apr 02, 2009

Well, I have gone back to work.   Now, I work the midnight shift, so trying to work my food into my schedule is pretty tough.  But if its worth it, it can be done ( I just made that up).  So what I am doing is...  starting my day when I wake up in the afternoon.  So in my journal i start with lunch and go to supper and then breakfast.  At work, I have a shake as a snack around 12:30 and then i have a yogurt which ends my day.   I think this is going to work for me.  
I have lost 30.3 lbs so far.  I am very optimistic about my health now.  Talk about an ego boost!  Going to work and hearing how great I look and all sure was nice.  I have never really experience something like that before.  To be honest I was a little uncomfortable too.  I wasn't sure how to react.  But I managed.  I feel really good too.  I have more energy and a better outlook on things.  Thats important.

First Month Surgiversary!

Mar 24, 2009

Well, this is my first month surgiversary.  I have lost 25.5 pounds since the pre-op diet.  Its been going very well.  I haven't yet had the dumping syndrome, even though I am experimenting with different foods my nutritionist has said I can start now.  However, I have been getting things stuck. Then having to vomit it up.  I now know what everyone means about the "sliming" that happens.  Thats exactly what it is.  Your throat takes on this slimy feel.  Then you know you are going to have to get rid of it.  I think my main problem is that i eat too fast.   I have to really concentrate on chewing a long time and then swallowing.  Thats tough for me, cuz I have always eaten fast.  But it is not impossible.  Heck, I've gone through so much as it is now, I can't imagine not learning to eat slow.  Sounds pretty minor compared to everything else.  Also, unfortunately I hurt my back.  How you ask???  Welllllllll,  on the 16th I went to see my surgeon for a follow up, she said I could go back to work on the 24th.  I told her that i was not sleeping in my bed yet and that I work the midnight shift.  Well, that didn't really mean anything i guess, cuz she still filled out the form for the 24th.  So, when i got home i figured i'd give sleeping in bed a try.  I got in and laid on my right side.  And fell asleep for a couple of hours.  Woke up and was in PAIN.   Well, now i am seeing a physical therapist.  She is wonderful. I am already getting better.  But I am not going back to work for another week, at least.  My stomach and the incisions are all pretty much better now.  Once my back is good i will be ready for the world!

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Post Op and then some

Mar 09, 2009

I had my  surgery on Feb 24, 2009.  I am sore.  It is after all major surgery.  But I am trying to do all the right things.  I am really making sure I get the proteins in and the fluids in.  I am really fretting over the possibility of hair loss.  I am  also taking Biotin everyday (cleared it with the doc first).  But even if it happens, I will deal with it and move on.  I have a terrific hairdresser so maybe she can help me when or if it needs to be addressed.  Other than that, I have still been sleeping on the recliner.  I can't lay on either side yet.  And I have never been able to sleep on my back.  So the recliner it is.  I am unsure whether to go back to work before I can sleep in bed.  I work midnights and I sleep during the day.  I see my surgeon next Monday. We'll see what she says about the whole thing.  I hope I lose a whole lot of weight by then!  Only time will tell.  See ya!

About Me
Warwick, RI
Surgery Date
May 27, 2008
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