
Feb 17, 2009

I was SOOOO excited to buy my first pair of size 16 jeans this past Friday ( use to wear a 26 jean). I can't even remember when the last time I even wore a size 16... High school, maybe. I called and texted a couple of my friends and family to share the good news. I think most of them thought I was crazy since they don't have a weight problem, and don't add up to a size 16 between them, but it was certainly a good feeling for me. I then realized that I can now shop in more then 2 stores at the mall... its giving the whole shopping experience a new light... I keep the shopping to a limit, since I know I will not remain this size very long... I am anxious for the warm weather... shorts and t-shirt weather!
Its amazing all the little stuff I notice. How I feel smaller driving the car (GMC Yukon)... how a towel can wrap all the way around me without a gap, being able to exercise without getting winded within 5 minutes... the feeling of being normal and that everyone doesn't stare... the latter was probably more in the head, but still, I'm sure some of you k now what I am talking about.
I will post some new pics soon.... probably by the end of the month. We be going to a couple of birthday parties over the next couple weekends and I'm sure I will be in a few pictures.
I will be four months out from WLS this Saturday (Feb. 21)...
I know the scale and clothes show a difference, but I still look in the mirror and see the same person... the same weight.
Nonetheless, I hope you are all doing well with your journies.

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Aug 31, 2008
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Hardest Day SO Far...
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