Almost to 1 year!

Jun 12, 2012

It's been a long time since I last posted. I currently weight 171.8. These last few months have been rocky, I would lose and then gain then lose again. I treat myself to snacks every now and then but I have been doing a little better with snacking. One thing that I am struggling with is not drinking a lot during the day. Today I went all day long without anything to drink until when I came home.  I think to get myself on track, I need to get back to using my personal fitness app on my phone to track food and drinks. I will send an email of my progress soon.

Not a great month!

Feb 15, 2012

 I won't write a long post, I  not too happy with myself. This was the worse month for me. I lost 5 pounds and all because I  slowly getting into my old habits. Not as far how much I eat but my choices. I had a lot of food that I should have walked away from such as cookies, cake, etc. I am challenging myself this month to get back on track. So bec


What a feeling!

Jan 14, 2012

 I have to make a quick post but I wanted to document my weight for this month. I am currently weighing 193.4 as of this morning. This month I had a total lost of 10. 4 pounds. Not bad considering this month I hit a few plateaus. Not to mention the 2 holidays. I feel so great. I love what I see when I look at myself in the mirror and pictures. Today I went out and rewarded myself for hitting wonderland. My reward was a new Coach bag. :-) love shopping! I plan to treat myself to a spa day once I hit 180. I hope to hit this goal by my birthday 3-31. 

Loving Me- feel sooooo good!

So Grateful

Jan 10, 2012

 This month (12/14-1/13) has been a slow weightloss for me but I have achieved a few great victories. So far this whole month I have lost a total of 8.8 pounds. Not bad considering that this month there were 2 major holidays. I had a little treat hear and there but I was still about to stick to my eating plan overall. As far as my NSVs, I finally hit onderland this month after getting out of a plateau. I am also able to join a few new workout classes without feeling out of breath or tired. Taking my vitamins is still a challenge for me because I still gag when I take them and lately overall I have been skipping them. As I am typing now I am going to set a plan to be more consistent with my vitamins.  As far as liquids, I do okay most days but I still can not drink a lot all at once. At times I can't drink my protein drink in one seating.  I am loving my sleeve and so grateful to my little pouch. I have come so far and I am loving the ride. 
Thank you my little tummy and my friends Will and Power! :-)

Onederland here I am!!!!!

Jan 05, 2012

I got on the scale this morning and I weighed 199! I am so excited and just want to enjoy hitting this milestone of my weightloss. I feel sooooooo good! Yeah me! Yeah me! Yeah me!

Almost There

Dec 05, 2011

Hi Everyone!
I am almost 100 pounds down. I am 2 pounds away from hitting this goal. Looking forward to hitting this goal before 6 month surgiversary on 12/14. My scale hit 208 on Thursday of last week. Since I hit 208 my weight has gone up and down each day but the whole number has stayed at 208. So it will be 208.8 and then 208.2. I have been grateful to see the 208 maintain each day and happy that it has not been a weight gain. So I hope and pray that by the end of this week, I will hit this goal and then I will focus on my next goal~ getting under 200 by the end of the year.

Yay me!

4 Month Update

Oct 21, 2011

Hi All,
I hope everyone is doing great! This past month was really challenging for me.  I am trying my best to stay positive. This past month I lost a total of 8 pounds. I went from 236 to 228.  I hit a few stalls this month. I just got out of a 2 week stall and finally moved from 228 to now 225 as of this morning. So I am happy to no longer see 228.  Now that I am in my 4th month, I hope to reach at least a 10 pound lost. So far I have lost 3 pounds of the 10 so I need to lose 7 pounds more by 11/14. I am making sure to diary all of my foods and trying to start running. Wish me luck this month!

3 Months

Sep 17, 2011

Hello ALl~ I apologize for being a few days late with my post. My home compter is running really slow these days.  On 9/14 (3months from my surgery) I weighed in at 236.  That is a total of 16 pounds for the month and total lost of 70 pounds total. I am really excited about my progress so far. When I started this journey I  set a goal weight of 230 pounds by my Disney Trip in November.  I can't believe that  I am almost at this goal in September. I hope to stay on track and I pray that I don't stall or anything. Well I will check in again in another week or so. I hope everyone is doing great on their journey as well.
Take care and happy weightloss!

Great Month So Far

Sep 02, 2011

I am currently still in my second month and so far so good. I have lost 10 so far. I still have until 9/14; that when I will officiallly start my 3rd month.  My goal this month is to at least lose what I lost last month which is 13 pounds. If would be great if I lost more but I want to at least match what I lost last month. From reading other posts I know that the first couple months are crucial because this is when I should lose higher numbers.  This month I am noticing that I am starting to fall off a little in preparing my meals for work. Just this week alone, i ate lunch almost at 5 pm when it was time for me to get ready go home and I know this is not good. So this weekend, I plan on creating a few meals for me to eat on this week. The problem that i struggle with is the fact that I don't like leftovers. I might be able to eat it once but after that, I am tired of it.  So I am going to work on a game plan to have a variety. My next post will be 9/14. It would be awesome if I could lost another 5 pounds by then. We will see.....

2 Month Update

Aug 17, 2011

Hello All~ I apologize for being a little late on my progress. I weighed myself on 8/14 and I weighed in at 252. I can not remember my weight for month 1 but I think I had a 10 pound lost.  I will have to check out my 1 month post. I feel like I am making good food choices. I am starting to get tired of eating and drinking the same thing. So I am on mission to find new drinks and food to help keep me focused on my weight lost journey. I must admit that i stopped taking my vitamins because I was starting to feel sick.  My goal for this month is to start taking my vitamins again. I could definitely use the energy.  It would be so great to lost another 10 pounds this month. At least 10 pounds!  Afterall, I need to stay on track for my Disney Vacation in November.

About Me
Jun 27, 2011
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