Protein Starved

Dec 22, 2012

Well, my hair is retaliating and falling out so incredibly much. Every time I take a shower or brush my hair, I lose a massive amount of hair. I haven't noticed it feeling thinner or looking thinner...I know many people who have much thicker hair than me, but I was originally blessed with pretty thick hair. I figure though it is only a matter of time before my hair starts to look thin.

I am not doing good at all on getting my protein in. I'm not giving myself a hard time on it, because I'm continuing to lose weight and take my vitamins everyday, but I do know that I really do need to be getting more protein in through my shakes.

Also, something that I realized post-op is that I am pretty sure I was pre-diabetic. I've noticed my eye site has gotten tons better...things aren't blurry like they were 3 months ago. I also don't get shaky if I don't eat every 2-3 hours. Before, I would definitely get shaky if I didn't eat several times throughout the day. So, I am so glad I avoided that health issue!

So, my stats are:

CW: 229!!!
3.5 months post-op.
80 pounds down
BMI 34.8 

I am so incredibly proud of myself. I have had issues of eating too quickly &/or too much and throwing it up. This was seeming to happen about once a week, but I think it's only happened once in the past I'm learning my new tummy and how incredibly small it is! I can go buy 1 taco, eat half of it for lunch and then, eat the other half for dinner. That is AWESOME!!!

I'm still eating laughing cow cheese wedges like they're going out of style and cashews. I eat a handful of chips once or twice a week. And, everyday I treat myself to a 16 ounce Dr Pepper slushie from RaceTrac. I drink 8-12 ounces of it. I know I shouldn't, but it's my way of "cheating" and still feeling like a did a great job with my nutritional intake! lol

Ok, well I hope everyone's journey is going great!

Hugs, Love and Skinny Thoughts.



About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2012
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