Life Cronicals Part 2

Aug 04, 2009

Well had a really good day today. I am sooo tired. It is really possible to do as much as I do in one day. I guess so since I did it. My workouts are going really good. I have finally gotten a routein down. My knees are always so weak after I worl out I am thinking it may be the hot tub. I have dropped 2 clothes sizes so far and I remembered I used to have some pretty cute clothes. The hardest thing to get down is remembering that my kids dint have the surgery and they still need to eat even though I am not hungry. My sons Coach told him tonight that he needs to put on a little but of weight. Out of all the problems people have in life I will take that problem any day of the week. My sons are really skinny and my beautiful daughter took after her Momma. It is just not fair. I know what she is going through. I just hate to see her get addicted to food like I am. And will always be, It is a daily struggle. Food is my drug, my bestfriend, my lover, my companion, my therapist, and my everythig. And now my relationship is changing with the only thing that has never let me down. It is almost like a morning period. But I am LOVIN my new life and wouldnt trade it for the world. This was hands down by far the best decision I EVER made!!!

Life cronicals part 1

Aug 03, 2009

Well I hit 78 lbs today. I started working out at 24 hour fitness. My living room just wasnt cuttin it anymore. I need some motivation. I did a mile on the bike , lifted some on this thing that made my arms burn and the did 15 minutes of hi-low aerobics. (thought I was gonna die) Then I did some laps in the pool, sat in the sauna for 10 minutes and relaxed in the hot tub. Then finished it all off with a nice cold shower.  LIFE IS GOOD!!! Hardest part in this whole thing is habits habits habits!!!

About Me
Garland, TX
Aug 02, 2009
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