hi let me start off by saying that i am glad i have found a site like this. i think it will really help me through what i am seriously thinking about doing to myself. i have been over weight all my life. but after the kids(3) i have really put on the pounds. my weight right now is probably about 320. my health is bad. i am on so much medications that its not funny. i have lost weight before only to put it back on plus more. i am a food addict. i eat all the time weather i am hungry or not. it seems i just can't stop.  i really want to have the lapband surgery but i don't know weather medicare and medicaid will pay for it. i am disabilty for bad ankles and a deformity in my right elbow. i am depressed all the time about my weight and feel that when i go out that everyone is looking at me. i hate to shop for clothes because i can never find anything to fit me right. i am in a loving relationship but he doesn't know how i feel about all this. he knows i want to lose weight but he also has health problems so i don't really talk to him about mine.i have three kids that are grown now and i have a 8 year old granddaughter. i would like to get healthy to see her grow up. i just can't seem to do it on my own. well i have bored you all long enough so i will close for now. thanks for reading.        tammy                                                                     

About Me
Jan 23, 2007
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