Frank_B posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
A long overdue visit back here - Well it has been a very long time for me since i have stopped by and said hi to everyone So hi to everyone that was here and that i know from back then and a hello to anyone new...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 2 months ago
Weekend - Heading to Miami tomorrow for a Business trip until Tuesday Maybe Finally i will get some needed sun!!!!!!!!

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
Happy Monday - Good morning everyone!!! Happy Monday!  Have a great week!!!!!!!

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
Hello all - Hello all,  Just back on my spotty check in and seeing how everyone is doing... I know i keep saying i'm going to try and get on here more often , shit just keeps happenin. B...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
HELLO!!!! - Hello all, i know i have not been active here with lots of things going on at home a re doing the basement since the hurricane.  i finally went back to the gym for the first time i...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Happy new year to my old friends -  Well it has been quite a few months since i have been online here ( life just got in the way) I just want to wish everyone a Happy New year and say Thanks for all your help and...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 9 months ago
Lost but not gone forever - Hello everyone Well things at home and work the last few months have been crazy and i have not been online much (ok not at all) But things are starting to slow down so i will...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
One Year ago - ONE YEAR AGO 9/15/10 One year ago i was getting close to 300 Lbs One year ago i was almost at a 50 " waist One year ago i was in XX LG shirts One year ago I was slowly dying ...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Hello from an old friend - Well thins got really crazy at work and at home and i have not been online in quite sometime. I just wanted to stop in and say hello and  yes i am still alive and kicking  LOL ...

Frank_B posted a comment 13 years ago
Beautiful pic

Frank_B accomplished a goal 13 years ago
go from a 46" waist to a 34" waist

Frank_B uploaded a photo 13 years ago

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Need weight training tips - I am  10 months out and for the most part the only thing i have been working on in the gym is cardio ( 30 - 45 mins a day on the treadmill at 4 - 4.5 speed)   i now need to sta...

Frank_B posted a comment 13 years ago
Ha ha thanks :)

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Back Again - Well the crazy traveling i have been on since the last week of June is finally over (for 2 weeks at least until i head out again) and i am back Just wanted to say Hello to every...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
On the road again - Well i have been home for a total of 2 days and i head back out on the road again. Heading to Orlando Florida tomorrow Peace out all!!!

Frank_B posted a comment 13 years ago
Ha ha yeah don't i wish But thank you

Frank_B posted a comment 13 years ago
you are too kind

Frank_B uploaded a photo 13 years ago

Frank_B uploaded a photo 13 years ago

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Tequila Volleyball in Mexico - This is the only way to play volley ball,  Tequila Volleyball everyday at 3:00pm  over 300 pics on my facebook wall if anyone wants to see them. I'm back until Sat  then i l...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Hola from Mexico - Still in Cancun just wanted to check in and say hi miss you all   Be back on Thursday Talk to you all then

Frank_B posted a comment 13 years ago
beautiful pic

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Happy 4th and i'm heading out agin until 7/14 - I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone and their families a happy 4th. I will be heading for a long overdue and deserved (at least i think i deserve it) vacation to Ca...

Frank_B posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Back from Boston - Well i am back from Boaston and a big hello to all.  Missed  chatting with you. Here for a week then off to Mexico for 8 days next  Tuesday
About Me
Woodbridge, NJ
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2010
Member Since

Friends 199

Latest Blog 7
