19 Months Post-Op RNY

Apr 12, 2013

Yes, it's exactly 19 months for me today.  I feel great - my weight is stable and it's almost as if it never happened.  My diabetes #s are better, I've transitioned onto an insulin pump, and started my doctoral studies.  These are all things that were on my to-do list for the past few years and now they are realities.  YAHOO!!

I have the best husband in the universe.  There is no debating this.  I could not have done this without his unending support and love.  UNENDING.

I also had the best surgeon in the world - Dr. Ken Murayama.  There is also no debating this fact either.  He's been the perfect match for me and is no SO into bariatrics that he forgets the people.  I will always be indebted to him.  Always. 

 That's it - just posting a little something....is there anyone reading this besides me?  Feel free to check in if you are....



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Sep 06, 2010
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