Long time since updated, weight 245

May 01, 2008

Oh boy, have I been in a downward spiral. Eating crappy. No restriction. No exercise. Major stress. New town. New job. No husband for three months. It's all getting better. Hubby is now here with me. Job still very stressful. Buying a house - major stress! Tomorrow I go in for my first fill in 7 months. I can't believe it's been that long! Looking forward to learning how to take care of myself again. Looking forward to losing some of this weight I've gained. Looking forward to feeling good again.


Mar 12, 2008

I wish I were in a better place. I moved two months ago and have eaten out a lot while in temporary quarters. I have not exercised at all since I moved and I have been stress eating. I estimate that I have gained as much as 10-15 lbs. I go to a lap band doc here next week to check on my damage and hopefully schedule another fill. I have effectively had just one fill, in August. I am ready to take control of my eating once again and I'm looking forward to having the restriction to help me. I have a new job that is just a mess. It's by far the hardest thing I've walked into and there have been some doosies. I miss my husband. We have been apart for two months and I've been doing the working full time single mom thing. Hubby will be here in a few days, and we will never be apart again. Estimated weight today: 245. Mood: sad. lonely. beaten down but not broken.

.5cc fluid removed, weight Monday 226

Nov 07, 2007

I thought I was going to die over the weekend. I could not even swallow my own spit. It was miserable, terrible!! So I went in Monday morning and doc took out .5 cc. I feel better, not much restriction, but at least I can eat and drink. I've been working on redhydrating myself. My exercise has been to get this house in order so we can sell it and move to Nevada!!!!!!! LOTS of work getting organized!!

14 week update, second fill

Nov 02, 2007

weight today: 235. Second fill...total of 2.2cc's. Very tight since fill. I have thrown up slime probably 10x since my fill 3 hours ago. I need to relax. Lots of stress right now. I am moving in 61 days! From Hawaii to Nevada! Got an exciting new job and I am stressing about it all. I have to sell my house, get the kids ready to transfer schools, buy a WHOLE new wardrobe, ugh! So I have to learn to relax! ha!

13 week update: Survived company, eating habits didn't fare so

Oct 20, 2007

Company is gone. Ate poorly. Weighed in 10/18, and weight was 236. Didn't lose. No surprise. Ate poorly. Didn't exercise. Time to get back to the basics and take care of me! I have a job interview in Nevada next week so I will be taking super care of myself to be in optimum condition and performance for the face to face interview. Yay me!

12 week update

Oct 10, 2007

Well, I have had company, and I don't have chips, pop and milk chocolate in the house anymore. My inlaws do though, and it seemed like it was everywhere. I had a hard time this week. I ate chips, some chocolate, and we ate out a lot. I ordered soup or chili everywhere we went, so I did fine with that. I have eaten more bread this week that ever since being banded (I normally don't eat much, if any). It has been hard, but I am going to be gentle on myself and make myself this pledge: you do not need to weigh in this week. Get back into your eating routine and exercise routine (and actually USE that new 24 hour fitness membership!) and weigh in next Wednesday, October 17. I cannot get another fill before Halloween (doc's orders) so I am going to have to up things from within myself. Goal for weigh in next week: 233.

11 week update

Oct 04, 2007

Feeling great. Week 11 and down to 236! I was down 2 lbs last week and 3 this week! And I haven't even been exercising! I know, I know, I HAVE to exercise, but I have had company, and I will for 3 more weeks. We've been eating out a lot and I have to be very careful. I know that I am pushing the limits, because even soup at a restaraunt has a ton of calories.

Weigh in

Sep 19, 2007

So I decided that since I had surgery on Wednesday, I would stop by the clinic each Wednesday to weigh in. Last week I lost two pounds. This week nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I have not exercised, but I'm not eating a lot either. It's been a stressful week at work and I know I haven't gotten my protein and water intake as high as it should be. I also have not gotten the sleep I need. Fiscal year closeout time - major stress. I will exercise this week and next Wednesday I WILL be in the 230's!!! I bought some Isopure to help with the protein intake. Will try to drink a bottle a day... Weight still 241. No barfing in 6 days! Yay me!

Threw up on fruit

Sep 13, 2007

yes, fruit. Three times. In my car. The first time, I knew it was coming, but couldn't pull over or stop. So I wore it. Then I found an empty plastic bag in my car and threw up two more times before getting home. All because I didn't chew pieces of honeydew and cantelope melon. Can't remember what it's called. Ugh...need to eat more slowly and chew, chew, chew... now I'm on liquids until tomorrow...

Weigh in

Sep 12, 2007

Today I stopped by the clinic and my weight is 241. I feel fat today. Head/mental stuff I guess. I'm down 31 lbs, and today it's been 8 weeks since I was banded! Yipee!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2006
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