I'm a 43 year old mother of 2.  I've been overweight all my life.  I decided almost 2 years ago to have surgery as all other avenues I had tried failed.  Last year I had gotten thru most of the nutritional insurance required classes when I ended up in the hosptial 20 days with an intestinal infection.  Follow-up surgery was required in April which made me so scared to even think about going thru with the surgery.  As I began to recover, I realized that this was going to just be a continuation of my health issues if I didn't get back on board with my plan for surgery.  I wake up at night gasping for air and so tired of feeling sick and tired.  I have a 8 year old daughter with Cerebral Palsey & Developmental delays that will depend on me long term and I need to get myself physically together for me and her.  MI've had to go thru the nutritional classes twice due to my illness and insurance requiring that the classess be completed within a 3 consecutive month period.   My husband is very supportive and excited to see me excited.  We've both been praying alot about this decision and that all will go well.  Now on to my journey and commitment to change for a lifetime....

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 4
4/3/07 Down 21 lbs and First Dietician Appt. Post Surgery
4 Days Post Surgery 3/4/07
2 Days Post Surgery 3/2/07
2/28/07 Surgery Day
