Sep 22, 2008

Lord you are so good!!!

I have been APPROVED!  Chris My surgeons coordinator called me about an hour ago to give me the wonderful news.  I can't explain the emotions that took over me.  I was shaking and my tears just came out.  My co-workers new it was good news because they heard me on the phone.  They are so happy for me.

1st. person I called.  My mother.
2nd. Person I called.  My Sister.
3rd. Person I called.  My DH.

I kind of wondered myself why he wasn't the 1st.  Maybe because I've decided not to make him my 1st. priority anymore.

I'm so happy words can't even explain.  Ever since Friday, I've been talking to god and telling him if it's meant to be than so be it.
So I know I'll be alright.

Can't wait to get home... Now I could really prepare.  One week from today I'll go into surgery that will change my life FOREVER.

Please have me in your prayers...
Thank you

I have a huge problem...

Sep 19, 2008

Or It might be simple.  I don't know as of yet. 

After many messages from loved ones (here at OH).  I've finally got the balls to call the insurance company and find out the status on my paperwork. 

So as per the insurance company my documents are still pending. 
Then in the afternoon I receive a call from my surgeons coordinator telling me that the ins. comp. is now requesting a 2 year progress report. 

Are they F*cking serious.  When I started this whole thing...  The first thing I did was call my Insurance company and ask them what was required for this surgery.  As per Healthnet.  I needed to be morbidly obesed (which I was) and I needed a six month evaluation from my PCP.  (Which I did).
Now they're going to hit me with this BS.
I can't believe this is happening to me.  I'm not going to get that upset as of yet.  I still have hope.
As per the coordinator my documents were passed on to the director manager.  And I will hopefully receive an answer on Monday afternoon.

Until then I will keep my fingers crossed.  And pray for my life... because basically this is what it is.

I will keep you posted...

I'm soooooo Excited...

Sep 18, 2008

LOL... I went for my pre-admission test today.  The nurse handed me a piece of paper with instructions on what should and what shouldn't be done the night before the surgery and the morning of the surgery... they then proceeded to do another EKG test and Chest X-Ray... They also took out more blood. 
As I sat there while they were doing all these things... my eyes got kinda teary.  This is it... It finally hit me.  I can't believe that I'm actually almost there.
I had a grin from ear to ear, and at the same time my stomach was in knots and all bubbly from me being nervous.
I have to be honest with you.  I am such a sucker.  After calling my surgeons coordinator and insurance company just to see why they haven't sent my paperwork.  My paperwork was finally submitted on Tuesday Sept. 15th.  That was 2 days ago, and I'm mortified to pick up the phone and call the insurance company to check the status.  I mean, what would actually happen if they tell me I wasn't approved.  I'm not going to even think about that.  I have to stay positive.  But it's still on the back of my head and it's killing me.

On another note... My DH is walking around the house like a wounded puppy.  Now he wants to be at his best.  Oh please... I'm so over this.  What he doesn't realize that this time around what he did really affected me... I'm up to the point where I just feel numb.  And I don't think that's a good thing.

Anyways... Just wanted to give everyone a quick update.
Hope everyone is okay...
Talk to you soon...


Sep 11, 2008

So I've been getting messages from people since my last post.  I have to be honest with you guys I never wanted to post any of my business on here.  But decided to do so because:

1.  I want to be able to look back at this.
2.  I want other peoples input on this.
3.  I don't need to worry about who sees this (What are the odds of somebody I know coming across this).
4.  I just need to vent to somebody that's not family and have to hear them constantly nag on how stupid I am.

Okay... So now back to what I was trying to tell you guys.  I've done some serious investigating with all this crazyness with my DH.  It drives me crazy that now that I'm trying to find things out, when I ask his friends and even some of my family members.  They all say.  "Don't worry if you really want to know you'll find out"... Like WTF.  They act like if it's right under my nose and I can't see it.  I hate that.  Don't throw hints... Just say what you have to say.  I get so angry because nobody wants to say anything... 
To make a long story short.  I heard through a grapevine that SHE moved to North Carolina and I confirmed that because I called her mothers house over there (Don't ask how I got the number) and she is there.  I also found out that SHE was here during this weekend.  So it doesn't take a genious to figure out that they were actually together.

This is too crazy for me.  I'm just exhausted and had enough of it.  So what does this have to do with OH?  Well I've come to the conclusion that I'm not alone on this.  There are a few profiles that I've read that they are experiencing more or less the same situation. 
Then again maybe not.
I'm having second thoughts because I have a few beautiful skinny friends that have gone through similar problems as well.

I just need to get rid of him, and do me.  For my sake and my childrens sake. 
He is just plain disrespectful and not healthy for me at all.  And since I'm getting this surgery to be healthy.  Maybe he's just another bad habit that I need to terminate :).

Until next time my friends...

My DH is a Jerk :(

Sep 10, 2008

I'm not proud to say but my DH likes to smoke pot.  Just so you'll know I don't do that.  I'll have a beer probably on the weekend.  But that's about it. 
Anyways, He's a truck driver.  On Friday I came home from work, picked up my kids and went home.
10:30 p.m. and no phone call from him and his phone was off.  I call his mother's house and spoke to his sister because I was worried sick.  She then calls me back and tells me that he's been arrested because he got caught in the truck smoking.  She said that's what his helper (cousin) said.  I'm worried sick and start calling every single precinct in the Bronx, because that's where he supposedly got caught.  I stood up to 3:30 a.m. calling every precinct.  He was nowhere to be found.  So I decided to call Central Booking.  That's where they take everybody to see the judge.  I call there he's not there either.  That's when I thought something wasn't right.
I finally turn myself to sleep.  Well at least I tried to sleep.  I get up the next day (Saturday) at 8:30 a.m. and start calling his family members because now I'm worried sick.  I tried calling Central Booking again and nothing.  He calls around 10:30 a.m. saying he's waiting to be seen by the judge.  I told him why aren't you listed.  He said I'm in Mount Vernon Criminal Court.  The phone hangs up.  And I'm still left with doubts.  So I go online.... There is no Mount Vernon Listed.  I call 411 there's no such thing as Mount Vernon.  I spend the rest of the day in the house with mixed feelings...worried sick, confused and Mad. 
Anyway... the next day... I wake up crying in bed because I feel helpless.  I'm worried sick.  He's never done this kind of thing before.  And I still don't know whether he's lying or not.  I told myself I will wait until he comes out.  I don't think he's that stupid because he needs to show me release forms from court.
6:38 p.m. I get a call.  "I'm out" he says.  I said "you want me to go pick you up"  He said no.  I'll jump on the train.  Meet me in Brooklyn at my barber.  I need a shape up". 
Hmmm... I think.  That's really strange.  If I was in a slammer for 3 days.  I would run home to take a bath.  Then eat then go get a shape up. 
I change the kids.  Jump in the car and go pick him up.

LOL... I have to laugh because I'm sick of all the tears.  This man stood in front of me with a shape up that looks like it was given just a few days ago.  It was beginning to outgrow.  Could it be because he got the shape up on Friday when he went away on his romantic getaway. 
I asked him for his release paper.  The idiot hands me a copy of a moneygram he paid and said all he did was get fined.  I went crazy.  I felt so bad for the kids.  I hate getting played the fool.  I'm so sick of it.  I told him he needs to go.  I'm hurt but I can't keep doing this to myself.  I'm only lying to myself.  I'll be alright.  My kids will be alright. 
I feel bad for him.  Real bad.

Quick Update

Sep 03, 2008

Hi Everyone,

Today was my 6th. Month appt. with my PCP.  I was so excited.  Dr. Bangy is great.  She had one of her girls type the letter in front of me, and gave me my B12 shot.  I couldn't believe my weight is now 297 pds.  That's so scary.
I rushed to work and couldn't help but to smile on the whole ride here.  I'm so happy the time is coming.  I'm not going to lie.  I do have mixed feelings though... but more happy feelings then sad.
As soon as I came into work, I faxed over the letter to Dr. Merola's coordinator, called to make sure they received it.  The coordinator states there is a white line running down the page and wants me to fax it to another number.  I know that line is coming from my fax so I sent it anyway to the other number then called my pcp and spoke to the girl that typed up my letter so she could fax it as well.
I don't mean to be a pain in the ass.  It's that this needs to be done today so the papers could go through today because if not I'm scared that will throw off my surgery date.  And I don't want that.
A great part of me is sooooo excited and a small part of me is scared.  I know I'll be okay.  I guess this is normal.
So my loved ones... all I wait now is to get that call letting me know I am approved, and I am well off... LOL.
Can't wait.

Until Next Time

Just can't stop thinking...

Aug 19, 2008

Of some of the stuff I am hearing from certain people after I told them I have the date already.  Mind you... I've purposely selected to tell very few, just because of what I heard on some of the blogs that I've read here.

Me and my hubby have gone through our bad times.  There is alot that I have not mention on here just because I try to keep these blogs all about my weight lost journey.  But just so you'll know.  Me and my husband have been together for 12 yrs.
Out of the 12 yrs. we seperated because we weren't seeing eye to eye and I found out he cheated on me.  During our 1 1/2 yr seperation he hooked up with a low life.  I say it because that's what she is.  He never stopped trying to get back with me.  When I saw the path he was taking... It hurted me, and then I knew I still loved him, so I got back with him.  It's been almost 2 1/2 yrs.  Since I got back with him.
Since then I got pregnant and found him cheating on me with her 3 times.  The last time it was so bad because I found him with another cell phone he had purchased and hidden from me just so he could talk to her.  He tells me that it's not what I think.  I say it's Bullshit... lol.  I only spoke to this chick once and that was when I got back with him 2 yrs. ago and she was still hitting him up on his cell phone.

Now to get to where I was talking about.  Now that most people know about my surgery... I am constantly hearing how after I loose the weight, how I'm going to leave him.  It bothers me because I'm not with him because I can't do better.  I am with him because I LOVE HIM.  I know it sounds stupid.  Your probably sitting there reading this and saying "girl you are crazy"  but I'm not.  We have so much history.  I've done my share of dirt also.  But, I tell him that was 8 yrs. ago I'm done with that.  I want the family thing.  We have kids.  I've actually dated when we broke up and didn't like the type of guys I was meeting.  I believe we could work this out.  I am not naive and I don't have a cloud over my head.  I know exactly what's going on and I know when something is up with him.  I know him that good.  Don't get me wrong.  When I found out about him still talking to her... all hell broke loose.  I even went as far as changing my lock.  I have to work this out with him.  He is good in other ways.  He's good with the kids.  He's a hard worker.  He's not physically or verbally abusive in any way.  If anything... I'm the crazy one that goes balistic from time to time. 
It's just this one little Glitch and it's that Bitch... lol... u get it.  It rhymes... lol.
But seriously, maybe it's a sick battle and I refuse to let her win and even though I don't know if the prize is worth the battle.  But still I refuse to let her have her way with my family.
Then another part of me says... maybe that's why I'm sticking around... just because it's a battle and I don't want to loose.  When there isn't a battle maybe I'll say my goodbyes to him and then he'll be the one suffering and crying.

I just don't know anymore...
It's so much to take in....

Wow... This was a long one... It felt good to let out my thoughts.
Until next time...


Aug 14, 2008

Some progress in this long journey... LOL.

So yesterday was such a long day for me... I went to work as usual but came out early because I had 2 appointments.  I left at 2 p.m. because I wanted to also try and get to Motor Vehicles.  I lost my license over the weekend  so I took the opportunity to go get a new one.  After Motor Vehicles I went to Dr. Bangy who is my PCP and found out I gained 3 more pounds.  I got so sad.  I can't believe how my weight keeps going up and up.  It's so scary.  So right now I'm at 295.  Wow, this is the biggest I've ever been.  I feel horrible.

After that, I jump in my car and head out to my next appointment which is with my surgeon Dr. Merola.
I thought that I was just going in there to let him know all the details on all my appointments and I also wanted to know if there was any other appointments he needed me to go to because god only knows how fast I'm trying to get through all this.
Well... to my amazement... I didn't need to say anything to him because when he opened my chart up he had all the results from each doctor that I've gone to see.  So according to Dr. Merola, all he really needs is just the letter from Dr. Bangy so that all my papers could go to the insurance company for the approval. 
September will be my last month for the 6 mth. evaluation.  Dr. Merola asked me to get that letter from Dr. Bangy the 1st. week of Sept. so that they could submit the papers and get this......


I sat in that seat in shock... I couldn't believe my ears.  His assistant had to repeat it to me like 3 times because I wasn't really understanding it... lol.
I've read so many stories here where they get approved and then they get their date.
Here I am with the date.
I will keep my fingers crossed... throughout this whole time until I get the word from the insurance company.

And to add to this excitement... Last night I found my wallet in my car... LOL. 

Until next time....

Blah... Part 2... lol

Aug 06, 2008

Nothing much has been going on.  Just waiting until next month so I could get the letter from my PCP and see if I get approved.
I must say I'm super nervous about the approval.  I don't want to think negative.  But, I can't help these "What if's".
I'll try not to think of that.

Let me fill you in on how it's been Since the last post.  On July 8th. I had an appointment with the Gastro-Something specialist.  He was so sweet, and acted very delighted when I told him I was looking to get the Gastric Bypass Surgery.  He told me he thinks thats the best solution for me.  And to top it off when I told him my surgeons name, he smiled and said that Dr. Merola is great.  That made me smile, because that is 2 doctors that have already told me the same about Dr. Merola.
So I weighed in at 293 pds. at this appointment.

So then on July 11th. I went for my monthly evaluation with Dr. Bangy and still weighed in at 293 pds.  I feel so horrible with this weight.  I just want to cry .

Now, on July 24th. I leave to Florida for our Family Vacation.  I was so nervous because we were going to my husbands side of the family house and they haven't seen me in years, and I was just cringing at the idea of the looks and comments I would probably receive from them.  Well, to make a long story short, I tried to make the best of the situation and keep my mind off of what people thought of me.  I must say though they didn't make me feel umcomfortable at all.  But I was the head jokes for my Brother-In-Law.  I kept coming back at him that he shouldn't talk because HIS girl wasn't too far from where I'm at right now.

Took the kids to Disney... it was beautiful.  I thought I was going to be in alot of pain, but I made it happen, and it was all worth it.  But I must say, my legs have been swollen since. I went everywhere... Orlando, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, South Beach... I was exhausted .

I know my brother-in-law doesn't mean to hurt my feelings.  But, he would never know how I feel.  I don't show my feelings.  That is why they say things and think it's okay.  I'm just tired.  Throughout the whole time I just kept saying to myself... one more month girl, one more month.
I hope this doesn't take any longer, I'm so desperate.

Until Next time...


Jun 09, 2008

Hello Everyone,

I feel as if this is draggin.  I believe that it's worth the wait though.  I'm trying to zoom through all the needed appointments as soon as I can.  

May was a very busy month... 

I went to the Nutritionist on May 17th.  She was very informative.  I weighed in at 292 pds.  She suggested I start cutting down on some bad habits from now, so when I do the surgery it wouldn't be to hard on me.  No Soda and No regular sugar on my coffee seemed to worry me the most.  She gave me a list of things I will be eating and explained to me how I would be eating it.

On May 22nd. I went to do the Psych examination.  
Just like everyone says... It's just a whole bunch of weird questions.  But, I answered them as best as I could.

So now I go for my monthly visit with my PCP. 6/8/08.
I get on the scale and I weigh 288 pds.  (what the hell) my weight just fluctuates.
I asked her when she will issue this letter the insurance company needs... 
she looks at my chart and tells me in October. 
I could've sworn it was in September, but supposedly they don't count the 1st. month... I beg to differ... but that is something I will have to deal with when the time comes.

Doc also tells me my liver enzimes are still high and after abdominal ultrasound and several blood work she can't figure out why.
So more blood work was done if this shall still come out high then I have to see  a gastro something... specialist... lol.

Just wanted to give you an update...
Hope all is well with my OH Fam.
Until next time....

About Me
Brooklyn, NY
Dec 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 73

Latest Blog 25
I survived thanksgiving... LOL
Life is looking good...
Well the 29th of this month...
Lots of madness...
Thank you Lord Jesus...
I'm Back
I'm a nervous wreck!!!
