ELISA F. 20 years, 9 months ago

hi grady i hope your doin fine. i am praying for you. hope you have a fast recovery. god bless you!!

Carol K. 20 years, 9 months ago

Angel landing! I spoke with Gradys mom this morning (wonderful wonderful lady!!!!) sometime today Grady should be moved from SICU to step down, which I understood was in between SICU and a regular room. Grady is doing very well, up and about a little bit moving from bed to chair, etc. All went well with his test for leaks on Tuesday so they are able to give him some liquids now. I understood that Wednesday was a bum day for him and he was a little upset but back to his old self and smiling that sweet smile on Thurs. He had a little bleeding externally from an incision and to get his blood level back up they gave him 5 pints of blood. This seemed to have helped and he is doing much better today. Still in great need of those prayers so please keep them coming in and send support to his page. I know when he gets back he is going to love reading all the sweet,caring comments everyone is leaving. On behalf of the family, thank you all so much for all the prayers, posts and inquiries. They are greatly appreciated. Until further news.....angel lifting off...

Cisbell 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi Grady--saw you made it thru surgery, welcome to the losers. You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.

vonnie2304 20 years, 9 months ago

Grady, so glad to hear that you made it through surgery without complication. I will be praying for your speedy recovery and that you are back home to your wife as soon as possible. Best wishes to you.

Carol K. 20 years, 9 months ago

Angel landing ......UPDATE!!!!Talked with Glenda and Grady has been up for the first time on his own! Grady will be going for his test for leaks at 1p.m. but he is resting good under the circumstances. They are restricting his fluids until the leakage test which is understandable. He is still in great spirits and doing quite well. Still some pain and still in SICU and they are hoping to be home by the weekend providing all goes well. Keep those prayers coming folks!!!!

Carol K. 20 years, 9 months ago

Angel landing! I talked with Glenda last night and she said Grady was doing great. He was in some pain but doing well. She said that when she went in at 5:00 pm he was resting really well but when he awoke he was his humorous, witty self which is a really good sign! He is still carrying with him that wonderful positive outlook he has. He wasnt allowed anything to drink or ice chips yesterday but wanted them. Which was another good sign. They were giving him steralites that he was soaking and putting on his lips and at the time I talked with Glenda he had used all of them and was actually wanting to be slid up in bed. Again he was in pain, with all his incisions on his left side but was in good spirits. I should be hearing another update in a few hours, visiting hours for SICU is every few hours. If he does as well today they will be moving him to a regular room for the remainder of his stay. Please keep on praying for his speedy recovery. On behalf of the family, thank you all for your support, love and prayers. They are greatly appreciated but still very much needed! Until a further update, this angel is taking off!

Margaret T. 20 years, 9 months ago


jjtheba 20 years, 9 months ago

May God bless you with a prompt healing procedure that will renew your health and life. God bless Janice 353/139-142

Carol K. 20 years, 9 months ago

Clear the runway! Angel landing! Grady is out of surgery! Doc Matthews called at 11:15 and told Glenda that everything went well but was difficult. Grady had some hornery intestines that wanted to try and curl so the surgery was a little longer and more difficult than expected but he is doing great so far. He is in ICU and Doc M. says he doesnt foresee any trouble at all. Keep those prayers coming in on a continual basis please!!!!!!!! Until further news.....angel taking off!!!!!

PeggyF 20 years, 9 months ago

Grady--may God bless you! Please stop in chat and let us know how you are doing..K?? See ya there!!
About Me
Fayette, AL
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2002
Member Since
