Wow..I don't even know where to begin my story.  I guess that I will begin with why I decided to go down this road....

I have many health problems that have brought me to the decision of having the lap-band put in.  I have high blood pressure, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Borderline Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypothyroidism to name a few.  I am doing this first and foremost to improve my health, to get off many of the medications that I am on, and to be a healthy and active mom and wife for my two beautiful children and wonderful and supportive husband.  I want to be a good role model for my children and I want to be around to watch them grow.  It was hard at first to admit that I couldn't do this on my own.  I hate failing and typically if I set a goal for myself, I succeed, but not with losing weight.  I have done it all, tried it all, and have failed over and over again.  Honestly, I felt like I was taking the "easy way out " by getting banded and felt I was giving up on myself.  That is UNTIL I started researching it and found that not only is this NOT the easy way out, but it is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done.  

A year ago when I began researching, had my first consultation, etc... I found that I was not alone and a lot of my problem has stemmed from health related issues.  Don't get me wrong, I have eaten my fair share of junk, but I am not an individual that over eats on a regular basis. When I feel like crap, I eat like crap and when I crave, I crave until I have eaten the craved food.  I am hoping that my cravings are curbed in this process and that once I start losing, I will feel better and making great food choices will become second hand.  

I see this as being a great decision for my whole family and know that we will all eat better.  I love to ride my bike, I love to play sports, I love to swim, and yet I don't have the energy to partake in these activities on a regular basis.  I play with my kids and the daycare children in my care, clean house, and love to garden, but those are my typical daily activities.  By the end of the day, I am done and even thinking about jumping on my elliptical trainer or riding my bike sounds crazy.  Therefore, I hope my energy level will increase and at the end of my day I will want to keep going and want to add more exercise to my daily life.  

My biggest goal is that in a year I can be proud, my husband will be proud, and my children will be proud of what I have accomplished. I am so ready to finally win the battle that I have had with my body and look forward to this path to a new and healthy Angie.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 35
