Heather Kimmey (Ward)


Aug 12, 2007

I haven't posted in quite awhile. I am not over a year out and I have hit all my goals that I posted in the beginning of things I want to be able to do. This has been the most amazing year. Not only from losing weight and becoming healthier, but with all the amazing friends I have met. I have also been contacted via e-mail by people around the country who have seen my picture. People have been calling me inspirational. That blows my mind. I mean, me?? It really makes me feel good that I am able at this stage to help others. It helps keep me on track as well. I am always willing to talk to anyone that needs help. My cell phone is: 215-692-0054 for anyone that needs it!

Due to job changes, I have taken over the monthly support group in my area and it's now at my house once a month!!

I just can say enough about this past year. It defies words!



Jun 17, 2007

GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I officially hit goal this morning. 2 days shy of 11 months. What an amazing 11 months it has been. Dr. Brader's goal for me was 150, mine was 145 and as of this morning, I am 145!!!! I had to share this with all my friends. I thank each and every one of you. You have all been instrumental in keeping me on track and with the program to allow me to reach goal. So, here's a big high five to this board - I'm not sure I would have been as successful without you!!!

Last July, I walked into Barix weighing 299, then 285 the day of surgery. This morning, I am 145 - my goodness, I lost a whole person. I weigh the same as my husband now!! I wear 6's or 8's as opposed to 30/32's. My BMI is now 24.8!!! I am normal!!

I'm sitting here crying as I write this, this has been a most amazing journey that I got to share with such wonderful people.

I had to share my news this morning first with my friends!! Thanks for reading and sharing all this with me.


Apr 24, 2007

Wow, what can I say, I am 9 months out!!  It has been an amzazing journey. I am scheduled for plastic surgery on 5/19/07. I can't believe how fast this is all happening. I am so glad tI had this surgery. Even it's not always easy, it's always awesome!!  I get messages from newbies asking my advice and telling me what an inspiration I am to them. How did I go from being a newbie to being able to help others - it's incredible. Barix has now put me on their wall of fame!!  How amazing is that?  I was so honored when they asked me.  I couldn't believe it.  Another WOW happened yesterday. I was getting the mail at work and I got honked at!!  Me, can you believe it???!!!  I had to look around and see what they were honking at - LOL!!! 

For anyone that is actually reading this and your're just starting out, let me tell you, you'll never regret doing this.  It's awesome!!




Apr 04, 2007

Well, I now fit into a size 10. Can you believe it, me, a size 10!!! It's unreal. I also can now wear my husbands jeans. He wears a 33. I've never been this small in the 11 years we've been together. This has been an amazing 8 months. I saw Dr. Chapin and he thinks he can do good things with me.  I got denied on my initial claim to insurance but I am in the middle of appealing it.  Hopefully it will go through.  I can't live with the excess skin. It's the one thing bringing  me down and not feeling totally satisfied an happy with my progress. I know that is ridiculous, but I can't help it. Everyone says I'm done, but I can't see it because I cannot see past the skin.  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled I had surgery and thrilled with the changes, it's not like I'm miserable, I just have my good days and bad days. But I think we're all like that no matter where we are, even people who haven't gone through all this. I have skinny friends who have good days and bad days, so I'm not too worried about it. What ever is meant to happen will happen!!  In the meantime, I'm still enjoying the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 25, 2007

Well, it's been awhile again - LOL!! I'm not very good at getting this updated. As of this morning, I am 168. That is 117 pounds since surgery and 131 total.  I put my husband's jeans on last week and could button them, couldn't zi[p them yet, but it will come soon enough.  Things have been a little rough lately.  I just found out when I went to see someone, that I probably am Bipolar.  That was hard to take, but it did explain a lot.  It breaks my heart a little though, my husband is Bipolar as well and it seems as if genetics kicked us in the ass!!  We are dealing with our son who is ADHD and just recently told that he is quite possibly early onset Bipolar.  In addition to dealing with all of that, I have some other major issues that I'm dealing with.   But things seem to be on an upswing, so that is good.   I did get a promotion at work last week!!  I am now our Commercial Lines Manager. It's one step closer to my ultimate goal and my "successing" plan that we worked on last year in Chambersburg!!  So things are definately looking up!  I don't have much more weight to lose to goal before plastics. I have to make an appointment for a consult so the expert can tell me how much more weight I need tobe at before he'll consider anything. 

Well, that's all for now. I know I promise this all the time, but I'll try to get better with updating.


Jan 09, 2007

Well, it's been a week since I lost anything.  I've put some feelers out and who knew - not enough calories. Who ever thought that would be a problem - LOL!! I think I'm supposed to be getting around 1,000 calories a day. I've been averaging 650-750. If I go much higher than that, I start to panic. I'm going to try real hard to get the count up.  Today I got up to 820.  I'm trying. It's hard though.  Anyway, on the good news front, my tests came back good. No cancer cells or pre-cancer cells. I still have to go every 6 months for a PAP until I get 3 in a row that are clean.  I only got to 2 last time before the abnormal results came back, so now I have to start my 3 all over again - oh well, better safe than sorry!!

I'll update and let you know how the increased calories seem to work.


Jan 02, 2007

I'm so not good at updating this. I can't even put into words what I feel. On 11/28/06, I lost a total of 100 punds since I started this journey.  In June before surgery, I weighed 299 pounds. As of the morning of 11/28, I weighed 199 - WOW! I cannot remember the last time I weighed anything that started with a 1. As of yesterday morning, I now weigh 185. That is exactly 100 pounds lost since surgery.  As my daughter says, "Holy Crud Muffin"!  I am wearing sizes I never thought possible.  It's been an amazing journey so far.  Although , I hear that around this time out (I'm 5 months out), we start to hit a depression. Well, it's hit big time. And having other issues doesn't help.  I have to go today to get a cervical biopsy.  I had to do it last year and all was clear, but my test results are not getting better. So they are concerned and are doing the biopsy again.  If you're reading this, please say a prayer for me!  I think it's only natural, but I am having a hard time seeing the full impact of what I've accomplished. I have to keep pictures with me all the time to remind myself. I have also having problems with the skin issue (I know, join the crowd - LOL).  I have other issues that I have to deal with if I want to keep my marriage intact as well.  I know I can because he is the best husband anyone could ask for. He is so supportive and loving!!  This surgery changes so much besides the physical.  It's a tough road to travel - but one I wouldn't dream of not travelling.  There isn't one thing I regret. I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat.  Luckily, the one problem I don't have is with food. I don't have cravings and I haven't tried things I shouldn't . For right now, I have a good handle on that. In fact, sometimes, I have to force myself to eat something.  I don't really have a great desire to eat most of the time.  I also cannot seem to eat as much as others do at my stage - which is fine with me.  I know that will change someday, so I'm enjoying it.  For example, last night I made mMexican chicken and could only eat 1.5 oz of chicken.  Oh well, with the shake I do every day, I still get in my protein, so that's okay.  Here's to a fabulous 2007!!


Nov 08, 2006

Wow, I can't believe I haven't updated in awhile. Things are unbelievable!!  I am down 74 pounds this morning.  I am wearing 18/20.  I don't remember the last time I wore that size. I had a pretty big WOW moment last week, I had to move the seat up in my van to reach the pedals. My stomach no longer takes up the space!  I had to go see my PCP the other day and he hasn't seen me since before surgery.  He actually hugged me!  He said it's good to see me wearing tailored clothes.  My husband is enjoying the changes too.  The only problem I'm having right now is that I'm getting bored with eating.  Nothing seems to appeal to me.  Oh well, I'll figure it out.  LOL! 


Oct 22, 2006

Wow!  219.  I can't believe how well this is going. After my fist stall, I've seemed to just keep going.  Some days it's hard to get in all my food.  Weekends are tough  because I don't have a schedule, without a schedule, I don't remember to eat.  I'm getting better at it though.  I just passed 3 months out!!  I feel incredible.  The only problem I still have it sometimes I eat too fast.  I just went to the PA Pilgrimage last weekend. It was my first one. What an awesome experience and a wonderful group of people.  I never really felt like I belonged anywhere and this group changes all of that. I really feel like a part of something for the first time in my life.  This surgery has really changed things for me and not just with weight loss.  I put on  a dress this morning that I haven't been able to wear since the first year my husband and I were together and that's been almost 11 years!!  And here's the best part - it's too big!!!!!!!  Gotta go, I'll update more later.


Oct 20, 2006

Well, I started off the day at 229. Oh my God!  I think the last
time I weighed that was right after my son was born and I dropped a lot
of weight real fast.  However, that's as low as it went and it didn't
last.  I was at Walmart today and bought a shirt - size 18/20.  WOW!!! 
It's been a great day, actually a great weekend. My husband and
daughter are away and me and my son got to spend a nice weekend together. 
This morning, he had his football game. He did great. He almost scored a
touchdown!!  Well, I'm off to bed now. 

About Me
Harleysville, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 10, 2006
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