2 1/2 years later.....

Oct 31, 2012

Well, it is now 2 and 1/2 years after my surgery. 30 months! Officially at goal weight, which surprised me, because at 18 months I got stuck 15 pounds away, I was completely OK with that too.  I was so proud of what I accomplished, and couldn't believe i was wearing a size 8 pair of pants, I was in my glory.  I decided to stop using splenda, after reading a lot about artificial sweeteners, I am not a granola, tree-hugging hippy dippy person (and please do not take that as a dig at people that are) but this time, I decided, artificial just may be bad, so I went back to natural raw sugar in my coffee and tea, just a little bit, and suddenly the 15 pounds came off.  Amazingly that 15 pounds brought me down to a size 6, then my skeletal structure seemed to come together and made me smaller, so now I am in a size 4.  WHO WOULD EVER HAVE THOUGHT THAT? I wasn't even a size 4 in high school.  I convinced 2 of my closest friends to travel down the road of weight loss surgery, and they are doing terrific!  My boyfriend of 6 years proposed and we got married just 11 days ago!  I bought a wedding dress off the rack and the only true alterations it needed was hemming. I looked amazing. I felt like a gazillion dollars.  I never knew how good it would feel. I still can not truly put into words how amazing I felt, letting my hubby look at me in my gown, having people look at me, and honestly believing them when they told me how beautiful I looked.  Self Confidence is wonderful.  My only problem now is finding the right cushion for my bony tailbone! Ha, talk about first world problems!  Anyway, as you can tell I am thrilled, over the moon, happy.  If I could do it, you can to. It was worth every step!


Home stretch!

Apr 20, 2010

This is the home stretch, surgery is 5 days from now and I am so ready! Finished my last preop today, my update of history and physical with my surgeon.  The scariest part of my day was waiting to hear the results of my chest X-Ray.  My biggest fear since having my prophylactic bilateral mastecomy was that one day a tumor would pop up on my sternum.  It is such a small and improbable chance that I feel reaelly silly about this being the one thing that freaks me out.  Of course, Dr. Li who has the best bedside manner, told me it was fine, and justified my fears. She told me not to feel silly because I have been through so much loss, and it isn't easy. Just having a physician accept your fear and not criticize you is such a blessing. We all know there are some out there that just don't have the patience for their patients.  I am so thankful to have met her and have her be my guide through this journey.

The next time I make an entry will be from the Loser's Bench!!!!!

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Moving Forward

Mar 25, 2010

I have a checklist of things I need to do before my surgery April 26th. I find myself fortunate to have such wonderful insurance that I do not need to jump through the hoops that most people do.  Last night was my sleep study. What a joke, I am certain they have no idea if I have sleep apnea because I could not get comfortable with all those wires in my head. Thank God I brought my own pillow or it would have been a total disaster. 
Today I go back to my primary care, who I love, but hate the people that run his office. I saw him in december and in order for him to do his one part of the job whcih is to write my letter of all things tried and failed over the last two years, they are making me see him again. Oh well, at least we laugh about crap and its not a bad time.
I switched rheumatologists and see my new one on monday, I hope that is a good meeting. The last one could not or would not put an exact name on what I have, Undifferentiated COnnective tissue disorder/lupus/ etc but he did tell me that I could no longer work in a job that kept me on my feet, and i was soooo close to finishing my nursing degree.  I am hoping that with the VSG and less weight on my bones, whatever this mystery illness is will go away. Then I will finish nursing school and be a happy girl.
I want to be thin so bad I can literally taste it. This has been a very long crazy journey and has not followed the roads that I thought it would.
My perfect, perky silicone replacement breasts want to be the center of attention, and I believe they should be, and I can't wait for that to be fact. Giving up so much at my age was hard, but not nearly as hard as having to put on size 20 pants every day when I go to work.
Tomorrow is my 3 hour nutrition class and I am very interested to hear the rest of the process as to what I will be putting in my new tiny stomach.

This is the Beginning

Mar 14, 2010

It has been a long road for me over the last four years.  I have divorced, moved to a new state for a fresh start, was diagnosed with the genetic link to breast and ovarian cancer, lost my younger sister to breast cancer, and have put on an enormous amount of weight due to hormone imbalances brought upon by removing some female anatomy to save myself from developing cancer.  
Overall I have a wonderful life now with a great job, a good man, two loving kitties, but I am extremely unhealthy. I have put on so much weight, regardless that I am already on a low calorie diet, and I try to excercise consistently.  I am now taking this journey to help myself get healthy.  I have done so much to prevent sickness to myself, this seems to be the best next step.  I know it will not be easy, but nothing I have been through has been.  I am looking forward to this leg of my journey in becoming a healthy me.


About Me
Sykesville, MD
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2010
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