Home stretch!

Apr 20, 2010

This is the home stretch, surgery is 5 days from now and I am so ready! Finished my last preop today, my update of history and physical with my surgeon.  The scariest part of my day was waiting to hear the results of my chest X-Ray.  My biggest fear since having my prophylactic bilateral mastecomy was that one day a tumor would pop up on my sternum.  It is such a small and improbable chance that I feel reaelly silly about this being the one thing that freaks me out.  Of course, Dr. Li who has the best bedside manner, told me it was fine, and justified my fears. She told me not to feel silly because I have been through so much loss, and it isn't easy. Just having a physician accept your fear and not criticize you is such a blessing. We all know there are some out there that just don't have the patience for their patients.  I am so thankful to have met her and have her be my guide through this journey.

The next time I make an entry will be from the Loser's Bench!!!!!

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About Me
Sykesville, MD
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2010
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