Helen_Anne posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago

Update.... I had my Endoscopic Stitch procedure on Friday... the first couple of days were rough. I was in the hospital overnight... standard practice for my MD. First day only IV Fluids... clear liquid the 2nd day. I had some pain... but had the very

Helen_Anne posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Hi... it's been years since I have been on OH! I had RNY in August 2008... lost about 135#. I kept most of it off for about 3 years.. then tragedy hit my family and I spent the next 3 years waiting for a court date for the woman charged in the death of

About Me
Bremerton, WA
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2007
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 15
This week makes 4 months....
I am a Size 18
Almost 6 weeks out
2 week post op appointment and graduation to pureed foods
Surgery and first few days at home....
I'm Approved and have a Date
Down 1 pound...
Not doing so well on the food plan this month
