Thursday 12/14/06

Dec 13, 2006

UNDER 200!!!!!!

Yep, got on the scale this morning and it's down another pound to 199!!!!!!!!!  OH MY GOD!  I looked up in an old, old, old diary I have to see when I was last under 200 pounds.  It was 2/14/1987!!!

That was almost 20 years ago!  Sad, isn't it?  I went to Old Navy yesterday and picked out a pair of size 14 jeans since my 16's were getting baggy.  My thoughts were that the 14's wouldn't fit.  It's just my mind saying, "You are still fat.  A 14?  Who are you kidding?"  But, they fit nice.  I can't believe my butt is in a size 14.  What next?  A walk on Mars?

Tuesday, Dec.12, 2006

Dec 12, 2006

Only 1 more pound until I'm under 200 lbs!!!!  I think it's been 20 years since I've been under 200 pounds!

I'm at 200.8 as of this morning.  That's a total of about 123 pounds. 

Friday, Dec. 9,2006

Dec 08, 2006

The pounds are moving once again.  Today I am down a total of 120 lbs!!!!!  I am not eating any different from any other day so not sure why the pounds are now coming off so fast again!  HEY...I'm not here to question it, though!

I weigh 203.  I can't imagine being under 200!  That will be so very cool!!!

Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006

Dec 02, 2006

I can hardly believe almost a month has gone by without me posting!  

I've now lost 117lbs. and it's kind of stayed that way for a few weeks now.  I think it's because of Thanksgiving and such.  I haven't really been over eating but have been munching on pretzels a lot!  Okay....I've been doing a LOT of munching but it holds me at that weight and doesn't allow me to actually gain anything.  Obviously, I'd rather lose it, but gaining nothing is a good thing, too!!!

I bought some new underwear yesteray.  (As if you needed to know that, right?)  It was about 4 sizes smaller than I was wearing before.  My husband kept saying, "Will you please get rid of those Granny Panties?"  They were kind of silly looking to tell you the truth because they would sag in the butt.  I never wore undies that sagged!  Kind of funny!    So, I bought some new ones and they are nice.  I hold them up like all the other clothes I wear and still can't believe I fit in them!  They just look so tiny to me!  

I was at Kohl's the other day looking for an outfit to wear to this dinner thing we had to go to last night.  I bought the outfit in an XL thinking that would be a great size for me.  The skirt was falling off me!  How exciting is that?  I ended up returning the whole thing because the sweater was really ITCHY!  Couldn't imagine wearing it all night long!

Guess I'm mostly a L/XL or a 14/16 for the most part.  Some clothes obviously run a lot different from others so I don't get mad when I have to wear the bigger size.  I just want to be comfortable!

BEARS game is on at noon.  I have to prepare! 

Friday Nov. 10,2006

Nov 09, 2006

Just a quick funny story!
The other night I told my husband to feel this bump I had on my shoulder.  I said, "I think I should go to the dermatologist because it may be a cyst."  

He feels the bump and then touches my other shoulder and says, "Funny how you have matching cysts!"

They were shoulder bones!  When was the last time I felt a shoulder bone?  I'm not even sure I knew I had them at all!

It was certainly good for a laugh!

Thursday Nov. 9, 2006

Nov 09, 2006

I'm telling you....this not eating at night is totally working for me!  (Not something I didn't already know!)  Got on the scale this morning and lost more!!!  Now I'm down a total of 114 pounds!  I weigh 209.  Can you believe it?  I cannot, myself.   The less I eat at night, the more I lose.  Makes sense.

Last night I went to my bariatric support group.  It was nice but the only others there were Sharon, who I know from this site and lives not far from me, and Amy, the mediator.  They are both very nice.  We really focused last night on how the holidays may or may not bother us and the temptation to eat what we aren't supposed to.  IE: sugar!   

I'm looking for a better 'before' picture, one where you can actually see my eyes!  Isn't that just the grossest picture I put up?  My face is H-U-G-E!!! that why I had this surgery?  : )

Tues 11/6/06

Nov 07, 2006

Finally got past the hump!  I was stuck hovering betweein 109-110 lbs. lost until I decided I wasn't going to eat pretzels before bed any longer.  Amazing what eating before bed does to you!

Now I'm down 111 lbs!   Only 12 more pounds until I'm under 200 pounds!  That is incredible!

I've recently exchanged my eating addiction to a baking addiction.  We are having company for Thanksgiving (you know who you are!) and I have been baking like crazy and storing it in the freezer.  Can't say we won't have enough desserts for the holiday!  I am not tempted in any way to eat these creations for I know how much sugar is in them and I'm sure something terrible would be the outcome if these dessserts ever saw the inside of my mouth!  They sure look GREAT though!

By the way, my BMI is now under 30!  When will I not be in the obese category any more?  

Tuesday 10/24/06

Oct 23, 2006

Today is my 6 month post-op anniversary!  I've lost a total of 107 pounds and am down to 216lbs. now.  I still can't believe it.  I never would have thought I'd lose that much in a six month time period.  When it all started, I thought for sure it would have been more like 80lbs.  I'm happy!

Sunday October 15, 2006

Oct 15, 2006

Here I am almost six months post-op wondering where all the time went.  I am officially down 105 lbs. from my starting weight of 323.  I weigh 218 lbs. and it's still so hard to comprehend that!  I have gone from a VERY tight plus size 26 to a misses (not plus size) size 16 and DAMN...if those pants don't look good on me!  

The other night I held up a pair of 16's to try on before I actually wore them to see if they really would fit.  I held the pants up by the waist with my pointers and thumbs as if the pants had  "cooties" or something.  I just looked at them and thought, "Oh my God...these are sooo small.  They  are so teeny.  They'll never fit."  Yes, you got it.  They fit.  It's a weird feeling because I still think of myself as a fat person.  I don't think of myself as thin or skinny.  HA....skinny?  What's that?

By the way....they changed the format for these profiles and I can't figure out how to get all my old info back to this new format.  

********************Below is the start of the 'old' profile since I could not figure out how to incorporate it in to the new one!!************************

Tuesday 3/28/2006


I can hardly believe those words! It's only been a bit over a month since the Bariatric Coodinator at my surgeon's office submitted the letter for approval but I guess I thought for sure I'd be denied. Obviously not because I will be having Lap RNY on Monday April 24th!

I asked if I needed to go on a special pre-op diet but was told that only the day before surgery will I need to be on liquids. What a suprise that was. I also need to go for a chest X-ray, some bloodwork and a Pulmonary 'something' Function. I forgot exactly what she called the test. I also will need to see the nutritionist one more time before surgery.

I keep wondering if this is all real?

Wednesday 3/29/2006

Now that the excitement wore off a bit, let me tell you about myself!

I am a married 39 year old mother of a six year old daughter.  I live in Algonquin, IL and have lived my entire life in the Chicagoland area.

I've been overweight about 75% of my entire life.  I remember seeing pictures of myself as a thin grade-schooler so I know I had to be thin at one point in my life!  Actually, I have a picture of myself that had to have been taken my freshman year of high school.   I was so thin that I looked anorexic!  I must have weighed 130lbs.  Keep in mind that I am over 6' tall!  I used to be 6'1" at one point but somehow along the line I lost a half inch!  I just consider myself 6' tall.

When I first decided to look in to having weight loss surgery last fall, I weighed about 300 pounds.  Keep in mind that since I am very tall, I don't ever look 'obese' like my medical chart says!  Folks always say I 'carry my weight well'.  Heck, I don't want to carry my weight at all!  Since I decided to go for it and have the surgery, I have not stopped eating and now weigh about 330lbs.  Imagine that....I've gained about 30 lbs. in about seven months.  WOW. 

My husband is all for the surgery.  He wants me just to be happy.  I think he wants his old wife back.  The wife that loved life.  The wife that used to ride bikes with him, the wife that camped with him, the wife that walked, talked and laughed with him.  And of course, I haven't been happy in a long time.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not seriously depressed, but you'd be unhappy, too, if your bra and other clothing items were constantly strangling you day in and day out!  :)  There gets to be a point in your life when you just can't bring yourself to buy larger size clothes.  I wear a tight plus size 26 right now.  Not many stores carry sizes larger than that.  How embarrassing. 

I've tried many, many diets in my adult life.  I've tried prescription drugs as well but nothing ever lasted or worked as good as the doctor said it should.  Somehow after my daughter was  born, my will power faded away.  Poof!  Gone.  I'd like to live long enough to see my daughter grow up.  I'm afraid if I gain any more weight, I may never get to see that.

I do have very high blood sugar.  I have heel spurs.  I snore myself to sleep at night.   My guess is that it's the fat rolls in my neck preventing the air from getting down my windpipe into my lungs!  I also have TERRIBLE varicose veins.  I did have one leg operated on a few years ago and all the veins reappeared soon after.  The veins are probably from the fact that I stood on my feet for my job the entire time I was pregnant.  I loved my job so it didn't really bother me.  I'm sure that being overweight for years played a part as well.

One thing I shouldl mention is that I also have Multiple Sclerosis.  That is the one thing that would have prevented me from having any sort of weight loss surgery.  Seems as if every time I 'go under the knife', I have an exacerbation.  (An attack)  It usually happens about 2 months after any sort of anesthesia.  I did talk to my neurologist about the surgery and she said that there was no reason why I shouldn't have it.  When I talked to Dr. Hoeltgen about it, he told me that he had completed Gastric Bypass on four patients of his that had M.S. as well.  None of them had any serious complications due to the surgery itself.  My reasoning is that I'd rather be thin or 'thinner' and go through an 'attack' than be fat and go through the attack.  These 'attacks' usually last anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months.   Certainly not fun at the time but mostly under control all other times.  You'd never even know that I have MS by looking at me.  A very mysterious disease!

Enough about that, we are here to talk about my journey toward WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY!

I just wonder how I let myself get to where I am now?  Let's look on the bright side:  Soon I will be on the way to a new life!

Monday April 3, 2006

I'm off to make some pre-op testing appointments this week.  I don't think this should be too hard at all!  What's a little blood work between friends?

I don't think my husband really understands the extent of this surgery.  I try and talk to him all the time about it.  His answer in so many words is, "So, you'll be getting your stomach stapled closed and you won't be able to eat hardly anything."  Sounds nice, right?  I tried to explain to him last night all about the protein drinks and extra vitamins but I think it went over his  head.  I think he just wants to see the final results without knowing what is going on in between to achieve that goal.  He is going to be in for a big suprise come that week after surgery!  Oh boy!


Friday, April 7, 2006

Yesterday I had my Pulmonary Lung Function Test.  That was basically very easy.  Did a couple breathing tests and it was over.  Of course, I didn't know until a half hour before the appointment that I'd be having the ABG. (Arterial Blood Gas Test)  I freaked out!  For some reason, silly me, I thought I'd be having blood taken from my neck.  I'm very "medical terminology challenged" as you can see!  So I called my sister-in-law who is an ER nurse and she explained the entire test to me.  Seemed like an easy one since I don't faint at the site of blood.  Well, took the nurse THREE tries to find my artery.  Like they say, third time is a charm.  Finally, she found it in my elbow.  YIKES!

Yesterday, I noticed my MS kicking in to high gear.  My right foot and the right side of my leg up to the knee were all completely numb.  I was going to wait until today to call the neurologist and see about a quick Solumedrol drip (IV steroids) but seems like the numbness has worn off a bit.    It's probably just from the stress of the pre-op test and the surgery itself.  I'm not sure I can have the surgery if I am having issues with my MS at the time.  I don't want to reschedule, either.   I'll have to wait and see what happens over the weekend.

Monday 4/10/2006

Okay, so I lied about the numbness wearing off!  MY BUTT CHEEKS ARE NUMB!  If you've never had this  happen to you, it's a truly weird experience!  It doesn't hurt, it's just annoying.  When I walk, I can't feel my jeans against my skin.  Definately annoying!

I have a call in to my surgeons office to find out if it is indeed all right to have the steroids before surgery.  I hate to have to cancel the surgery.  I'm supposed to get a call back around noon today because Dr. Hoeltgen is in surgery right now.  Then, I'll need to call my neurologist and set up an appointment for the IV.  Sounds like fun, huh?  Right!

Over the weekend, I tried a few of the protein drinks I got as samples from and I can tell you that there a few I will DEFINATELY not be imbibing in after surgery!  One was so gross I wonder how anyone drank it.  I blended one with a strawberry in the blender and it was good.  Tolerable, anyhow!

It's beautiful outside.  It is supposed to be in the 60's today.  Great for a nice walk.  Keep my mind off things! 

Tuesday April 11, 2006

Went for my neurologist visit today.  She wrote me a scrip for a 5-day Solumedrol drip.  (IV steroids)  BLECH!  Went to NIMC (Northern Illinois Medical Center) to have it done.  Took one hour.  Terrible metal taste in my mouth now.  Very icky!  Still have the IV lpick or whatever it's called  in my left hand so that I can have them pop the new IV in tomorrow without a problem. 

I asked my neuro if I need to delay my WLS and she said she didn't see any problems and that I should still go for it.  She said if I'm a bit numb now, I'll still be a bit numb then and it won't make a bit of difference.  YES!  Only 13 days to go til I get to the losing side!

Friday April 14, 2006
Today was day 4 of my IV steroids.  FINALLY, I'm done.  My neuro said I could skip the 5th day if I was feeling better.  And...I am!  I can feel my toes and the tops of my feet again so I know I am on the way to getting better.  I am still having the surgery which is good.  Only 10 days away!  I'm pretty excited.  Some people have asked me if I'm nervous.  Not really.  Just excited.  Can't wait to lose some weight!  HAHA!!


Monday April 17, 2006
Wow, what a difference a few days make!  I was doing so good with my MS while on the steroids but trying to get off them is another story!  I was soooo sick this weekend.  Yesterday, Easter, was the worst.  Had family over but I felt as if I were someplace else.  I was so incredibly tired.  I could barely open my eyes.  Of course, the steroids puffed my face up something fierce and I felt like my eyeballs were being ripped out of my head.  Even with my glasses I could not see a thing!  The taste in my mouth is still pretty bad but not as bad as it was over the weekend.  I couldn't taste anything but what I thought might be sewer gas!  It really wasn't but it sure felt like it.  I've been living on ant-acids because that burn is always there in te back of my throat. 

My legs feel a bit better, not as numb.  I'm still hoping to have the surgery a week from today!  I had my bloodwork, chest xray and ekg today so those are all out of the way.  Still have to pee in a cup.  Couldn't do it there!  Argh.....

Wednesday 4/19/06

Only 5 more days til the big day!  I'm not nervous.  I don't think I'm nervous!  Had my pre-op appointment with the surgeon today.  A few interesting things he told me.  I can drive after about a week if I am not on any pain meds and feel okay to drive.  I'll probably be in the hospital 3-4 days depending on how things go.

I had a nutritionist appointment but that was pretty much 'stuff' I already knew.  SHe just kept asking me about a goal weight.  I told her that I really didn't have one.  She pulled out her handy dandy notebook and said I should weigh between 150-160!  RIGHT!  AS IF!  We'll see about that.

Saturday 4/22/2006

Only TWO more days!  I'm excited yet a bit scared.  I'm not nervous but just have a fear of the unknown.  I'm really excited to lose some weight but yet know that I'm going to be in for the time of my life the first couple weeks after surgery.  Me and anesthesia don't really go hand in hand.  I'll get over it, I know, but just hate the weeks after any sort of surgery.  I always feel so, uh, hmmm.....let's just say it's not a great feeling!

I picked up some needed after-surgical items such as protein powder and the like.  Now I just need to pack my bag and off we go early Monday morning.  I need to be there at 5:30am.  A bit early for my liking but whatcha gonna do?

I'm off work as of tonight for the next three weeks.  I'll miss it a bit.  I only work Saturday nights so it's like a little bit of break from home.  I wonder how much I'll have lost by the time I come back to work?  Yep, always thinking ahead!

Not sure if I'll log anything more before surgery date.  HOPE I get back to log my post-op comments!!!!  (Can you tell I'm nervous now?)

Sunday 4/23/06

Well, tomorrow is the big day!  I wasn't nervous until tonight.  It's the fear of the unknown again.   It drives me crazy! 

Today was all liquids.  I've had 3 cans of chicken broth, 3 sugar free popsicles and an entire box of sugar free jell-o.  I never was really hungry which I thought strange!  Chris (The Hubby) and I went for a walk tonight.  I put on jeans because it was getting cold out.  The jeans I put on were really tight the other day but tonight they fit fine.  Must be all them liquids!  Nothing to drink or eat after midnight tonight. 

I haven't told Chris about the letters I wrote to him and Alex.  (My daughter)  I think I'll do that tomorrow.

Sounds as if I'm just rattling away now.  I should probably pack and get to bed. 

See you on the losing side!

Friday 4/28/06

Here I am about 5 days post op.  Had my surgery on Monday.  All went well for the most part.  I had Robotic Lap RNY which usually takes a lot less time than regular Lap RNY but for some reason I was under for 4 hours.  Long time! 

I'm getting in my protein, liquids and vitamins.  It's a struggle, though.  That's for sure.  I feel like I'm constantly watching the clock.  I feel like I'm constantly 'sipping'!  Will my life revolve around this?  I hope I'll get used to it. 

I'm tolerating everything.  Haven't thrown up.  I'm sweating a ton which I think is just really all the anesthesia trying to come out. 

I'm having a bit of the "Oh my's....."  Like, "Oh my...what have I done?"  I guess that will go away with time.

Lost 9 lbs. already.  Feel like a blimp still.  My stomach is bloated with gas or air or whatever it is that they pump in to you during surgery.  Feel 10 months pregnant!

Saturday April 29, 2006

Boy, was I surprised!  Hubby bought me laptop with wireless for being in the hospital!  Actually, it's for Mother's Day as well.  What a shock.  It's a beautiful Dell wide screen, too!  That's what I'm typing on right now.   Love it.

Back to the gastric bypass!  I'm still having a hard time getting all my protein in.  I'm close to 50g. but that's about as far as I can get.  I'm trying to drink a lot, too.  Seems as if I get a very sharp pain in my left rib cage when I drink ice cold water!  What's up with that?  I'm CRAVING ice water all the time!

I need to order some protein powder online tonight.  I found a Belgian Chocolate one I really like.  It's by IDS, I think the name was.  I found it from and bought a few samples.  Not bad at all.  Similar to a chocolate shake! This is the only way I can get in a ton of protein!! 

I feel good.  Today we went to Meijer and I walked around the store.  It felt good!  I'm really tired though! 

I can't wait to get my drain tube out.  It's so gross!!

Friday May 5, 2006

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

Had my one week follow up with the surgeon.  Lost 10 lbs.  Thought it might be more but I don't want to be greedy.  Got my drain tube out as well.  That was a bit of a shock when it came out.  OUCH!  Only for a second did it hurt.  Then it was fine.  He pulled off some of my Steri-strips, too.  The little incisions were so tiny!!  I was amazed that I even had surgery anyhow!  He said I was doing great!!  I felt great, too.

I'm almost two weeks out of surgery now.  Yesterday, I started pureed/soft foods.  I was so excited because I had eggs with cheese on them for breakfast yesterday.  Okay, I had EGG, not eggs!  Of course, I had 3 bites and I was DONE!   Then for dinner last night, I made my husband and daughter chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese.  I used the blender to puree the chicken with potatoes then pureed the broccoli til it was soup consistancy.  Boy, was that a good dinner.  I ended up eating about a 1/4 c. total of food.  I saved the rest for todays lunch and it was just as good as last night!!!!

I'm feeling good and walk almost everyday.  The soreness in my stomach from the surgery is greatly diminishing every day!  I can lay on my side now when I sleep.  Feels so nice. 

Today I was down two more pounds for a total of 12.  I kind of thought it would be more by now but it's sure better than nothing.  At least I'm not gaining.

I've been chatting back and forth with my new online friend Michelle from NY.  She had her surgery the same day as I did so we are pretty much both on the same page at the same time.  It's nice to know that someone else is going through exactly what I am!

I'm not working this weekend so I'm going to spend tons of time outside walking!

Monday 5/15/06

Today marks the 3 week date since my surgery.  As of this morning, I've lost 21 lbs.  Not too shabby, huh?  My Gastric Bypass Buddy Michelle (had her surgery on the same day as me) has lost 30 lbs!  That's wild!

I find it a bit boring lately due to all the same foods I've been eating.  I mean, you can only blenderize something and make it look appetizing!  So, it's been a lot of eggs, yogurt and soup for me.  It's fine, though.  I honestly don't really crave much. 

The other night I brought home a rotisserie chicken for my husband.  It smelled sooooo good.  Of course, I thought I could eat it if I pulverized the chicken to death in my teeth and chew it a zillion times before I swallowed.  I  had four eensy teensy bites of chicken.  I cannot tell you how sick I was that night!  The vomit kept coming up and I'd swallow to push it back down.  Twice it made it's way up and out but it was just small amounts.  Am I not ready for real food yet?  I mean, I thought for sure I had pureed it with my teeth.  Maybe not?  I think I'll lay off the un-pureed food for a while.  Smart idea, I think.

I've noticed that my pants fall off when I walk.  They are getting so big.  We were at my Mom's yesterday with my two brothers.  My Mom called me today and said that there was so much commotion going on last night with all the kids that she forgot to say I looked good.  She said she could tell I lost 20lbs!  YEAH!  That felt nice because my Mom is definately not one to give out compliments!

Back to the yogurt!

Saturday May 20, 2006

As of this morning, I've lost 25 lbs.!!  I'm still tired of the pureed food.  I feel like I don't have much in the way of selection.  I tried eating a Weight Watchers meal in the blender the other day but it didn't turn out as good as the Lean Cuisine I did the day before.   The WW meal was pasta and I thought maybe that had made me sick.  I had "Blender Ravioli" with my husband and daughter and that was fine so I thought pasta was good with me.  Maybe it was just the WW meal and not the fact that it was past???  I could go on forever, I guess!

My size 26 pants that were strangling before surgery are now falling off when I walk.  I put on the same exact jeans but in a size 24 and they are now really loose and somewhat falling off.  A nice feeling.  I still have those gross "Back Boobs" that I need to get rid of.  It's like I have these rolls of fat around my back where my boobs would be if it were the front of me!!  How do I get rid of this?  It's G*R*O*S*S*!!

I feel good otherwise.  I'm always tired, STILL.  I'm still not sure I'm eating enough or too much.  I'll have to check with the nutritionist on the 31st when I have my appointment.


Saturday June 3, 2006

I had my appointment with Dr. H and the nutrtionist this past Wednesday.  He advanced me to the next stage of my diet.  It is now called 'Soft Foods' but is pretty much what I thought it would be.  It's really all foods but no fresh fruits or veggies.  Too hard or rough on the pouch!  Fine with me.

It's very hard to eat much of any actual food.  It's a big change from liquids.  When I ate soup and Jell-o, I could eat a bunch.  I tried pizza the other night.  Wow!  What a change.  You know how sometimes they cut pizza in the squares and not triangles?  Well, these pieces were small squares.  Maybe 2"X2"?  I had about 3/4 of that piece and I was done.  Couldn't believe it.  I could normally eat almost 8 of them!  Guess that part of my life is HISTORY, huh?

As of today, I have lost 36 lbs.  I'm very, very happy about that.  All my clothes are getting so big.  I used to have two extra chins and now I only have about a 1/2 left!  I'm still trying to get rid of that as well as a bit of stomach.  Seems like the weight is mostly coming off my thighs.  I will not complain about that, though.

I sure wish I was a bit more 'regular' if you get my drift!  I'd love a big salad right about now.  Surely that would help!  Guess I'll stick to my drinkable yogurt for now. 

I got the go-ahead from Dr. H to actually work out with weights instead of just walking.  I feel my butt getting really flabby as I lose weight.  I had a big butt before but it was hard and full of fat!  Now it's saggy and ICKY!

Wednesday June 21, 2006

Just a quick note.  I HIT 50 lbs. TODAY!!!!!  Down to 273.  I haven't weighed this little in oh.....about 6 years!  It's so exciting!

Tuesday July 4, 2006

CRAP CRAP CRAP!  I had this whole thing typed up just now writing about how I lost 60lbs as of today and I accidentally hit something on this laptop and it ERASED it all.  DARN! 

Yep, 60lbs as of today.  I can hardly believe it myself. 

We went to a waterpark over the holiday weekend in WISCONSIN and had a blast.  I wasn't overly excited about wearing a swimsuit but it really didn't bother me at all while I was there.  We lived in our suits because we were either at the waterpark or the outdoor pool.  Nice to be comfortable in your swimsuit!

Went to Old Navy for some inexpensive clothes.  Mine are all big, baggy and don't fit!  Bought a pair of size 20 capris thinking that they'd fit next after the 22's I'm in now.  I thought they wouldn't fit til next month.  THEY ZIPPED!  THEY BUTTONED!  THEY WERE TIGHT AS HELL!  But they zipped!  Guess I need a few more weeks for this pair.  But let me tell you that coming from a TIGHT size 26, even just to squeeze your butt cheeks in to a size 20 was a thrill!!!!

Tuesday July 11, 2006

Finally, the scale budged!  Now down 63lbs.  It's really slowing down.  I knew it would happen sooner or later.  I'm still feeling good and starting to see a real difference in my body.  It's a nice feeling! 

My husband asked me if I was at the same weight yet as the time we met.  I think I weighed a LOT less than I do right now when we met.  I have a feeling it was like 40 MORE pounds LESS than what I weigh now.  Did I just confuse you?  Anyhow, I need to go a lot lower in order to be at the same weight as when we met.  I'll get there! 

Didn't eat too much today.  I just didn't feel like chewing!  Seems as if everytime I eat something I really crave, by the time I'm done chewing it in to a zillion little pureed pieces, it doesn't taste anything like it should.  I've been sticking to low sugar yogurt and soup.  I try to stay away from soup with a lot of sodium, though. 

I have a 3 month checkup July 31st.  I'm trying like HECK to lose a total of 70 lbs. by then just to have a nice round number.  (Something should be nice and round since it's not me any more, right?)

I'm still having a hard time getting in all the protein.  I make sure I do have the shake for breakfast. At least that way I know I'm getting 30g. protein for sure.  I can eat a fridge full of yogurt, pudding, etc and still not get enough protein.  I still like to stick to 3 meals a day and if I get in a 2nd shake for a snack midafternoon, I feel as if I'm cheating somehow.  I'm sure the nutritionist wouldn't be very happy with me if I told her how I'm not getting all my protein.  WHATEVER!  At least I'm drinking the water!  : )

Friday July 21, 2006

FINALLY!  I made it to 70lb. total lost!  I did it just as I hit the 3 month post-op mark!  I'm feeling great.  Looking great, too!  I can totally notice it now.  A friend from work that I hadn't seen since the surgery told me my face now looks 'chiseled'.  How's that for a compliment?  Yowza!

The down side is that my hair is falling out.  Not in clumps or anything but I am noticing a lot more in my hands when I rinse my hair in the shower.  I was told that it will grow back as your body adjusts to the lower amount of food taken in.  I suppose that is the least of my worries, right?  I think I'd rather have my hair fall out than gain back 70lbs.  Not a fun thing. 

I'm still not sure what my goal is at this time.  I now weigh 253.  Only 30 more pounds til the BIG 100!  I know I have to go further than that, of course.  Time will tell.

Saturday August 5, 2006

I'm at 78lbs lost now.  WoW!  I'm under 250 lbs!  Who woulda thunk?  : )

Tuesday August 7, 2006

Had my 3 month follow up at the surgeon yesterday.  Was supposed to be last Monday but he was out of the office for some reason.  (Golfing?  JUST KIDDING Dr. H!!!!!)

The doc told me I am down 80lbs.  My scale said 78 but what's 2 pounds between friends, right?  Let's call it 80 then!

I couldn't figure out how to post my pics so I've asked someone from this site to help me out.  Hopefully soon they'll be up.  THe first pic is me at 4am on the morning of surgery.  Oh God...I never want to look like that again.  I couldn't tell where my chin began and where it ended.  It was all one big hunk of....fat?  YIKES!  I was 323 lbs!!

The second and third pic I just took today.  I've been trying to get a good pic that reflects the weight I've lost but I get very discouraged when I see the pics and notice how much of my hair has fallen out.  Fixed that!  I put on a hat.  I know it's not very becoming but I like my BudLight hat!  Not too feminine,  I understand, but it does cover the hair loss!  Since I was taking the pics myself, I couldn't very well do a full body shot.  You'd notice the weight loss more had I done it that way.  Sorry to say, a head shot for now will  have to sufice.  I think you can still tell in my face that there is a difference!!!

Happy to say I'm down to 245lbs.  (Or 243 at the surgeons office)  What a difference 80lbs can make in ones life!

Friday August 11, 2006

FINALLY, my very own scale said to me today, "You lost 80lbs!"   Down to 243 on my scale.  EIGHTY!  What a nice round number.  Only twenty more to the big 1-0-0!!

Ooops...almost forgot to add that my BMI has now dropped a full 10 points!  My pre-op BMI was 43 and now it's 33!  I can't wait for it to get under 30!

Thursday August 17, 2006

Got home late last night from a 4 day mini vacation at a  waterpark in Wisconsin.  Very fun time.  I bet my husband that I could lose 5 lbs. in that time period while we were gone.  Okay, so I over estimated and lost only 4.5 lbs!  HA HA HA!!!

I did a lot of walking while there and a lot of water drinking.  Also sat out in the sun, got a tan, went down waterslides, walked up TO the slides and just didn't think much about eating.  Besides, the food at the resort was kind of gross!  We brought a bunch with but were hardly ever in our room to eat.  Yep, I starved the kids.  Just kidding about that!  We had a great time and was so suprised that I lost so much weight in so little time.  I thought the "Good Old Days" were over!

I'm down to 238 which is just so exciting to me. 


Wednesday August 30, 2006

Just a little update, nothing terribly exciting!  Since my last post, I've lost 3 more pounds and I am now at 235 and holding.  I can't seem to get past the 235 mark.  I'm sure I will soon bu for now, I'm still trying.

Sunday September 3, 2006

NINETY POUNDS!  Over the past two days, I've lost 2 lbs and am now down a total of NINETY POUNDS!  I'm down to 233.  Thrilling!

Saturday September 8, 2006

Oooooh, FOUR more pounds gone!  I've lost a total of 94lbs. now!  I'm down to 229 which is incredible.  I remember being down to 239 about a month after I had my daughter who is now going to be seven next month so it's been a LONG time! 

I tried on a pair of shorts in a size 16 that are hanging in my closet.  They are Lands End and I believe their clothing runs a bit small.  I couldn't get them zipped.  Zipped?  Heck, I couldn't even get them close to being closed in front!!!  A goal for the future, I suppose!  I do have a pair of size 18 Old Navy shorts that keep falling off of me.  Funny how all clothing manufacturers run such different sizes in their clothing.  

My hair is still NASTY!  Or shall I say...LACK OF HAIR?  I think I need more protein.  I just can't seem to get that much in everyday.  I did find a product called Protica.  It's flavored protein that comes in a plastic test tube.  Sounds silly  but it's cute!  It's 2.7oz. of liquid protein.  It has 100 calories and 25 grams of pre-digested protein.  Doesn't that sound gross?  Like, who did they hire to digest the protein before they packaged it?  HA HA HA!  Anyhow, it comes in four flavors that are...okay.   I just go on their website and ordered an entire case!  I figure, if I drink three a day, I don't have to be drinking those shakes at all.   Or maybe a shake a day and two liqud proteins per day?  The only problem is that they are soooo darn expensive.  It's $3 per tube.  I guess that is a fair price to pay in order to get my hair back.  I did read all the testimonies on their site and most people have had gastric bypass along with the 'hair' issues.  They all said that the protein helped them get their hair back to where it isn't so unsightly any longer.  I'll try it out for a month or so and let you know how it goes!!

My goal was to lose 100 lbs. by the 6 month mark which would be October 24th but I think I'll be a bit early which is fine by me!  We are going to Clearwater Beach, FL the first week in October and being 100 lbs lighter in a swimsuit will mean the world to me!

Friday 9/15/06

Still at 229.  Immediately after my last post, I somehow gained back four pounds in 3 days.  I was scared to death.  I was thinking that I must be eating something wrong, bad or indifferent but it wasn't the case at all!  I think I just was pretending to be a yo-yo and my weight fluctuated all week!  Today I was FINALLY back to 229.  It's amazing that it took me 3 days to gain FOUR pounds but a week to lose it!  Anyhow, I've been walking a lot now, more so than I have been.  I try not to eat at night as that is a BIG downfall for me! 

Hope to have more to report soon.  Or should I say LESS to report?    : )

Sunday 9/17/2006
One more pound, finally!  Down to 228 for a total of NINETY FIVE!!!
Just a pound but kind of exciting!  Only FIVE more til the big ONE HUNDRED!!!

Wednesday 9/20/2006
Okay, let's make that FOUR more pounds til the big ONE HUNDRED!

Thursday 9/21/2006
THREE pounds til 100!
Today, I tried on a pair of size 16 dress pants.  They fit!  They fit!  I had bought the 18 and took them home the other day.  I tried them on that night and was pleasantly suprised to find them very baggy and big.  Took them back today and bought the 16 home.  Tried them on and PRESTO....they fit.  Too exciting.

Friday 9/29/2006
FINALLY, one stinkin' pound gone!  It tooke me over a week to lose one little, itsy, bitty pound!  I bet it's all the pretzels I've been eating at night.  I need to lay off the pretzels for sure!  Becomes addicting.  I'm bad.  I know it and need to stop.  Let me just have one more pretzel before I go on! 

So now I am down to 225 which is a weird number for me.  (Only two more til the big 100!) I can't believe I weighed almost THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE POUNDS!  Now that's a big number, too!  I guess they are all big when you want to be a lower number.  Even though I wasn't losing weight on the scale this entire past week, I could feel I was losing fat.  My body was shrinking anyhow since my pants were getting looser every day.  By the way, I went shopping at Coldwater Creek yesterday.'s expensive!  But, the stuff fit!  Yes, they do carry a few plus sizes but I didn't need them.  I fit in to the XL's and the 16's.  I have a baby shower tomorrow and needed something to wear.  I had something but it had gotten too big and I wanted something kind of fitted.  I didn't really find what I was looking for.  But then again, if you have $400 to spend per outfit, you could probably find something to suit your style!  I did buy two shirts, a bracelet and necklace which cost half of an outfit but will probably return it because I can't find anything to wear on the bottom half to go with it!!!  I'm a lost cause.  Shopping IS fun again, though!


Sunday Oct. 1, 2006

ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!  I finally lost 100 lbs. as of today.  It was 98 yesterday and the day before and so on and so on the scale went down those two lousy pounds!  Unreal!!!

I weigh 223 pounds.  When did I weigh that amount last?  I can't even remember.  I know it was before I got married and that was 11 years ago.  Wow........

Friday October 13, 2006

I've been at 200lbs. for about a week now.  We went to Florida this past weekend and I thought about how much we walked up and down the beach the entire time we were there and how much weight I'd probably lose but.....NOT!  We found this really incredible Italian restaurant a few doors down from our hotel and ate there two nights in a row.  The hostess/server is from Chicago so she kept bringing us free rolls, free pizza and so on and so on.  The rolls were awesome and drenched in olive oil and parmesan cheese.  Now you know why I didn't lose a ton of weight while gone.  I did end up losing a pound or so but I didn't count it because it wasn't a full pound yet!!

I'm pretty happy with being 220lbs.  It will be fun to be under 200 but not exactly sure when that might happen.  Could be another 6 months for all I know. 

Some days I can eat a horse, other days I feel full after two bites.  Kind of strange. 

My inner thighs and underarms are nice and FLABBY!  Mmmm....give me some of that.  Oh Yeah, BABY!   Guess I should be glad it's winter now so I can cover up.


Saturday October 14, 2006

105 lbs. GONE! 

About Me
Algonquin, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 19
Thursday April 12, 2007
Monday March 12, 2007
Friday Feb. 16, 2007
Feb. 4, 2007
Feb. 3, 2007
January 30, 2006
Monday, January 15, 2007
