Wedding Anniversary Getaway...

4/17/06- Wally and I enjoyed our last wedding present this past weekend! We had an all inclusive stay at one of Dallas most Luxurious Hotels.....The Mansion on Turtle Creek! Thank you Kristl & Charlie! We were treated to one culinary delight after another! We had champagne, chocolate dipped strawberries, crab, lobster, duck, creme brulee, chocolate lava cake, and an awesome breakfast with belgium waffles! When I weighed in today, I had gained 4 pounds! Can you believe that! Two days= 4 pounds!
Wally and I felt like newlyweds again, so it was worth every pound!

3 month Curves Anniversary!

4/13/06- Today is my 3 month anniversary with Curves and I get weighed and measured! I am so excited...If I lose more than 12 inches, I receive a foot on the wall and $50.00 Curves Cash! I can buy Curves gifts with the cash, such as t-shirts, lunch bags, tumblers, towels, etc... I have my eye on the black lunch bag, it is tres sheek and is the perfect size. I will fill you in tomorrow with the details on the weigh-in and measurements.

30 pounds and counting!

4/12/06- I finally hit the 30 pound mark! I have much more energy now and feel soooo much better! Losing the weight is the best motivator in the world! My next goal is 40 pounds!

Second Dietician Appointment

4/7/06-Today was my second meeting with a Dietician at Dr. Davidson's office. I am doing well on the program and just have to practice eating meals without drinking, putting my fork down, and chewing until applesauce consistancy. I was invited to a WLS support group meeting for post ops (people who have already had the surgery) and I am looking forward to learning about their lives and what to expect after surgery. I will be going to this at the end of the month, I'll fill you in then!


My Psychiatric Exam

4/5/06- I had my Psychiatric exam today and it went well. I spent well over an hour visiting with Dr. Rachel Meltzer with Roca Counseling and she was very kind. I am no stranger to counseling, so I was very open and honest....I need to come to terms with my eating problem and learn how to deal with it. She was very kind and told me that I was clinically appropriate for wls, but I needed to explore my emotional eating problem before the surgery, so I will be better prepared for my new lifestyle. She gave me a homework assignment and an appointment in May. My homework assignment is to write about my emotional eating: Why it happens in the first place, ideas on how to satisfy it without eating, why I allowed myself to gain weight, what or why am I hiding, how will I deal with this drastic change in life= smaller stomach/sensitivity to foods/lifestyle change. I realize that I will definately need counseling after the surgery because as everyone says it is like losing you're best friend.

My First Wedding Anniversary!

4/3/2006- Yesterday was mine and Wally's 1st Wedding Anniversary and we had a lovely day. I cannot believe one year can go by so fast! I am so blessed! I am very happy in my marriage and in my life! Wally is so sweet, he gave me gift certificates for foot rubs, bubble baths, dinner with champagne, a bouquet of beautiful paper roses, and a special surprise...I haven't received yet! I gave him a card and a date night with a dinner of his choice and two tickets to see Tommy Davidson at the Improv in Dallas. Tommy is a comedian who was on our favorite TV show- In Living Color.  I posted a Wedding picture in honor of our Anniversary!


I'm on a roll...

3/29/2006- I have a Psychiatric evaluation scheduled for next week! I will be meeting with Dr. Rachel Meltzer at 2pm on the 5th.
I really don't know what to expect, but I am sure that I will pass with flying colors! I went to Curves tonight and weighed in! I have now lost 25 pounds! Hurray! I also had a break through as I was working out...When I started Curves, I felt excited about the  6 week challenge and working out, as we all do in the beginning. Then by the third week, I started my usual....well, I don't FEEL like working out tonight, but I would go because I was being held accountable at my weekly 6 week challenge weigh-ins, so I would go and boy, am I glad I did. I reached deep inside and used something I never have used before....resolve. I resolved to try, I resolved to be true to myself, I resolved not to cheat badly on my diet ( I did have moments that my cravings got me, but they were few and far between), I resolved to stick with it and try to get through it because I knew it would get better. And it has! I realized that the three week mark is when I used to fail my previous diets and revert back to my old habits. Eating everything I wanted and not caring about gaining more weight!  I realized that I had made it past the roughest time...the very beginning... I finally allowed myself to be successful and that feels great! I have more energy now and I look forward to continuing to see weight  drop off my body! I am so glad that I soldiered on during my weakest moments because my momentum and my metabolism is now at a peak level! I am no longer addicted to fast food and sodas! I eat healthy filling foods and drink 64 ounces of water a day! This is just the beginning of what it feels like to be healthy and happy! So...How will I feel when I shed the last 106 pounds? I am sure that my energy levels will be through the roof and I will truly be ABLE to do anything in the world that I want to! If anyone reads this and is thinking of losing weight or just wants to feel better about themselves....I HIGHLY recommend joining Curves! It is not what you think...I see all shapes, sizes, and ages in there! I have even seen very elderly women in there just doing what they can and most importantly MOVING! Visit a Curves, give it a chance, YOU are worth it the cost! Join when you are able to start the 6 week challenge as well. The class will help you get past the early roughs spots and you will meet new friends, and most importantly it will give you the boost you need to feel great about YOURSELF!

The Waiting Game

3/27/06- Dr. Shimer finally sent my medical records over and Dr. Fox is asking for a release form to send them over. I will email Chris at BSC today to pass the message along to him. Hopefully, with both of my medical records from these doctors, Chris will have what he needs to prove my weight history. I only have the Psychological exam and my final sleep study to complete before he can send the surgery request to my insurance company!


3/24/06- Having a very hard time getting Dr. Fox and Dr. Shimer's offices to fax my medical records over to Chris at BSC! Dr. Shimer's office says they already did it and Dr. Fox' office will not call me back! This part is very frustrating! I worked out my frustrations at Curves and I weighed in at 249! Hurray! I broke the 250 mark! 22 pounds and counting!


More Hoops to jump through...

3/23/06-Today, I received a call from Total Sleep study and I have another sleep study planned for 4/28/06...Hurray, I will be getting fitted for my CPAP machine! I also received a call from a Psychiatrist to make an appointment to have my head examined! Lucky me! I will call her back on Monday.
I also have my 3 month weigh in with Dr. Brinkman (my PCP) today. He is my back up plan for insurance approval.....If Aetna denies the 3 month program with Dr. Davidson that ends in May...I have will have the 6 month program with Dr. Brinkman completed in June. Pretty smart, huh?!?!?!? By the way, I am feeling great today!
I weighed in at Dr. Brinkman's at 250. He seemed pleased with my progress and I was on my way in less than 30 minutes.

About Me
mckinney, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2006
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