9 months Post Op

Jan 10, 2009

So, January 7th, 2009 put me 9 months post op from Gastric Bypass surgery.  I always thought I would be one of the people that would update their blog constantly so others could see my progress.  I guess I thought that because before I had surgery, all I wanted to know was how well other people did. So, I apologize for not updating, but here is the latest scoop.  Of course, weight loss has begun to slow down quite a bit. I started my journey at 363 lbs and today I weigh 219.  Such an amazing feat already, but sometimes I feel like I should weigh less.  I am not complaining, but I do still have 69 lbs to go till my goal of 150.  I will say that things have begun to get a little harder.  My intake is still limited, but I can definitely eat more than I could three or four months ago.  I don't watch my protein intake as strictly as I did before and I really need to get back into the habit of doing that.  There are many things I have learned about myself over the last nine months and thankfully the one thing I've learned is that I have not let my weight loss change me.  I am still the same bubbly girl I was this time last year, just 144 lbs lighter.  I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for me.  Hopefully by my one year mark I will be around 175.  We'll just have to see!


About Me
Jacksonville, AR
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 14
5 months Post Op
Under the 275 mark!
Almost 4 months out
2 Months out!!
