Excruciating Pain

Mar 18, 2009

So I finally called my surgeon this morning because I have had the worst stomach pains since Monday morning.  I haven't been able to really eat anything and I've dropped 5 lbs just since Monday (which while the goal is to lose weight, I don't think it should be that fast). Anyway, its been like a gnawing tight feeling right in the pit of my stomach. I explained this to Dr. Gibbs' nurse Carrie and she said it sounds like I might have gall stones.  No fun.  I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:15 a.m., so I will keep everyone updated.  I will say that with dropping an extra 5 lbs, I have lost 170 lbs total! YAY!!!!  Started at 363 and was 193 this morning.   Awesome!


About Me
Jacksonville, AR
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2008
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