Michele I. 21 years ago

Dear Steve, I know this is a couple of weeks late...And I am sending this to you in an email...I didn't know if you wanted something so personal posted in ur surgery comments. If you do then please do so. First off, let me say contragulations on your 2 year rebirthday....You have come so far..I see the before picture and look at the now picture, and I think to myself. What a remarkable difference you have done with yourself. Your eyes shine. And that smile. oh and lets not forget those adorable dimples.. You have come to know that the surgery is a tool and not just an easy fix. It is a way of life. Now it is like weight watchers. We all must watch what we eat and make lifestyle choices in our preparing of foods. We both know society sucks and looks down on fat people. When really all they are are people like you and me who use food as comfort to hide the true person within ourselves. But then again everyone has their own reasoning. But you my friend are exceptional. You listen to others. You help a friend or someone who may not even know you any time of day or nite with questions regarding their journey to the other side. Yes, it may only be an opinion, but it is talking from experience of yourself and others that you may have helped in the past. And that is amazing. I know for a fact and am living breathing proof that you helped me when i was 4 weeks out. It was a horrible nite and I didn't know if I was going to see the next day. And after talking to you for over an hour.. There was hope again. That I will never forget and I love you for all the support over the past 11 months you have given me. But seriously my friend. Please think bout a career move to helping people with wls. You are so know knowledgeable and can help so many with your mind and heart. I know you are saying there is much you do not know. But you can learn it. Talk to support groups. Go visit different ones throught the country and learn more. Some people start there and learn more.. God gave you a gift, and it would be a shame to waste it making the little frog from geico richer. Now here is my gift to you. Steve, you know words are hard for me to say. So I will say it here. Steve, no words could not express the happiness and joy you have brought into my life the past year. I know I was a wreck and a lunatic when we met.. And maybe I still am. But your smiles, hugs, and ear and words have comforted me so much thru this time of my life. I could never thank you enough. You have touched my life in such a way that I can truly say this all to you and smile. I just hope I have made a difference in your life and made your soul smile and filled with love. I am proud to call you my friend, and my lover and to be called yours. I don't know what tomorrow may bring for either one of us. But I do know this that the connection we share and with us continuing to support each other with our life decisions, anything we reach for in life is possible. I am honored you call me friend. I know you don't let many people in and I am honored that you have let me in as far as you have in your life. As I close this letter, I leave saying Steve reach for the sun and the moon....All your dreams then and will come true. I love you, Michele P. S. Thank you for making some of the things I have dreamed of come true. I Love You

KIM B. 21 years, 8 months ago

(((((((((((((((STEVE))))))))))))))))_ WOW! What can I say that hasn't already been said below my post here... You are a truly amamzing gentleman, and I am so blessed to be called FRIEND by you! I have enjoyed every moment we have shared in chat and on the phone. Your insight on life makes others want to share your vision. I look forward to meeting you next month!(((((((XOXO))))))))--GA PEACHES

Mary H. 22 years ago

first congratulations on you rebirthday and your wonderful weight loss. and know that there will always be prayers going havenward for your sucess in life for whatever you wan t out of it

Ju Ju P. 22 years ago

We are all so very proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Sharon W. 22 years ago

Steven - Congratulations on your terrific journey. Thank you for keeping such a detailed journal on your profile - I am preop and it really has given me good insight. You are an inspiration. (((hugs))) "Nana" Sharon

kylakae 22 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="12%"><img border="0" src="http://www.dwarfworks.com/kyla/pictures/animangel14.gif" width="160" height="139"></td> <td width="88%"><b><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3" color="#663300">I'd like to take a moment to recognize fellow AMOS member Steven Stark.&nbsp; Steven's actual re-Birthday was yesterday but since we have fewer men who keep up their profiles, I knew you'd all be interested.&nbsp; His profile is filled with great information!&nbsp; Steven has gone from 422lbs to 264lbs over the past year.&nbsp; Like many of us, Steven is finding it easier to lose the fat, than the fat person within.&nbsp; Please take a moment to encourage Steven in his journey!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

kylakae 22 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="http://www.dwarfworks.com/kyla/pictures/birthday/pty-garfield.gif" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Steven! Its been one year since your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile and share your reflections on being one year post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Cinna G. 22 years ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever! Please come back to your profile and update from time to time. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

Karen T. 22 years, 4 months ago

12/30/01 I really enjoyed your outlook of the surgery and the before and after questions. Hope everything goes great for you....Karen

Babi-Doll T. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Steve, I was quite impressed and enlightened by your profile. You answered many of the questions I was having regarding my thoughts on the surgery. You seem like a wonderful person to know .. both inside and out! Keep up the good work. How about some before and after pics? Thanks for sharing your inner most thoughts we all of us who are just beginning our journey. Please keep in touch. Your new friend!
About Me
Hicksville, NY
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
