My Story

I am sitting here wondering how I ended up so overweight. So, I must go to where it all began. 

After college, I noticed the weight starting to slip up on me. Prior to that, I had always been very thin. So thin in fact, my mother would make me drink extra milkshakes. Imagine! Now, she is the "Food Police" whenever I visit her. I know she only wants the best for me. But, still, it is hard. 

Anyhow, back to my story. I got up to be a size 16 when I became pregnant at the age of 30. Did I mention I was addicted laxatives? I took so many that my back hurt all the time. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I stopped that. To this date, I cannot have any in my house for fear I will abuse them. Pregnancy was rough. I was on bedrest the entire pregnancy due to complications. So, I would lay there and eat. I gained 78 pounds - 30 of that in my 6th month. I found out I had gestational diabetes. I gave birth 7 weeks early. She was healthy and we were fine. I lost down to a size 12 as I was a single parent, had a coliky baby, never slept and worked full time at a crazy job that required me to be on call at all hours of the day and night. So, I ate when I could. My car became my dining room. Fast food was my friend. Oh, and I am a chocoholic. I love sweets. Cake or steak? I will take cake any day over it! 

Then I had a series of life altering events- found out I was diabetic. Funny, the medicine they give you to control your diabetes causes weight gain and fluid retention of the worst kind. But, in that same breath the doctor is yelling at you to lose weight. I also had gallbladder issues and wanted my tubes tied. So, we set up the surgery! All was great- excpet it felt like a train had come out of my belly button! A week later, I had a pulmonary embolism. I was hospitalized for ten days. I then went through a year of therapeutic treatment. Blood thinners and tons of blood tests which means lots and lots of needles- no fun. I was cold all the time. 

I think this is when I got really depressed. I could sit and eat a whole bag of oreos by myself. Bad for a diabetic right? Who cared- I was still going to gain the weight. 

Then I found out I had a pituitary tumor. Why does this all happen to me? Still depressed- still eating more- all the way up to 280 pounds. I started new meds for diabetes and got down to 265. 

And, here I sit. I would have never considered WLS before, due to my blood clot, but now I have a different outlook on life. 

I am tired all the time, have no energy for my family or my job, and wish my knees did not hurt so much! I get tired of taking 5 meds a day, and two injections. I am only 39! Someone, please save me from myself!! Then my sister applied for WLS surgery through her insurance and got an initial pre-screening approval. I thought to myself, I have the same insurance, am heavier than her, and have three more co-morbities as well. Finally, my bad health caused me to hit the jackpot! I got pre-approved as well. We had our initial consult and I am really ready now. I have done research, talked to friends who have had the RNY, and I am ready. Now, I just pray that my insurance will say yes. I have to get my psych eval and go to a group class, but I am planning to do that during my holiday break (I am a teacher now). Then, maybe surgery will soon follow. I hope and pray so!

About Me
Kingsville, TX
Mar 22, 2010
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