Two Year check up- Happy Anniversary to me!!

Mar 22, 2010

Well, over the break, I had my two year check up. All went so well. I lost the 10% I was to lose this second year. In fact, I lost right at 100 pounds at  a year, and lost 12 pounds the second year. I am not to maintain this weight as my goal- 145. I had been down to a low of 140, and even on occassion hit 138. However, I have had two major things happen in my life;
1. I have stopped having a period. It is almost non existant ecpet for severe bloating and water retention. Found out I need to have a cervical ablation to be rid of all this, and I have a small fibroid tumor. The dr. thinks this the main problem I am having. I wish they would just rip it all out- never going to use it or need it. I will be doing this asap when school is out. I am in a constant state of PMS/ Yuk.
2. Just got off of spring break and ate like a piggie. Ok, ok, I am back on it though. ON TRACK. Packed my snacks and lunch this AM. No more excuses.

So I am holding myself accountable. I will be checking my weight weekly and hopefully remembering to log it in here.


About Me
Kingsville, TX
Mar 22, 2010
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