Well to start things off I am 30 years old. I have been overweight all my life with my highest weight at 327 lbs. I have been married for 10 years. I have 2 sons and 1 step-son. I have been struggling with my weight all of my life. About 3 years ago I started looking into bariatric surgery only to be disappointed, my insurance would not pay for the surgery. About a year and a half ago my husband got a new job which meant NEW INSURANCE YEAH!!! After his 3 month probation period i started looking into surgery again only to find out this time the insurance did pay for it but i had to go through 6 months of seeing the doctor and all of the other crazy stuff that they put you through prior to getting this procedure. Shortly after getting my approval papers in the mail from the insurance I began feeling ill. I started blacking out and having strong migraine headaches. I FINALLY went to the eye doctor only for her to tell me that I have a rare disease called Chiari Malformation, she told me my brain was sitting on top of my spine which was causing me to have the headaches and black out spells. She told me to seek medical treatment from my doctor. I immediately went to my primary doctor and gave her the whole story only for my doctor to look at me like I was crazy. She had never heard of the disease either. To make a long story short I ended up seeing a specialist and May 5,2008 I had brain surgery to rectify the problem. The doctor that did the surgery told me that they were not able to do the surgery that they wanted to (shave down my spine) because I was too heavy, instead they put a VP shunt from my brain to my stomach (that is still in) to relieve the pressure. Needless to say it took me a couple of months to bounce back but i was still determined to get Lap Band. After recovering for only 3 months i continued journey to get Lap band . On Aug 28th my dream finally became a reality. I had the surgery it went GREAATT and so far I have no complaints. My brain is working and so is the band. So that's my story in a nut shell.
No Matter what comes your way if you have a dream GO GET IT!!!!