I am a 50 year old single mom. My daughter is 24 yrs old. Have been overweight since the age of 9. Although I had a 2 yr period between age 21 and 23 where I was thin. But gained 50 pounds during pregnancy and just kept going after that. I had tried so many kinds of diets, wish I had all the money I socked into all my efforts.My sister had Bypass done in 2001, I must admit I was not very supportive at that time, more due to fright of loosing her during surgery and not understanding the whole process. After seeing her great results and watching her transformation I finally swallowed my pride and made the call to start my own journey. And with the love of my life Michael by my side we started the process of contacting Dr Ramanathan's office in Jan.2005. And so it all began....
March 1 2005...This was the first step, the workshop that informed you of all the info for the procedure. I also met Dr Ramanathan and his nurse Cindy at this meeting. Received the list of all the tests that were needed. I started making calls that day and had all my test schedueled for the next few months.

March 14,2005....Oh darn ended up in hospital for my asthma.....was there for a week!!!! had to cancel my stress test.

March 23,2005....Sleep study...not bad I didnt think I slept much with all those wires on me. Must have slept enough to show Apnea....gotta do it again

March 30,2005...2nd sleep study...this time wearing Cpap machine...alot harder to sleep this time.

April 8,2005...Next up was Endoscopy, that went well have a small hiatal hernia.

April 11,2005...Nutritional consultaion...this was the only thing that my insurance didn't pay for. But I figured the $85.00 fee was worth it.

April 19,2005....Stress test, boy am I out of shape couldnt stay on the treadmill for the full time that they wanted.

May 3,2005.....Stress test results!!! Well they showed a shadow that the Dr said was probably just a shadow from my breast.But to make sure I would need a heart catherization done!!! This frightened me more than the thought of gastric bypass surgery.

May 10,2005.... Heart cath done.....All is good cleared for surgery...showed 10% plaque mild coronary heart disease.

I have been sleeping with the C pap for a few weeks now, Mike likes the peace and quiet...no snoring.

May 20,2005... all my info sent to BC/BS Keystone for PA for surgery.....now the wait for approval!!!!

May 31,2005... !!!!I got approval from insurance!!!!

June 3,2005... I HAVE A DATE July 6,2005

June 17,2005... Pre op appointment.....Wow I feel lucky, some of the people that were there when I was have been waiting for 18 months to get a surgery date. They had alot of trouble with insurance.

June 20,2005...Anesthesia appointment ......its getting close...can't wait!!!

July 4th 2005..........HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!! I spent mine doing bowel prep.....My fireworks were all in the bathroom!!!!!

I am very surprised, not nervous at all not even scared.Pre op weight 263. Mike and Ami at my side everything is good........Surgery only took 2 1/2 hrs, everything went great! And best of all I woke up and had NO JP drains!!! Was in my room and had minimal pain. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I was up and walking around that night.

July 7,2005....Have been up and walking at least 5 time today. Feeling great for someone who had their innerds rearranged!!!

July 8,2005... Doing really good had my little cup of juice and jello.....mmmm good. Not sick or anything...surprised how full 2 tbs can make you.

July 9,2005....Home by 11:00am just made sure Mike didnt hit alot of bumps on the road but really glad to be home.

July 11,2005....post op visit everything is going great lost 12 pounds in one week!!! MMMM now I can have pureed food......

August 6,2005.... 1 month post op 24 pounds off went for my 1 month visit everything right on scheduel. I'm still surprised how good I feel. Starting back to work this week. I work 4x10 hr days. I think I will be tired at first but that is to be expected.

September 6,2005...2 months post op...42 pounds gone....I can fit into some of the clothes that have been put away since the last time I lost weight.

October 6,2005...3 months post op 63 pounds down........just one more pound to reach my first goal of under 200 pounds.

October 15,2005...update.....under 200 for the first time in 24 years!!!! Loving it....

November 6,2005...4 months post op 68 pounds down weightloss slowed down this month.....but I'm not worried I know it will keep going.

November 24,2005....Happy Thanksgiving...I had a bite of everything!!! Boy it tasted good. I was very full. Never would have thought I would be eating from a little plate on Thanksgiving!!! Ate just a bit too much....got a little nausea but still have not had a problem have not thrown up yet....That is a big plus.

November 29,2005.....HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY TO ME....My sister and daughter had a surprise party for me. Mike did a great job acting like it was just another night......Got me to the party on time.And this year 76 pound lighter than last year.

December 6,2005...5 months post op 83 pounds gone....I knew my weightloss would pick back up.....some months will be slower than others.....still feeling great.


1/6/06...6 months post op...86 pounds off

1/14/06.....reached the 90 pound mark

1/21/06....95 pounds

2/6/06...7 months post op 96 pounds off that 100 pound mark ir getting closer.

2/11/06...the 100 pound mark still 4 ponds away......I'm stuck.....oh well it will go when its ready I guess.

2/18/06...still STUCK!!!!

2/25/06...yeah finally down 1 pound

3/4/06...2 more days till 8 months post op down to 165 still have 2 pounds to go for my 100 pound mark.

3/6/06...8months post op still weigh 165.

3/11/06... ok guess I'm stuck again although I am very excited went shopping this morning.....always gotta check out the clearance racks tried on jeans size 9/10!!!!!!! and they fit!!!!! You know I bought 2 pair! And what made it even better they were marked down to 7 bucks a pair. I don't remember ever wearing a size 9/10! Will update next week hopefully I will hit that magic number next week..........

3/18/06... well I am at 164 pounds .......99 pounds off

3/25/06...!!!!!!!!FINALLY!!!!!!!REACHED THE 100 POUND MARK!!!!!!!! IM JUST SOOOOO EXCITED AND HAPPY....feeling great ......Michael says I'm a HOTTIE!! LOL well of course I still kinda have the fat person mind frame....but I am working on it. I have been fat almost all of my adult life and most of my childhood, just have to get used to being thin.


4/1/06... down one more pound 101 pounds gone forever!!!

4/8/06...still holding at a 101 loss...

4/15/06...101 and holding..............

4/22/06...another pound off total loss of 102 current weight 161

4/29/06...Hey another milestone for me first time my weight is in the 150's since before my daughter was born 24 years ago.....current weight 159!!!

5/6/06....still holding at 159........current loss of 104 pounds

5/27/06 missed a few weeks posting but I am still holding at 159....need to up my protien and fluid intake can never seem to get all the water in need to force myselt to drink even if I'm not thirsty....

6/3/06.....Yeahhhh lost 1 pound this week!!!

6/10/06..... OK 11 months and 4 days post op.....go on the scale this morning 156!!!! So my total loss so far is 107 pounds....feeling good. I have been trying to push more water....that is my biggest thing getting in water or liquids just not thirsty.But today I will make sure I get all the water in...weekends are bad for me at work at least I have my cup sitting right on my desk and I see it and drink more. But on weekends it seems I am always running doing something......need to carry the water bottle with me like I did right after surgery.Well hopefully I will have another loss next week......we will see would really like to lose at least 3 more pounds before I go to the Dr for my 1 yr check up....Would be great going there with a 110 pound loss. I know that 107 is great but would like it to be a nice round number....LOL>>>>Ok I'm just being wierd.

6/25/06 getting close to that round number weight this morning 155..down 108 pounds....hope to lose 2 more before the Dr apt on 7/13/06 will wait an see.

7/01/06 Well I did it.......weight today 153....I have reached the 110 pound loss I wanted to reach by 1 yr and I still have 5 more days maybe I can loose a few more....I was stuck for a while but the weight seems to be coming off again little bits at a time...but I will take what ever I can get....I was excited went shopping yesterday and bought a pair of size 8 capris.......I have never worn a size 8 EVER so this was a great feeling. When I was beginning my journey Mike and I were talking about what size I thought I might go down to. I was a size 24 before surgery and I was thinking maybe a 12 and at a stretch maybe a 10...He thought I would get down to a size 8....I guess he won LOL but who knows I'm not done loosing yet so we will see......

Went to work today and wore a suit that I bought last month and never wore....Figured it was a special day wanted to look good...pluse the suit is already a little big on me so I wanted to get at least one wear out of it before it was too big.

7/13/06 Today was my 1 year follow up at Dr Ramanathan's office. When I went in there was a woman sitting there and she said to me well you certainly dont need surgery....LOL... I said I already had it a year ago...she was amazed. I showed her the picture album that I made for Dr. Ramanathan with my progress thru my journey. She said she was having surgery on 7/28/06 with my surgeon. I told her she was in good hands. Dr R was very pleased with my progress and with my pictures I brought him. Told him I will be at goal when I see him in 6 months...19 more pounds to goal...I know I can do it!!

7/21/06 Got on the scale this morning lost one more pound 151....can't wait to get under 150 thats my next goal I will set small ones now that the weight is coming off so slowly.....But only 17 pounds to goal!!!!

9/17/06 ....been a while since I posted nothing much happening still weighing in at 151...just want to get under 150 will be happy if I can loose 6 more pounds and be at a normal BMI....really have to work on getting the last pounds off.....I know I can do it gotta buckle down been snacking a little too much.....will post next week see how its going.

10/17/06 Well I am finally under 150 currenly at 149.....feels great if I can loose 4 more pounds my BMI will be normal....still considered overweight at 149!!! I am wearing a size 8 jeans now and Medium top. Never thought I would see the day!!!

 6/1/07 Wow haven't been here for a while alot has happened ....I fianlly have reached a normal BMI current weight 145!!! Yahoo! It took a while to get here....My "love of my life" has left me, moved out while I was a work 2 months ago.....Oh well thats life then you move on...I can thank him for the weightloss I had gained a few over Christmas and since Mike left I lost 7 pounds. No more junk in the house to munch on....like I always said I didn't get to be 263 pounds by having will power if its here I will eat it. Trying to get my self together and trying to get out and make new friends and not sit around doing nothing. Met a new guy friend online and we go for walks and am getting my daughters old bike out and get it fixed up so we can ride together. No romance we are just friends but I like it that way.  But have posted a few new pics. One of me and my surgeon at my 18 month check up will be going next month for the 2 year check up  would like to try to loose a few more pounds He said he thought 140 would be a good weight for me....I think 145 is fine my face is getting too thin.....Hey if I ever got a tummy tuck I would probably loose 5 pounds....

 7/8/07 Well just had my 2 year anniversary on 7/6/07 I have lost the total of 121 pounds and am currently weighing in at 142...go to the Dr on the 12th for my 2 year checkup will have all my bloodwork results back but I think everything is good I feel great. I have started dating again. On the 4th of July we went to Kennywood Park and I rode the rollercoasters for the first time!! 51 and was deathly afraid of them and also I used to be too big to ride them. I made Dan promise to hold me in and not let me fly out...LOL He thought I was nuts.But I had a good time.We have also gone bike riding, I havent been on a bike in probably 35 years....rode about 8 miles and wasnt sore or anything....lived to tell the tale LOL. I am having a great time. Will update after my Dr's appointment on thursday.....

About Me
Whitaker, PA
Surgery Date
Feb 26, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
7/3/2005 2 days pre op
4/18/2006 9 1/2 months post op

Friends 9

Latest Blog 1
WOW moment 10/20/06
