week 9 measurements

Apr 29, 2008

Calf 17"
Thigh 27.5"
Waist 42.5"
Arm 16"
Chest 42"

- 16 inches overall

Weight 213  - 47lbs overall

goal for next month 200lbs!!!

week 4 measurements

Mar 26, 2008

Chest  44"
Belly    45"
Thigh 28.5"
Calf    17"
Bicep 17"

- 2.5 inches.

reached my 1 month goal 3 days early

Mar 24, 2008

Today I am down exactly 20lbs since surgery!!  Yippee.  My goal was 20lbs the first month then 15 the second and 10lbs a month after that.  If I am ahead of the game great!!!!!  I see the surgeon thursday for my 4 week check up. I hate thier scale 1) because my appts are always at 3pm after ive had 40oz of water 2)Im always 6lbs heavier there than I am first thing in the am at my house!   I know its petty but it would be nice to see the same results there.  
I will take measurements later this week.

-20lbs since surgery
-31lbs total!

3 weeks

Mar 19, 2008

Today I am 3 weeks out. No inches lost this week but down 5lbs.  So since surgery I have lost 16 lbs.  My goal for the month was 20 so looks like i am right on track.  
Yesterday I was ok'd to go on soft foods. I tried some fish but it kept getting stuck, so i went back to liquids.  Today ill try something else.  

My only complaint at the moment is this pain in my side that wont seem to go away.  I asked the surgeon about it and they said its normal and can take up to a month or two to heal. ugh.  

Im walking 30 mins a day and when I can 15 mins on the eliptical.  I have added some B12 to my diet to try and up my energy but i haven't seen a difference yet.  

week 3 totals = 
-5 lbs
-0 inches
Average calories 400

2 weeks today

Mar 11, 2008

Today has been two weeks since surgery.  Feel pretty good, still have some soreness in my sides but nothing to really complain about.  finally getting my protein in thanks to those protein bullets.  Water is coming along!  

I broke down and took my measurements today 

Chest  44 1/2
Belly    45
Thigh  28 1/2
Calf    17 1/2
Bicep  18

11 lbs lost since surgery, 22 total.

day before

Feb 26, 2008

Well 24 hours from now I will be recovering!  Thats exciting and frightening all the same.  
I remembered to take the before pics and the measurements today. My measurements are as follows.

Neck   14"
Chest  46"
Bicep   18"
waist (at belly button)  48"
Thigh   30"
Calf      19"

PS this liquid thing stinks...Im starving!!!!!!

Date is finally scheduled

Feb 07, 2008

Today i am a lb and a half under my goal weight!  My surgery is scheduled for 2/27/08 at 7am!  I can't wait to finally begin the journey


Jan 13, 2008

Today I am 4lbs away from getting a surgery date. I have one more weigh in on Friday so I am working hard eating veggies and protein to get down to that weight.  

I started this process with the initial seminar on 9/11/07.  I have since gone thru two visits with the Nut, 5 psych classes, PT consult, all pre-op testing & pre op vitamins, 1 meeting with the surgeon, and several with the coordinator.  All thats left are the last few lbs to lose before final approval from my surgeon (oh and Anthem BCBS has already approved my surgery)
I can't wait to get on with the process.. I keep thinking about how great I will feel a year from now!!!

About Me
Portsmouth, NH
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 18
9 Months and Happy holidays
Month 8 where has the time gone??
Month 7.. slowing down
Month 6
Month 5
Month 4 and still plugging away
3 Months and loving it!!
