so close

Nov 25, 2007

Hello..OH family!

Sorry I havent written in a very long time.  I'm going to have to get better with that!  Just wanted to drop a quick update.  I AM SO CLOSE TO GETTING MY APPROVAL & DATE I JUST WANNA DANCE !!!

If you recall my insurance carrier (JHU EHP) required 6mos of medical supervised weight loss attempts.  It has been so long but in December I willl be at my 6 month mark and I cannot wait.  All the paperwork..tests..appointments..etc..etc.. have been overwhelming

so i am just waiting for my approval & date,  i'm surely on my way to the losing side!!  As soon as I'm approved (by the grace of God and his divine wisdom)   I will shout it out to my OH fam ...... 

So until next time..Peace and Blessings


I have a surgeon!!! :0} yeah....

Jul 25, 2007

It has certainly been some time since my last post.  But I have been researching and interviewing several Dr's on my quest for WLS.  I consulted 4 surgeons..went to countless seminars...and FINALLY I beleived God has helped me pick the right one.  Because if I had not prayed and asked God for guidance I dont know where I would be right now!!!!  You can check out my comments about the physician on my "Surgeon Review" section.  I truly feel that he and his team are right for me.  So now the fun really begins....I had my first consult yesterday and we went over ALOT of info.  I had so many questions..and he had so many patients waiting.  But it impressed me a great deal that he waited for me to ask my questions and explained the answers throughly, without making me feel like I've just asked the dumbest question in the world.  i kept saying to him "I only have 1 more question cause I know you have patients waiting".  And he firmly said "no problem ask me as much as you like I am here to answer ALL your questions!" I was shocked thats the first time I ever a doc say that ..they usually seem to rushed and ready to push you out the door.  But I feel comfortable in my decision and can't wait until I get a date.  I was examined and even found out that I lost a little weight about 27 pds.  I was reading an article about WLS and it seems that alot of the docs require that you lose a few pounds before surgery with a pre-op diet.  So i thought I would try and get myself used the diet and i tried a few things.  I admit it was a little hard especially since one of the steps was cutting out carbonated and high sugar drinks.  In particular SODA!!  WUTHAHELL !!! I LOVE SODA...THIS MEANS I WOULD HAVE TO GIVE UP MY BELOVED PEPSI !!!!!  THIS WILL BE DIFFICULT.

But I am strong I can get through this...besides when she told me I lost 27 pds I almost fell out.  But I know that the whole WLS is a lifetime commitment so I may as well get used to my new healthy lifestyle

Since this was my first consult and my insurance requires 6mos documented medical weight loss attempts before they approve . I will be working directly with the doc and the nutritionist.  so I will post periodlly on my progress and when I have a date.  I have several pre test that need to happen so I will be doing those first.  Until next time.....

Be Blessed

Ms Isha Boo

I'm on my way :0)

Apr 11, 2007

Well..I've been to my very first of MANY seminars with surgeon #1.  There was a lot of information and best of all we were able to meet the docs and several patients that had the surgery.  They shared all the details of their pre-op and post-up experiences.  One lady looked so good I just couldn't believe my eyes!!!  She had her WLS about a year ago and she shared how this time last year she was over 300 pds and using a wheel chair because she couldn't walk..  GOD IS SO AMAZING !!! She has not only lost tons of weight but she doesn't need the chair or canes anymore and she accomplished so many personal goals!! This lady really gave the group alot of information and encouragement.  It is a big step for some of us to take that first step into a healthier life and for some of us it can even be a little scary.  I will be the first to admit when I think about losing weight, which has been a part of who I am all my life that scares me a little.  You know the fear of what if's is what I call it..What if I don't get approved for WLS?  What if I get approved have the surgery and it doesn't work? What if I loose too much weight and wind up look like a walking blob of endless FLABBY SKIN?  See what I mean ..... these are some of the things I think about..I know..I know..  my mind is just sometimes overwhelmed with the craziest things.  But all in all I always go back to what motivates me to do it is my GOD tells me that I can do all things and I should not be fearful of the unknown.  I do have faith that GOD will guide me in the right direction.  So with that being said I am off again to surgeon #2 seminar/information session.  Then towards the end of the month I will attend surgeon #3 session.  So I am taking my time with this and trying to make the best decision for my surgery.  I have been known to rush into ideas and plans and get so disappointed when they don't work out.  So I made a promise to myself not to do that anymore and take my time to make the right decisions.  So until next time 

Peace & Blessings
Miss Isha Boo


Mar 28, 2007


Ok i have been in touch with the offices of the three candiates that I want to interview for WLS.  Each office has sent me stacks of material to read as thick as the phone book yellow pages..Wheww wee

I've never read so much in my life..and how many trees did they have to kill to put all that paper together.  Needless to say it was a long evening going the packets of info..but all in all it turned out ok.  I read through everything! Even the stringent guidelines these surgeons want you to follow.  I have a new found respect for this,  cause you gotta go through alot.  Looking at alot of post, I read how this process can take a while..but looking at the big picture for most that I have read it was worth it.  My goodness!! I need to figure how can I get my PCP to write up my "medical neccesity" for having surgery.  Afterall he just mentioned a few times about me losing weight and how it could help my asthma.  we  never really worked on a supervised diet plan.  And apparently alot of docs won't do surgery if you don't have that history and  your insurance wants documented evidence of you trying before they approve.  I've tried basically on my own to try and lose the weight ...I tried all kinds of pills, shakes, drinks, meals plans, videos, books, gyms, etc...  I spent a small fortune on this stuff...and they talk about documented evidence.  whatever !!! have to attend info seminars before you even get the consultation..sometimes more than one!!

One thing is for sure it is a very involved process and I know it may seem like I'm ranting a little... but I'm ready..I don't scare easily.  So whatever it takes to get that next step I'm ready in willing to deal with it.  It looks like alot of people update their progress from start to finish so I will try to do the same as often as possible.  Until next time..Peace & Blessings

Miss Isha Boo

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2007
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Latest Blog 14
6 mos ..ok here we go!!!
Truly Amazing!!
62 lbs in 10 weeks...
New Beginning
I'M APPROVEDDDDD !!!! :-) :-) :-)
