Michael Schweitzer

"Direct, to the point and seems like a nice guy. Good bed-side manner. I just wished that he would be able to take more time with his patients. In the hospital, I was able to see and speak to the interns and residents more than him. I also, felt like I had to repeat everything to each one of them. I had a complication after surgery and had to return to the hospital, he was not immediately available to oversee my care. This led to a horrific experience in the ER radiology department. In hindsite, I would make sure he was notified and that at the very least an intern or resident that works with him would be present in the ER. Overall he is an excellent doctor and I would highly recommend him. His office recently lost his main secretary so I do not know how that is going. It was difficult for me to reach the new one to schedule my 6 month follow up. My case has been unique because I live 2 1/2 to 3 hours from his office and the hospital. The biggest complaint that I have is the co-ordination of care between my primary care doctor and Dr. Schweitzer."
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 10, 2003
Member Since
