Lisa_W. 16 years, 4 months ago

Hi Jamie: Wanting to wish you the best as you embark on an amazin, life changing journey. You have taken a huge step to change ypour life! Lisa

Shazanne 16 years, 4 months ago

Hi Jamie! Keeping you in my warmest thoughts and constant prayers as you embark on this great life-changing voyage! Congratulations, Sweetie. We are all here rooting for you! Suzanne

AwesomeForever 16 years, 4 months ago

Jami, I am praying that God will keep you calm as you enter the hospital tomorrow. It will be an experience that changes your life. Blessings now, and forever. Linda

latoya2007 16 years, 4 months ago

Good Luck Tomorrow Jami, Save room on the losers bench.

WLS OCT 2. 16 years, 4 months ago

Hello Jami, Congrats on your surgery!!! Wishing you all the best!! Good Luck tomorrow!! (((HUGS)))

buttersmom 16 years, 4 months ago

Good Luck to you Jami. You will be on the losers bench before you know it! I wish you a speedy recovery and lots of success. - Connie

LooseCannon 16 years, 4 months ago

Go Jami! ROCK THAT RNY!!!!!!!! xoxo Mare

Diamond Girl 16 years, 4 months ago

Hey Jami, congrats on your surgery date - tomorrow is almost here! How exciting for you! Will be sending you healing vibes all day and may every part of your surgery go as expected. Best wishes.

inofwls 16 years, 4 months ago

Hello Jami, I wish you an un-eventful wls, and speedy recovery, We are waiting for you on th eloser's bench.

Alice H. 16 years, 4 months ago

Hey Jami! Congrats on getting to the BIG DAY! You will do fine and will be on the loser's bench with the rest of us losers Wed. Prayers and good wishes for a successful surgery and quick recovery!
About Me
Cherry Point, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 120

Latest Blog 11
7 months have passed
I made it!!!
4 1/2 months post op and feeling fine :)
Yes I am a slacker!!
A Little Post-op Amusement!!
Post op ~ feelin' GREAT!!
Ready Or Not, Here I come!!
The Phone Call I Never Thought would Come!!!
And I was worried?
