4 Months surely has gone by fast...

Oct 09, 2008

 I can't believe that I am 4 months out today!  Time is just flying by.  I will say that this has been an adventure and a half.  I am soooooo glad that September is over and done with.  It was an eventful month.  I have healed from my Gall Bladder removal surgery and everything seems fine.  I go back for my follow up and lab work Nov. 11th I believe (sorry don't have my organizer in front of me). Hope all my labs and stuff turn out fine.  The only thing I can really complain about is my hair falling out.  I can't stand to run my fingers through my hair and come out with strands in my hand.  My hair brush looks as bad as my dogs brush after I rush her once.  I hope this subsides soon!  On another good note I am almost down 100 pounds!  I have 3 more to go.  I got on the scale this morning and it still said 285.  285, I can handle that! I don't think I have weighed this much since I was in High School!  I also posted new pics, check them out!

I came back to work about a week ago and needless to say, nothing has changed.  Still work with idiots and pay ain't for crap, but they did offer me another retention bonus to stay til Dec. 31st.  I just hope another job offer comes through soon and with more pay.   Well I will continue to pray on things and leave it in God's hands.  He surely has made miracles happen in my life.  I may not always get what I want, but as a good Father always knows, he knows what is best for me.  Thanks to all my friends and family for all the support as well.


Jamie Pooh

3 Months out

Sep 08, 2008

Well...just shy of 2 days from being 3 months out.  I am in pain right now that I can't sleep and waiting for my drugs to kick in, I figured I would post an update. 

Wow, what can I say?  This has been an amazing journey both with its ups and downs and I'm only 3 months out.  I have lost 79 pounds so far!  I just sit in awe about it.  I can't believe it.  I mean I know I lost about 20-25 pounds before surgery, but still...to see a scale go down and not up, leaves me speachless.  I still sorta see myself as a fat chick, well duh you are Jamie, but everyone at work is calling me "Slim"  .  I see it more so now than I did in the beginning.  I have to hold up my pants as well as my underwear when I go up and down the steps or walk.  LOL .  My other big accomplishment I did this summer was squeeze myself into a size 22 bathing suit!  22, wow I havent been that size since I was like 18 or so.  I was pretty happy too cause I got it at Ross for 8 bucks!  Can't go wrong there! 

I had my 2nd check up with Dr. Moazzez on August 20th and everything looked great as far as my labs.  I was really scared they were going to be low because I have a hard time remembering to take my vitamins(kicks myself swiftly in the ass).  He said that my Vitamin D was looking good since I had my surgery.  I had to order the Bariatric Advantage brand since they want me to take 10,000 IUs a day.   I am also bad at drinking my protein shakes.  I need to get back in the habbit.  I have found this Smoothie place near my house and job that a co-worker told me about and I am addicted!  It's called Robeks.  I love going there!  But it is also kinda putting a dent in my wallet. 

My fat butt also joined a gym.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would join a gym.  Thats another dent to the wallet as well, but I know as long as I have to pay 80 bucks a month, I will force myself to go.  I did meet with the personal trainer there (that was free)  but also want to look into taking some classes there too. 

On other news,   I have jumped my 3 big hurdles for this month of September.   My baby boy started Kindergarten on the 2nd.  He was so excited.  I took his supplies to his teacher that morning while he rode the school bus in and I seen him walking the halls, and I almost cried!    He finally saw me in the hall and said hi mommy!  I said keep walking Nate, follow your classmates.  He would turn around to see if I was still following him.  When he got to his class, I waited outside for a few minutes to see if he would come back out and say goodbye or start to cry.  NOTHING!!! lol he sat down and started to color so I left.  He has enjoyed going to school and tells me everything he learned when he comes home, but is surely tired when 4-4:30 hits..lol.  My second hurdle was my court date for child support.  Nathaniel's daddy wanted to have the payments lowered since he has since had 2 kids with his wife adn adopted her 2 kids and now lives in New Mexico and making a lot less money than he did.  I said a prayer before I walked in and asked that God give me the strengh to get through this and look out for me and my son.  My prayers were answered!  I thought for sure the judge would rule to have the payments lowered, but she did NOT!  She basically decided he cant support 5 kids and a wife off of a Part Time job, which is true.  I told the judge when I was pleeding my case that I have done my best to provide for my son with what little I have, I am losing my job come the end of this government contract that I am on, which they told us would be October 31st.  I was also at one point working 2 jobs to make up for him not paying.  The judge even repeated that when she was telling us her verdict.   I felt so relieved.  I know that he still has to pay the $582 a month, but its just a matter of getting it.  It only hurts him more when he doesn't pay.   I then went and met up with Melissa who had her surgery the same day as me  and she did my hair(posted new pics, check it out)  I absolutely loved it!  I was a little supprised to see how really short it was, but I'm so happy with it.   My 3rd hurdle was my surgery I had today.  I was to have my gall bladder taken.  I told Dr. Mo the news of us losing the government contract at my job and told him I would have insurance til about Oct.  He said sure no problem I can take it out before then.  So, here I am in pain and can not sleep.  I had to be at the hospital at 6am this morning and surgery was scheduled for 7:30am.  He saw me before they took me back to the OR and said it would be a 30-60 min procedure.  Needless to say it turned into 3 hours!  He told my aunt who took me to the hospital and waited like she did with my RYN that my gall bladder had a lot of stones and was pretty big as well as my liver.  While he was in there he saw a hernia from my RNY in there and repaired it.   My inital though was "oh boy, here we go, I am turning into my mother!"  She had 10 operations from her hernias and now has no stomach lining.  I just hope it doesn't happen again!    i havedecided that I am not going to push myself like I did after my RNY.  Im going to take it easy.  I was doing laundry and chores too soon I think.  I did notice sort of a knot by my big incission from my RNY and thought nothing of it.  I now have 7 more holes to go with my 5 from RNY.  Anyone want to play connect the dots?  LOL.  Anyway,  I hope there are more blessed things to come in the future, like maybe a decent boyfriend and a vacation and a new job!  

1 Month Post-Op

Jul 10, 2008

Wow, I'm sitting here at work and it just dawned on me that I am 1 month out.  LOL!!! Time has flown it seems.  I guess I got lost in the mist of everything else, finding out that I need to look for another job, dealing with my son's 5th birthday.  Yes, I said 5...OMG that makes me feel old.  and just dealing with life in general. 

I can honestly say that I am doing well over all.  I have problems eatting scrambled eggs and keeping them down.  So I stuck with eating applesauce as my main breakfast.  I did eat some wheaties one night for dinner and kept it down.  

I am overly happy that I had this surgery.  I would do it over again with all the pain and throwning up I have done just as a trial and error period.  I hope to continue to lose the weight as the months go on.   

I posted some new pics...check them out


Jun 14, 2008


So, I made it out of surgery (woohoo!) My aunt says I was back there for about 2 and a half hours, well before the doc came and talked to her. I was in recovery for a while because they were waiting on a room for me. While I was in recovery, I got up and walked around. The nurse were so impressed! I then got into my room about 5:30pm that night. I told Judy to go on home because a bad storm was about to roll through and she doenst drive in the dark let alone a storm. Later that evening, Kelly and Damon came out and walked with me. I was so happy to see her there. I was kinda drowsy still too so I told them to head home and get something to eat.

Through the night I didnt sleep well at all. Tryin to get comfortable with a dayum cathiater(sp) in you is a real pain in the ass! Anywho, woke up early that morning to a man wanting to come drawl my blood....yuck! dont you people think I have been poked enough? anyway, he took some blood, wasnt sooooo bad as I thought, just cant stand gettin poked more than once for blood or you will see me on the floor! Later that morning about 730, the doc came in and told me that I was to go down for my upper GI so they can see if everything was working ok and if it was I would be able to eat and drink now :). So I chucked down some nasty lime tasting stuffs and chalky shit and they took xrays and did like a sonogram and everything looked good.

So when I got back to my room, they had a small cup of jello, a small bowl of broth and a tiny cup of cranberry juice waiting for me. I ate what I could and sipped plenty of water. Then Grandma Sally, Melanie, Isabella, Samantha and my Nater came to see me :) I was sooooo glad to see my baby boy again! He didnt want to leave the hospital..hehe but Grandma took him back to her house so he could go swimming with Isabella and Alex. Later that afternoon the doc came back and said I was free to go to that night after dinner. I was really supprised. So the real obsticale was tryin to find someone to come and get me and where would I stay? My mom was home with phenmonia and smokes in the house and the doctor told me specifically to stay away from things like that.

GREAT!!! So I got Grandma Sally to come pick me up from the hospital and bring me here to my Grandpa's house :)

I wanted to thank everyone who kept me in their thoughts and prayers. I would also like to thank Kelly, Damon, Melanie, Grandma and especially my aunt Judy(who the lady at the regristration desk swore was my mom) for all their support and coming to see me. I will keep everyone updated as I get more updates myself or can find a signal here in the house..lol man Dial up sucks!!!!


Jamie Pooh

prep for surgery

Jun 08, 2008

OMG....this bowel prep is nasty!  lol  I feel like im going to throw up but I think it is mostly because of this post nasal drip i got going on.  Anyway, I think reality is finally setting in for me and surgery is just right around the corner.  I cant wait!  I hope I can see my bf tomorrow before surgery and spemd some quality time with him and my son before tuesday.  Im still a little shaken up too knowing the dangers that lie ahead as well.  I do know that I am in good hands with Dr. Moazzez and with the Lord as well.  Thanks to those that have stuck behind me and pushed me to continue with the surgery even after it was post-poned once before.  I will keep everyone posted with updates as they come.


Jamie Pooh

Just waiting for the starting line....

May 22, 2008

So I went and saw another psych for surgery (thanks Sherry for refering me to Marilyn, she was great!)  She was going to write the letter to Dr. Mo to clear me for surgery.  I had my pre-op appt. with Dr. Mo yesterday and everything seems to be good to go.  I would have to get my gall bladder taken out sooner than later after my surgery since it has started to give me problems.  Well I lost 8 pounds and Im excited....yeah some of you are like wow, 8 pounds thats it?  Thats alot considering I jumped off the  bandwagon and never fully got back on board til like 2 weeks ago.  I have been drinking 2 protein shakes aday and then something for dinner.  I will splurge a little next week for my 27th birthday .  Anyway, so surgery is still a go for June 10th.  Omg it will be here before I know it!

Back on the bandwagon!

Apr 13, 2008

Ok, so I finally made up my mind.  I am going to go through with the surgery. I have my date set for June 10th.  About a week or so after my 27th birthday.  Hell, if all else fails at least I can say I was 27 and not 26 if I died after having this.  I am putting everything in God's hands and hope that he will keep me under his watchful eye and have a good outcome.  

Its been a hard last 2 months dealing with being told they were post poning my surgery.  I went to a nutritionist with my cousin and to be honest I went in there with high hopes, only to be pretty much confused.  It seemed like he was some off the wall type doctor, a little old office, and a nursing staff that barely spoke english.  Anyway, he put me on this 1400 calorie diet and told me to take 2 pills, one in the morning and one an hour before I ate.  All that one pill made me do was feel jittery after I ate and was boucing off the walls at work.  Not the best feelin in the world. Plus I paid 70 out of pocket because nothing was covered under insurance. 

I sit and look at photos of myself and see how FAT I really am.  I dont feel it or really see it looking in the mirror.  I guess I have grown up feeling like the rest of my friends, but until reality kicks in and I'm the last girl any man will dance with at a club, or find myself not wanting to go to the mall to have younger kids point and stare.  

Anyway, here is to jumping back on the bandwagon and hopes to finally being on the "loser's bentch".



Feb 17, 2008

So the offical word is that they are going to postpone the surgery.  At this point I dont even know if I want to continue on or not.  I guess I just need to get my mind right.  Thank you all for the posts and keeping me in your prayers.  I had a feelin something like this was going to happen.  Good things never seem to happen to me...But anyway, thanks again ya'll!


Feb 16, 2008

So, 4 days, 4 freakin days before my surgery I am told they want to post pone it because of my stupid pysch evaluation. How in the hell can one quack have a say so in my life?  This is rediculous.  I am so mad, upset, hurt beyond belief.  Basically the pysch I went to saw me 3 times...3 times...wtf?  Everyone else I ever talked to went to theirs once.  Its funny because I saw her on Monday the 11th, she shook my hand and said "good luck with your surgery I hope all goes well" and then she throws me for a loop and tells Dr. Mo that she recommends post poning my surgery for 6 weeks.  WTF????  Now look...I know I have issues that are beyond my control, like living with my parents.  Im a single mom tryin to better myself for me and my son.  I currently live with my parents because I dont make enough money to be out on my own and I help them out as well.  I was looking for a roomate in the mist of this whole surgery thing, but this surgery was my priority.  Living at home is not always the best place in the world, but set aside the crap that goes on there, is something I have delt with the last 26 years of my life.  If someone ever said they didnt have stress or arguements at home are crazy and no where near normal.  

So basically I was in tears all day on friday.  I called some more psychs in the area and one was able to see me yesterday, granted I had to pay 170 out of pocket to see her.  I wish I would have went to her in the first place.  She was like I dunno why this other one is saying postpone your surgery, but I would just ask that you go to the support groups and get involved with an activity so that you are working out.  Fine, I can handle that.  I called the lady that I went to to begin with and she never answered the phone or called me back til yesterday.  I was heated with her.  She is supposed to call me back today and chat with me.  I am just at a stand stil.  I am  supposed to be doing my Fleet stuff today, but Im like why do I even bother???    Should I just give up  completely or keep fighting?

The Pressure's On....

Feb 10, 2008

So, here I am coming down the home stretch til my surgery.  I got one more full week of work, and ill be out til after my surgery.  I can't wait.  Granted I would rather be taking time off for a vacation or something, but hey, one will be more enjoyable AFTER I have my surgery and things start looking up for once. 

I know as a person everyone has their triumphs,mishapps, struggles and what not but I am determinded to turn my life around. I have sat here at home this weekend, My last official weekend to do something while im "normal"  and I didnt do crap.  Now I will admit that it kind of put a sour taste in my mouth about my friends, but I guess its not the end of the world and of course money is always an issue.  

I went to the sleep follow up with a doctor at the Sleep Center and they said that I had mild sleep apnea, but not enough to put me on that CPAP machine.  THANK GOD!  I did have some positive encouragement to that though, I got on the scale and i lost 5 pounds!  Thats a lot to a fat arse like myself.  I had my shoes and stuff on, and they say that included about another 5 pounds to your actual weight.  

Anyway, I ate McDonalds breakfast this morning, I didnt want to, but did to an extent, but I figured its my last real breakfast for a while, why not.  I have been good all week.  I have been doing protein shakes during the day and a high protein dinner.  The rest of the week, I think I might just stick to a liquid diet, and hope I lose somemore weight before my surgery.  My Co-worker wanted to take me out for my "Last Supper" but I dunno where I want to go...lol.  Anybody got any ideas?  lol  Anyway, Im going back to my cleaning.  I will probably post more on Wed. after my pre-op with Dr. Mo.

OXOX  ~ Jamie

About Me
Falls Church, VA
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 11
4 Months surely has gone by fast...
3 Months out
1 Month Post-Op
prep for surgery
Just waiting for the starting line....
Back on the bandwagon!
The Pressure's On....
