12 Week Post-Op Update & Pictures (Updated 08/15/09)

Aug 13, 2009

I am now 12 weeks post-op and  I have lost 44 lbs and have 31 left to loose.  I had to go shopping again and buy more pants.  In the beginning I was wearing a size 18 and now I am in a size 12!!  I am so much happier and I know I am healthier.  I can't help but to be proud of myself when I look at the pictures taken the day before my surgery and compare them to now.  I have my 3-month check up on August 25th and I can't hardly wait.  I am so thankful for my family, friends and co-workers who have supported me emotionally as in the beginning I was having a hard time.  I thank God for helping me everyday for helping me get through the surgery, complications I had and giving me the strenght to get to where I am.

