YuGal5 wrote 8 years, 3 months ago
Hello, how are you? Hope your surgery went well. I'm a new member and my date is April 25th. I wish you well on this life changing journey.

Jealousy wrote a blog post 10 years, 1 month ago
Lap-Band revision to RYN first appointment. - Well I have decided a bit ago that I want to try and get a revision for the RYN. I feel like I maxed out at the liquid level as far as how tight my band could be and also I gained ...

Jealousy posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
Whats on the menu today? - What is everyone planning for yummies today?   So far I am having: Breakfast - 1 egg 2 pieces of turkey bacon Lunch: Salad with chicken breast, cucumbers and tom...

Jealousy wrote a blog post 11 years, 4 months ago
Emotional Eating -   Emotional Eating I am an emotional eater. The faster I acknowledge it, the sooner I will be able to change it. My childhood was rough as far as my weight. I have me...

Jealousy wrote a blog post 11 years, 4 months ago
The Truth - Truth Statement I will become more cautious of what my body consumes. My body needs help to become healthy, making better food choices at every meal is cruci...

Jealousy posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
Need encouragement and accountability! Pleeease :) - Hello,  Thank you for taking the time to read my post :) As the subject states, I had lapband surgery in 2007, the first year I lost 100lbs, since then (within the last year...

Jealousy added a goal 11 years, 4 months ago
weigh under 250lbs
About Me
Newport News, VA
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2005
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 9
First PB and Hopefully Last!
Real Food and Update
WOOT 17lbs LOST!
Liver Biopsy Results and Update
Sad and Hungry :(
Head Hunger and Cravings are Evil
