I'm 32 yrs. old, started this journey at 289lbs., have been overweight all of my life, have a family history of obesity.  I am a single mother of two boys, who are my LIFE and I would give anything for them.   I first started considering this surgery when I began having major back problems, pinched nerve, and although it isn't as bad as most back problems, it is still extremely painful when I do not take medication and limits my abilities to do certain exercise activities as well as just live a normal life.  My goal is to be around a long time for my boys and I'm hoping that by having this surgery I will dramatically improve my chances.  Over many years I have tried NUMEROUS diets.. Atkins was the most effective with a weight loss of 65lbs back in 1996, but I gained it all back and more afterwards.  Tried Weight Watchers and lost a bit but then gained it back.  Low Fat diets, low calorie diets, food strikes, I've tried it all...  and it's been a rollercoaster, as I'm sure everyone on here knows what I'm talking about.   

