Little Over a Year Post Op.. Happiness and Struggles..

Jun 15, 2010

Well, greetings to anyone still out there..   lol..   it seems that once the surgery is finished, people tend to start living their lives and this website becomes a distant memory.. haha.. not that it's a bad thing.. but I really didn't want to turn into one of those people who disappeared completely.  

So here I am..   about 14 months out..   down from 289lbs to 147lbs!!!  That's a loss of 142lbs...  about half my weight..    It's still all very surreal to me, to be honest.  My doctor still wants me to get down to 135, and the weight is still coming off SLOWLY, but 135 just seems too small for me.. but we shall see.    

I went into the emergency room the other day for stomach pains (they were really weird stomach pains and I thought my gallbladder or something was about to give, turned out to be nothing I guess).. but anyhow, the nurse who was taking my vitals pulled up my information on her computer and I saw her look at the screen, look back at me, look at the screen and then back at me and finally said "you had gastric bypass?"  and I said "yes" and she said "oh my god, you're SOOO skinny!! I would have never guessed you had ever been bigger!".   I blushed..  it really made me feel good and it's moments like those that remind me how "real" it is.  I tend to forget how it was being big now..  and I don't want to forget that..  

I am LOVING being thin though!!  I got season passes to Great America (roller coaster park) and have taken my boys a few times now..  they love it and I love being able to spend the time with them..  being able to fit on all the rides is AMAZING!   Not to mention, there's a water park there and this past weekend I was strutting around with shorts and a bathing suit top on (not a bikini though.. lol)  but it felt SO good .. such a feeling of freedom!   I feel like I have a whole new life that I never thought I would have... never even dreamed it would feel this great!

So what am I doing?  Well as we all know too well, it is so much easier to screw up once you're a year out or so...  I've realized that now.   I definitely got "comfortable" with no exercise and just losing weight for a long time there.   I would go through quick phases where I would ride my bike a few weeks or maybe try an exercise video.. but nothing really stuck.   So a couple months back..  I was in a relationship and started getting "comfortable".. you know, where you're going out to dinner and lunch or breakfast when you're with that person.. and you find yourself not really paying attention to food intake because your life just seems so happy and great?? haha..   Well yeah, I was there.. and by no means did I eat things that were outrageous.. I think I just ate more then I should have in most cases.   So, in turn, I actually hit a long plateau where I was staying around 155-160.  

After the relationship, I started re-evaluating what I was doing..  and realized that 155-160 was not where I wanted to get stuck.  So I got myself in check and then started walking with a friend of mine.  Well, when I was walking, I felt like I needed "more", like my body was "NEEDING" more of a challenge.  So I started jogging and then walking 2 miles a day.  Then on my nifty Droid phone, I found an app called "Cardio Trainer".. this thing is my saving grace!!   It goes by GPS, it tracks how far you've gone, where you've gone (shows you on a map), how many calories you've burned, your time.. etc.  IT is FANTABULOUS!  I started using that and going around my neighborhood walking and building up my jogging.   I now jog about 95% of 4 miles a day in a 40-50 minute timeframe.. and love it!  My weight has been gradually going down and in the two months I have been doing this, I have lost 4 inches of EACH of my thighs!   amazing! 

Sadly though, I still have a lot of issues with my body.  I think I've said before that I had more confidence naked prior to the surgery then I do now, and that still rings true.  My stomach is a disaster from all the stretch marks, that are now like these deep lines that run down my stomach.  I do not have much of a belly "hang over" which I am fortunate for, but it's still not pretty to look at.   My rear and thighs have creases and wrinkles where you can tell there's excess skin and my upper arms are very bad.  But most of all..  my breasts..   R.I.P. boobies..  I miss those things so much..   what I have now is a pathetic mess of flappy skin.. it's aweful. 

This is what I've noticed too.   It seems truly harder to find someone who is willing to accept me the way I am now, then it did when I was big.  I know I know, you're probably saying that's crazy talk.. but hear me out here.   haha..  

When I was big, it was OBVIOUS I was big..  if someone met me, they knew what they were getting into, they knew I was thick and would most likely have stretch marks and huge thighs and all that stuff that comes with being BIG.  But now, people see me and assume I'm thin and that I've always been thin.  So they get their hopes up that I have a kick ass body which only looks that way when fully clothed.. so it's really misleading.   So meeting people now, I am FAR more nervous about how to approach the subject.  I had met two people who when I told them up front I had a surgery and lost a lot of weight, they immediately stopped talking to me..   So, I do not know if I want to be up front with anyone else but then I feel like I'd be leading someone on and if they eventually see me, they will run.  It's a bit of a dilema and very frustrating... to say the least.  

Anyhow.. I am sure I'll eventually find someone who accepts me the way I am, like my last boyfriend did..   it's just weeding out the superficial people, which can be hard to do when it's something that's not that easy to talk about.

All things aside though.. I am VERY happy with the person I have become.. I do not have any regrets and would do it all over in the drop of a hat!  

I hope everyone is doing well out there!   Stay positive and smile!!  Enjoy your new life and the endless possibilities that lay in front of you!  


10 Months Out.. Long Overdue Update :)

Feb 23, 2010

Well well well..  greetings to anyone who still reads these!! haha..   Hope it finds you doing well!  It's funny how as this progresses, sense of time seems to go out the window and I forget to come onto this site..  :(   ok.. it's not funny, I should definitely be staying more active on here..  it's definitely been a major support though all this! 

So last time I wrote was in October, before Halloween.   Halloween was a blast, I was so excited to actually get to dress up and it felt good to feel comfortable doing it!!!   At this point, 10 months out, I am down 125 lbs!  I weigh 164 and am still in shock that I am actually below 200 and that I can fit in a size 10 (sometimes a size 8!!) jeans!!   Don't even remember the last time I was fitting in those sizes, if EVER!!  It's a surreal feeling!   I feel absolutely normal now.. which is AMAZING.. even though I have another 25 or so to lose, it's just so great to not be uncomfortable when I go out in public!!  

Let's see.. the holidays weren't that hard with me on the food aspect.. I've been really good about staying at 14 grams of sugar per sitting and I refuse to even try to eat things that I shouldn't on the sugar side of things (ie: cookies, baked goods, ice cream, etc.) I won't even go there!   I just know myself and if I did, and if I found out I'm one of those people who doesn't get sick, I would have lost the control aspect of it all and I would start sneaking things in here and there.. so yeah.. not even going there!  lol

The weight really has come to a SLOWWW roll at this point, I don't mind it though, since it's still going down or staying the same...  it's good to know that it is still working it's way off.  

I have noticed the ability to eat more in terms of quantity and I always have to check myself when I notice I'm eating too much.  Our nurse had told us that the pouch would not stretch, even though there are rumors it does, and so she basically said it's ok to eat until you feel full..   WELLL..   one of the local surgeons came into our group meeting a month or so ago and he said that although the pouch does not stretch, you can stretch the organs around the stomach (the tube that leads into the stomach.. and no, I don't know the name of it, and this sounds pretty retarded since I don't.. haha.. but go with me here)..  ;)   So he said that when you eat more then the stomach will allow, the food builds up in the tube above the stomach, causing that to stretch and that can be really bad for you.  He said that if we're able to put down more then half a sandwich size of food, then we're probably stretching that outter area..   which was something I needed to hear because I think sometimes I was pushing that!   So now I've been very careful on quanity.. I've been really trying to eat slower and notice those signs that I'm getting "full"..  it's hard to train myself to do that, where before the surgery I would eat so fast and then just be absolutely MISERABLE when my stomach would be tossing and turning and hating me for all the food I just crammed into it.   There's definitely a feeling I get when my tummy is starting to get to a full point..   it's just a matter of listening to it and stop eating.   lol

As for everything else.. my body structure is starting to worry me..  I don't think I was built to be super thin..  I have broad shoulders and my ribs are whacky and stick out a LOT..   so I've noticed as I'm thinning out, that my upper body is very awkward..  my boobs are pretty much gone, so if I'm laying on my back, all I notice is my huge ribcage sticking up.. haha.. it's not a happy time in that area.   And even though I'm in a size 10/8, I've noticed that my hip bones are like right there.. so I don't see myself being ever able to get into smaller sizes because of the bone structure limitations.. most of my excess weight now is in my thighs, rear and arms..   so hopefully my body will start pin pointing those areas and take some more off there!  haha..   On a side note though, I LOVEEE shopping now and am so excited I fit in Juniors size clothes, so excited to shop at NORMAL stores!!!  And even fit in a size Medium shirt in some cases, which is just a jaw dropper to me..   Thin feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!   I don't think anyone appreciates it as much as those of us who have been on the other side of that spectrum..  I know I've mentioned it before, but I truly believe that some thin people should be forced to live a day in the shoes we once wore..   I am still appalled at how much nicer people are to me now..  it saddens me how cruel and cold people are to those who are overweight.  Not everyone..  but MANY people.   Just a typical visit to the store or a Starbucks is such a huge difference.. and maybe it's partly because I have confidence now, where before I had none..  but yeah.. people are just so much nicer.  Really has opened my eyes and I have told myself I will never do that to people who are larger then me.  

I have still been terrible at exercising..  I did start doing a Tae Bo video last week and I must admit that I was surprised at how easy it was for me to do it without breaking too much of a sweat and it felt good afterwards!  :D  Then I got a nasty cold and have been recouping, so I haven't done it..  :(   Hoping when I feel better I will push myself to do it again..  it was nice!

Trying to think if there's anything else??   OHhhh!  I went to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and was able to go on ANY ride I wanted.. that was a great feeling!  And on the one big roller coaster they have, I was actually flying up in my seat at some points and I have never felt so damn LIGHT!! hahaha..  it was awesome!  

All in all, I am extremely happy with everything this surgery has done for me, I am extremely blessed that there have been no complications (knock on wood) like some people have and I am in such a great place right now!   I LOVE life and am so happy to have made the decision to make my life better for me and my kids!  

Now I just cannot wait for Spring and Summer!!   It's going to be so nice to go out and do things without my weight bringing me down!! 

Anywho.. sorry so long winded..  thanks for taking the time to read if you did!   ;)   Take care and hope everything is going great for all of you out there!! 


Lag in Loss / Halloween / ByeBye Boobies

Oct 15, 2009

Greetings everyone!  Hope this finds you all doing well!   I wanted to write for a few reasons..  first of all, because it's been quite awhile..  second because there's a few things I'm excited about and a few things I'm stressing over..

First off..   weight loss has slowed down like CRAZZZYYY  this last month.  It's kinda stressing me out.. I've been through plateau's but didn't seem this bad before.. maybe because my scale is teasing me by taking me right to 200 lbs and then shooting back up to 204, 203, 201, 200 and then back up to 203 again..   seriously???  GET ME TO ONEDERLAND, PA-LEASEEEEE!!!  lol.. at this point I would be happy to see 199.5!!!   I just want to see a damn ONE in front of the number!! haha..  this has been going on for 3 weeks now..  and it's frustrating.  I, however, have not been helping it much ..  I haven't been exercising.. and that's my own bad.. I need to get my rear in gear and start getting something going.. I'm sure that would help.  

As for the food..  damn my stomach for being able to hold more now..   I mean, I still eat small portions, but they are definitely bigger then before and I feel like I'm getting too many calories.. yet another thing I need to do.. keep a food journal..  why am I so darn lazy!?!? 

HOWEVER..  on a good note..   I have a Halloween Party I am going to this year (my first one since I was a teenager) and before I never went to any because I didn't want to look like a fat dork in a costume that probably wouldn't fit..   well this year I'm so excited!  I was trying on Plus size costumes and noticed they were a wee bit loose .. so my mind is telling me I'll never fit in a regular size costume, but my eyes are telling me that I think it's possible.  So I try a plus size on and low and behold, the thing fits!  and it looks decent!  Probably a bit too short for my still chubby legs.. but you know what.. I don't care!!!      I'm just so excited to fit into something like that!!  So it's on for Halloween.. I cannot wait!   

I have been at a size 14 for the past month or so..  and today I needed a blouse for a work function so I decided to try on a size 12 jeans (since my 14's SEEMED a bit looser, however I was afraid they were just stretched out).. and guess what..   *drum roll please*..   THEY FIT!!   That's right.. a size 12!!!!!!!!!!!  I think I'm still in shock over it all!  I can't even remember the last time I was in a 12..   it's just so surreal and damn it feels GOOD!! 

Ok..  last, but definitely not least..  I don't know why I thought my boobs would survive this..  I guess I was very naive..  I am sad to report that they are down and not coming back from where they're going..      I am SOOOO self concious about them now, it's insane.. I feel more self concious now then I did when I was big.. well.. ok.. maybe not more.. but I am feeling VERY insecure about them.  I do want to put out there that I put money into a few NICE push up bras at Victoria's Secret and they have been a LIFE SAVER!!  Regular bras were just NOT doing anything for me.   Best investment I have made since the surgery!  Granted, when I take a shower I want to cry and when I lay on my side I want to just chop them off.. but at least in the outside world, the illusion is that they are nice boobs.  hahaha..   I cannot WAIT to get them fixed... dear God give me patience..  and my boyfriend patience.. lmao..   There are other areas of my body that aren't doing fantastic with the skin.. but the boobage is definitely my worst nightmare.  

I want to say one more thing..  the FEELING of being smaller is just absolutely amazing..  I was in the shower the other night and looked over to my shoulder and was shocked at how small it looked..  I love touching my neck and upper chest and feeling the bones ..  I love laying on my back and feeling bones poking up on my hips and ribs..  it's just so wonderful to not feel so much fat!!!  

LAST THING I SWEAR..  BATHS!!!  OMG..  I used to LOVE baths..  and now when I take a bath, it freaking HURTS!!!  My bones in my butt totally dig into the hard bathtub and sitting up is sooooo painful!  I laugh everytime I get into a bath now.. because I have lost all my comforting cusion!!   I don't know how skinny people take baths if I am already feeling the pain from it..   just funny to me..   so not as many baths anymore. 

I believe that's it!  I really do hope you're all doing well!   If anyone is getting rid of size 12 jeans and wants to give them to someone who needs them, I would be greatly appreciative of it!!   I am sooo running out of money to buy new clothes and I'm getting nervous! 

Love and Peace to all! 

Food Food Food.... Wow Moments... and Food

Sep 08, 2009

Hello everyone..   :)   hope everyone is doing good!    I have been asked a few times what I'm eating at this stage of things (I'm about 4 months out).. and so I thought I would post it here..  even though I am by NO MEANS the ideal of how you all should be eating..  I probably don't get enough protein ...  but I just cannot stand those protein shakes.   I'm still losing my weight.. so I guess I'm not doing terribly..  I mostly want to post this just to give people possibly more ideas of what to eat..  that being said, I do not know how YOUR body will react to some of these things, so as suggested by the doctors, when you introduce a new food, make sure to try something very small and see how it settles first..  your tummy needs to get used to it.  

Before I start.. I do want to say that I feel like a completely new person now!!!   I'm down 79 lbs so far and have gone from a size 26 to a size 16!!!  I feel almost NORMAL!!   I actually can shop in regular stores now (my favorite being "No Fear".. though some of the girls clothes still run really small, but I'll be ALL over that stuff in a month or so!! lol)..  I actually am starting to get "checked out" by men ..  what a great feeling!  hehe..  even have gotten asked for my number a few times..  it's amazing what happens when you lose weight and gain confidence..  what an amazing natural high!   I actually went shopping today because I was in desperate need of a smaller pair of jeans and I held up the size 16 and said to myself..  "Oh God, there's no way I'll fit, it's so tiny.." and ALMOST didnt' even try because I believed SOO strongly..  but something told me to try and see how much further I had to go and low and behold, they fit!   I had my first experience with someone who hasn't seen me since before the surgery (my brother's best man from his wedding) .. I saw him yesterday at a bbq and he told my brother "I cannot believe that's your sister, she's lost SOOO much weight..  and she's HOT!!!"..  hehehe..   totally made my day.   Ok.. so let me just say.. if you're reading this and still "considering" having the surgery..  don't hesitate.. do it for yourself and your family.. for your life..  just DO IT!   I feel 1000x's more healthier now..  my back problems are still there but they are not even close to being as bad as before... I just feel FANTASTIC!

SOooooooo.. back to the food subject:    I 
usually average about 40-50 grams of protein a day (if I'm lucky)..  I drink at least a cup or two of milk each day to try and up my protein (cuz one cup of milk is like 11 grams of protein I think)...  and only 3 bottles of water a day usually.   Ok.. back to the food..   I guess the easiest way to do it would be to make a list for ya so here we go:

* Usually just a cup or two of milk
* Lowfat Yogurt
* Oatmeal (I use splenda brown sugar to sweeten it)
* Malt-o-meal with milk on it (also the splenda brown sugar)
* Turkey sausage with ketchup
* Scrambled eggs with salsa and melted american cheese on top

Lunch and/or Dinners:

* Whole wheat cracker sandwiches with american cheese and lunch meat in between (I can usually eat about 3)
* Half a grilled cheese sandwich with american cheese on whole wheat protein bread and light butter
* Frozen Safeway brand dinners (like the teriaki chicken on whole grain rice with veggies, or chicken in plum sauce on whole grain rice..  usually can only eat half the dinner, save the rest for another meal)... 
* Half sandwich on toasted whole wheat protein bread (usually tuna with tomatoes, jalepenos, pickles, light mayo and mustard...  sometimes lunch meat and american cheese)
* Pre-cooked Misquite chicken breasts that I get at Sam's club frozen.. they are AWESOME!  3 minutes in the microwave and they're so juicy!  
* I do add in veggies sometimes (probably should more) .. like asparagus, green beans, carrotts, sauteed mushrooms with garlic and a little bit of olive oil.
* Hot and Sour Soup from the local Chinese restaurant (has tofu, which is a good source of protein)
* Thai food..   but try not to eat much of the rice.. I usually get the yellow curry chicken..  mm.. yummy!
* Sushi, but again, I try to not eat a lot of the rice, I usually take a bite from the top with the main stuff and go about halfway down the rice.
*  Any meats at this point, steak I'm even ok with..  I just make sure they're not super fatty and make sure they're not like deep fried or anything.
*  Salads with some sort of meat if possible on top
*  Seafood..  shrimp, salmon, scallops, talapia..  anything really.. just not deep fried.
*  Veggie Burger on toasted whole wheat protein bread (usually only half a sandwich though)

Like I said, I don't really do the protein shakes.. even though I probably should..  I heard costco has one that has 30 grams of protein.. but I don't have a costco card.. lol.   I have made sure I don't have more then 14 grams of sugar per sitting.  I stay away from carbs as much as possible..   still haven't had pasta or regular bread  and I stay away from potatos pretty much.. 

Hmmm..  I'm trying to think if I'm missing anything..   I do eat fruits..  like I may have a banana for a snack, or an apple or some grapes.  I also eat beef jerkey for snacks and nuts.  I probably only get about 600-800 calories a day.. I think.   I have noticed that I'm more hungry now, and I'm starting to get cravings back.... which worries me and sucks..  but I'm able to still control it..  thank goodness.  

Please feel free to post foods that you're eating and may suggest as well!   I feel like I'm not creative enough to think of things..  funny thing is that I bought 2 recipe books specifically for post RNY surgery but have not used them once.. maybe I should dive into them huh?  lol..  


Enjoying the New Things Life Has To Offer!!

Aug 11, 2009

Wow.. well hello hello everyone!      Seems like forever since I've written!   And it's funny because as time speeds by, it feels like it's taking forever to lose the weight when in actuality it's coming off soooo fast!  

So I just wanted to write about a "WOW" moment.. or actually a few of them..   it seems like recently the weight has just been flying off..  which is great *knocks on wood*..  I hope it continues this way!   I'm down to 219, which means I've lost 70 lbs!   I have not been this small since I was 23...  that's shocking to me..   and it feels great!   I was in size 18/20's and all the sudden nothing I have fits me anymore after this weekend..  I have only one pair of jeans that fits now..  well..  fits and doesn't look like they're falling off of me.   It's crazy!    I'm guessing I'm at 16/18 now depending on the brand.  WOW!

So yesterday I took my little one to Santa Cruz, which has a boardwalk with amusement park rides..   and for the first time in about 10 years, I was able to ride the rides at the amusement park!!  I was totally in heaven.. I rode everything with my little one, which I had never been able to before.. it was exhilarating!!   Then we went down to the beach, where I would usually be VERY self conscious and stand back while my son played in the waves, but I was running in the waves with him, we got drenched up to our wastes..  I have not felt this alive since I was a teenager!!   I sat there laughing and having so much fun and as I looked out onto the crashing waves and my sons smile, his laughter echoing in my ears, I wanted to cry because of how extremely happy I truly am!   I feel like I have my life back!   Granted, I have a LONG way to go.. I'm only about half  way to my goal..  but I already feel like a new person!  

And without sounding arrogant or big headed, it is such a great feeling to have people see you that haven't seen you in awhile and tell you how amazing you look..  omg..  just makes me even more confident in myself..  

So I just wanted to write a quick blog on my progress.. I totally forgot to take my 3 month photos.. hopefully I can convince my son to take them for me this week.. or  maybe I'll try and set up the tripod to do it myself..  I dunno..   What I DO know is that this is the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family.. I would not my decision to do this back for ANYTHING!!!   I actually walk down the street and feel 90% normal now..  I don't feel like I'm being stared at..   I just feel so much more FREEEEEEEEE!!!! 

Hope everyone is doing well!   I will try to write and update more often, and I'm sorry I haven't been a better support on here..  I just haven't had much time to be on here..   and I think we all know how that is as we start living our new lives!!  

Love to all!  


Grrrr.. again and again

Jul 24, 2009

Ok.. so just another vent of frustration.   On June 28th, I weighed in at 238..   I've been on a plateau and finally just went down to 232 (and a half, I may add!)..   that's practically a whole month and only losing 5.5 pounds..      why why why??   It's very frustrating.   Granted, I'm happy to be down as much as I am and I'm happy to be fitting into size 18/20 jeans..   FINALLY.   However it just is really hard seeing that scale go down so slowly.  Yes, I know, it's better slow.. but they told me that "good" is 10 pounds a month..  I'm not even there.      I've been drinking more water.. getting more protein..  it's just silly really.  

Ok.. I'm done griping.  I recently went on vacation to Southern California to visit family.. and although it was a little stressful with all the traffic and having to drive EVERY day..   it was still a good vacation.  So, I'm grateful for that.. 

Hope everyone is doing well.. take care!  

1 comment

Very Interesting, I've wondered about this..

Jul 10, 2009

So I happened upon this article and it really was interesting to me.  I have been wondering why certain size 20's fit me nicely, even loosely and yet I have two pairs of jeans from Lane Bryant that are size 20 and they are VERY VERY tight and I cannot wear them yet.   Well.. this explains it..    just thought I'd pass it along.. 

As nation gains, 'overweight' is relative

By Elizabeth Landau

(CNN) -- The little number on the tag on a pair of pants that indicates size can mean a lot to a person, and retailers know it.

The probability of people describing themselves as overweight is decreasing, researchers find.

The probability of people describing themselves as overweight is decreasing, researchers find.

That's why, in recent years, as the American population has become generally more overweight, brands from the luxury names to the mass retail chains have scaled down the size labels on their clothing.

"You may actually be a size 14 and, according to whatever particular store you're in, you come out a size 10," said Natalie Nixon, associate professor of fashion industry management at Philadelphia University. "It's definitely to make the consumer feel good."

Research shows that, when it comes to self-perception, the concept of "overweight" may be relative.

A working paper from a group led by Mary Burke, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, suggested that people's perceptions of overweight have shifted, and "normal" is now heavier than it used to be.

Researchers used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, nationally representative surveys run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The first group was surveyed in 1988-1994, and the second was surveyed in 1999-2004. Because there were different people in each survey, it is not possible to tell if the perceptions of individuals shifted over time, the authors said. Video Watch CNN's Elizabeth Landau talk more about the study »

Participants were asked whether they consider themselves "underweight," "about right," or "overweight," and reported their body mass index, a measure of the health risks associated with weight. Calculate your BMI »

Are people more complacent, or better educated?

Although the BMI of the general population increased from the earlier survey period to the later one, the probability of people describing themselves as overweight decreased in the later survey, researchers found.

They found that weight misperception tended to decrease among women -- meaning women with normal BMI who were surveyed in 1999-2004 were less likely to say that they're "overweight" than women with normal BMI in 1988-1994, especially among 17 to 19-year-olds. For men, it was about the same.

"For women, this was good news," Burke said. "Women seem to get a more realistic perception of themselves."

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Although the study authors said this trend may reflect healthy body image campaigns, physician nutrition specialist Dr. Melina Jampolis, who was not involved in this research, said she doubts that positive messages had this much influence.

Rather, it is the relative increase in weight of the general population that makes people with normal BMI feel more normal, she said.

On the flip side, feeling normal but being overweight may decrease a person's motivation to lose weight, Burke said.

Still, while the BMI scale reflects disease risks associated with being overweight, it does not reflect the whole story of a person's health, experts said.

There have been reports that being somewhat overweight, but not obese, is associated with decreased mortality, such as a 2005 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association that looked at deaths from a variety of causes.

Innovations such as treatments for high cholesterol have lowered the death risks for overweight people, Burke said. Especially for older adults, being slightly overweight may increase bone density, cushioning bones against falls, she said.

But the JAMA paper shows associations, not causes. People should not take this information as an excuse to gain weight, Jampolis said.

There are, however, other reasons that BMI isn't the whole story -- for instance, it does not reflect the distribution of a person's weight, Jampolis said.

"You could have really skinny arms and legs and just carry your weight in the middle, and it could be only 10 pounds, but belly fat, the visceral adiposity, it could very significantly increase your risk of disease," she said.

A brief history of body size perceptions

Experts noted that plumpness has been in style during some historical periods, especially as an indicator of prosperity when food was scarce. But the ideal of controlling one's food isn't new either. The book "Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West" by historian Peter Stearns points out that fasting was a religious virtue seen throughout the Middle Ages, and continuing into the Puritan version of Protestantism. Christianity also espoused the idea of restricting food to fight sin.

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The artistic and literary movement known as Romanticism, beginning in the late 18th century, stressed "slender, ethereal" ideals, Stearns wrote. The 1830s brought a prominent New York fashion style of a "willowy" look for young women, and there were many reports of anorexia nervosa during this time, the book said. But for older women, plumpness remained fashionable, and women on stage were expected to be voluptuous.

The meaning of the word "diet" came to include the goal of weight loss as early as 1910, Stearns wrote. "Middle-class America began its ongoing battle against body fat" between 1890 and 1910, Stearns wrote. The main factors that contributed to this shift were the advent of fat-control devices, the rise of public conversation about fat, and changes in fashion for both men and women, he wrote.

The culture of beauty that shaped up around the turn of the last century, promoting slimness as beautiful and fatness as ugly, has intensified since then, Stearns wrote.

Despite the widespread notion of dieting, obesity has risen dramatically over the last 20 years in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A recent survey by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America's Health found that the percentage of adults classified as obese went up in 23 states in the last year. View a map of obesity in America »

As clothing size numbers scale down in an era when bodies are getting more overweight, portion sizes have been increasing, Jampolis said. Photographs of fast food hamburgers from 50 years ago reveal that the serving size back then would seem like a "joke portion," now, she said.

"The same thing has happened with our body sizes. We're perceiving them as totally normal," she said.

As far as vanity sizing, Nixon called it a "temporary fix" that reflects a larger problem of people looking for quick solutions for losing weight, she said.

"It doesn't really deal with the root of the problem," she said. "It's really a lifestyle issue. It's not about a temporary diet, it's not about being pleasantly surprised because you're a size 12 instead of a size 16," she said.

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Just an Update =)

Jul 10, 2009

Well hellooo everyone!  Hope this finds you all doing well!!   I just wanted to update because I haven't written anything with much detail or substance (interesting substance) lately.. not to say this will have any "interesting substance", I cannot promise anything.. lol.    But I hit a nice little landmark a week or so back (and as you know me and my plateau's, I'm STILL there.. ) BUT.. it's still a good thing..   I've officially lost 50 lbs!    That's like 1/3 of how much I need to lose..  not too shabby..   I'm happy with it.   I have been stuck on this plateau now for about 2 weeks..   but I've gotten used to the plateaus now and am kind of just not letting them get to me.   I have not been exercising like I should because of time restraints and my back..  or maybe I'm just making excuses?  I'm not quite sure..  my back literally makes me just want to not move.. which I know is terrible..  So, regardless..  I think if I was exercising more, then these plateaus would be less.  

I did figure out that I can still take my Nuerontin (pills to help with nerve pain) and that they no longer get "stuck" at my stomach (which was painful) until they disolved!!  (a big thank you to my new friend Chris for reminding me about that pill!).   So, I've taken it 2 days and we'll see if it helps my back soon..  (it takes a few days to get into the system and start working)..   I really do hope so, then I won't have that as an excuse!!!

As for everything else..   I am basically able to eat all meats, veggies and fruits..  I do not have more then 14 grams of sugar in a sitting and I stay away from bad carbs.  I do once in a while mingle in some whole grain rice with protein and veggies.. usually only eat about 2 tablespoons of rice if I do incorporate it.   I also eat whole wheat toast now..  usually with some turkey sausage and american cheese in between..  dipped in some ketchup.. mm..  yes I'm strange.. lol.   I have also had tuna sandwich on whole wheat toast.  Other then that, I usually drink one cup or more of milk a day to up my protein..  I have gotten really tired of protein drinks (and the price of them).. lol.    Anyhow.. I won't go into any more detail then that, but I think I'm doing ok.   I don't count my calories (and I'm sure I'm not going over 900) but I just don't count.. and I probably should.  I do still try to get 40-50 grams of protein a day and I thought I was getting 64 oz of water/liquid a day but for some reason (I'm a ) I was only getting about 48.. I totally calculated wrong somewhere ..  sooooo I'm trying very hard to up my water intake.  I find it's REALLY hard to get the meals in and the water especially since I have to wait 30 minutes between eating and drinking..  and then I can't chug the water anymore.. so yeah.. it's a pain to get everything in.. I feel like I constantly have to be conciously making the effort to eat and drink.. lol.  

I'm still not craving anything bad.. which is AMAZING..   I DID, however, have this dream a few weeks ago that I was sitting and eating an ENTIRE Banana Cream Pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG..   in my dream it was SO good..  and then it hit me in the dream that I wasn't supposed to be eating it and I was freaking out.. I woke up with my heart racing and feeling totally like I defeated myself..  it was very real.   I think it's my subconcious getting revenge on me for doing this..  I don't think I have a happy subconcious right now.. lol.   

I will say that my self confidence is doing good, I feel so much better..  I don't feel like I need to hide in a corner everywhere I go..  I am happier!!  The other day I was talking to a friend of mine in Southern California (who I haven't seen or talked to since before the surgery) and he stopped me to tell me how extremely happy I sound and he said he was amazed at how positive my voice is.   Confidence works in mysterious ways.   I still have a LOT of weight to go..   I look at myself now and laugh because I'm still BIG...   but I am down to a weight that I haven't been in 5+ years..  so it still feels good.   I am officially in a size 20 (and they're starting to get a wee bit loose)..  I have a TON of clothes I need to get rid of..   I started this journey at size 26, squeezing into a 24 to convince myself I was not a 26.. lol.   I am going on vacation in about 8 days and I was really hoping to be in an 18 by that time, but I don't think it's going to happen. but that's alright..  

ok..  I think that's enough..  I never know what to write about and feel like I'm being repetative with these blogs..   Just so everyone knows though, I'm always here if any of you have questions (like the newbies)  ..  or just anyone in general.  

I have actually felt at times like I never had any proceedure done..  since I never get sick.. it's a strange feeling.. but then I'm never worried about shovelling food in my face anymore, so that's a reminder that I did indeed have the surgery..  I guess what I'm saying is that I expected there to be all kinds of things to blog about after I had it done, but I find that time just drags on as I slowly lose the weight.. and nothing really exciting happens other then the weight loss..   what was I thinking? lol..   I'm tired, I don't know if I'm making any sense..  lol...  

Alright.. take care all..   OH.. and if anyone is going to the support group tomorrow (in Concord) and you need any clothes, size 22/24/26..  let me know..  I am considering taking some to the group.  OR if you're local to me and need clothes in those size, write me!!! 


Promised Myself..

Jun 26, 2009

Well..   so even though I fought with myself tonight.. I apparently lost.  I had promised myself from the beginning that I would post monthly photos for myself, and I did NOT want to post my 2 month photos..  this month I've only lost 13 lbs... and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference from last month    it's going slowwwww and it's annoying but I won't go into that again.. lol.   I actually look smaller in my 1 month photo then my 2 month photo.. lol..     BUT I feel good..  I can actually cross my legs (not perfectly, but it feels good to even get one across the other!! )  and as I was walking down a flight of stairs the other day I could FEEL the difference in my body.. it was kind of a surreal moment.   AND..  I bought my first pair of size 20 jeans in YEARS.. granted they were semi-stretch, but it still felt GOOD.  SOOO.. I'm not going to whine and complain..  I'm just going to say that I love not being 289 anymore.. 

I do want to mention that my back is still completely aweful..  it doesn't seem to be any different and it's a bit depressing.  I don't feel like I can be as active as I probably should be at this point.   Whenever I get up from sitting, it takes me about 2 minutes to slowly walk around before I can stand completely straight up and walk faster..  it's a pain... literally.   At night I toss and turn from the pain, it hurts ALL night long..  I miss my pills something aweful!!!  However, since they thin the blood, I can't have them.  I just want to be normal.  I hate myself for ever letting me get so large and letting my back get to this point.  Since it's a nerve, I was reading last week that even losing weight will probably not help it.. that's a HUGE bummer. 

Anyhow..   I'm keeping this short because I need to go catch up on much needed exercise and the True Blood episodes I've been missing. 

Hope this finds you all doing well!  Thank you to all the people who were kind enough to write me with their food ledgers, it helped a lot!  



Jun 25, 2009

I just had a HUGE epiphany....   you ready??

I have not craved sweets for 2 friggin' months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       This is shocking, never in my life do I remember going so long without an abundant amount of sugar in my system or at least dreaming eating piles of twinkies... 

That is all for now..  just had to get that out..   
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