I was always very active as a child. Unless it was raining, which it rarely does in southern CA, I was outside playing. I loved riding my bike, horseback riding, rollar skating, hiking, swimming, and sports. In high school i ran several miles a day with my Siberian husky.

When I was 15 I was diagnosed with PCOS. Still I was able to keep my weight under control by watching what I ate and exercising. The biggest challange was having enough energy to excercise. I seemed to be sooo tired all the time.  Still I was 5' 7.5" and about 145lbs, a curvy size 8.

At 20 I gained a little weight. About 15lbs. I was depressed after realizing that most of my friends weren't really friends at all and I was very lonely. I spent a lot more time inside on my computer. I was still eating healthy and excersizing but it only seemed to be keeping my weight at bay, not helping me lose any. My skin started to break out (I'd never had acne before!) and my hair hair started thinning. Even worse still was the complete exhuastion I felt all the time. About the only thing I did get done a day was get to the gym.

At 21 I was diagnosed with Hypo-Thyroidism. They began treatment of it but my weight started to climb and continued to climb. By 22 I weight about 220. I was working out all the time at the gum and even became one of the trainers. I mostly worked with women and we'd joke that i helped them lose weight by absorbing it myself.

I'd diet and lose 10-20 lbs and then gain back what I had lost and added on 5-10 more. By the time I was 25 I was 265 lbs. My marriage fell apart and that actually helped me lose about 20 lbs that I've managed to keep off. The most i have been able to get my weight down too since gaining it all was 208 on Jenny Craig. As soon as I started eating regular food it just went back up again.

After about 5 years of being fat I decided I was going to let it stop me from doing the things I love. I took u martial arts and would no longer let my poor self-image stop me from being the person I am. However, I have fibermyalgia now on top of everything else and I'm pre-diabetic. I did feel much better at 208 and was in a lot less pain, so i knew i needed to get it off again for good.

My friend had a gastric by-pass last year at the same time I started Jenny Craig. I thought she was nuts at the time! Her and I both have the same conditions and 6 months after her surgery I was amazed that she was off all her medication and feeling wonderful. Here I was still feeling awful and paying tons of money every month for my food. After a fall down my stairs where I broke my ankle I was ready to consider Gastric By-pass. (And after the ankle break gained all the weight I lost on jenny Craig back!)

While doing my pre-op tests the doctors found that my liver is enlarged due to me being overweight for so long. I'm 29 and rarely drink (like 2-3 drinks a year), and may have Sorociss of the Liver. The doctors wouldn't have even known if I wasn't having the surgery down.

August 10th is my surgery date and I can't wait! I'm ready to feel better and have the energy to live the life I want. My goal is get down to 150lbs.

About Me
Moreno Valley, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2009
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