oooh discomfort

Aug 14, 2009

Well things were going along a little too well I guess. I went out today to buy some more food. The powercart at walmart made me fill sick with its jerky stop and go motion. The new protein shakes were awesome. However, I bloated up and felt awful. The only thing that helped was just laying down and letting everything settle. I'm guessing that's what the gas pains people were refering too. I felt like I really needed to burp but couldn't. Tomorrow going to be much more careful.
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Post Op: Day after Surgery

Aug 11, 2009

First off, have to say that the staff at the Long Beach Community Hospital are nothing short of amazing. They were so friendly and helpful. This was by far the nicest hospital stay I have ever had. Even the IV was easy-peasy.

Ok the part everyone really is interested in: The Surgery and recovery.

I know I talked to my Surgeon after I came out of Surgery but I don't remember it. I woke up to all the nurses who had gotten me setup when I first arrived. One of them even sat with me holding my hand while I woke up. I was a lot more conscience then I recall being from previous procedures. I wasn't in what I would call pain exactly, just very uncomfortable. It felt like the worst case of heart burn ever. I think being groggy makes it seem worse also. So no pain but, VERY Uncomfortable. This would slowly lessen throughout the day. When they asked how I felt they said that was pretty normal and I'd feel a lot better the next day.

They repaired a Hernia I didn't even know I had while I was under so they could of asses to the heartburn feeling too. I slept all day pretty easily. When I was awake I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Again not so much pain but uncomfortable. I was up and walking around by afternoon. A bit unstable but not hurting or feeling sick.

The only real nausea I had was after trying to pee. It was really had to urinate the first 12 hours. After going I felt really sick and had to lay back down. I spent the evening feeling like my bladder was going to pop and having to get up every 90 mins or so to go. I was completely comfortable for most of the night. No pain, no discomfort.

They ran an upper GI series this morning and I got very dizzy during it and had to sit down a few times. After that I slept until they let me come home.

I feel a little strange, like I need to burp but can't and when i drink anything it kind of gurgles its way down which feels weird. My throat and hand are probably more sore than anything else.

I think getting used to drinking everything so slow is going to be the hardest part.


Day 4 - things are better

Jul 28, 2009

Yesterday was the worst of the first 3 days. I had like a migrain headache that wouldn't go away and a fever last night. I couldn't even finish all my shakes for the day. My head felt like I was walking around in a low blood suger haze. It was terrible.

Today I woke up more alert and so far no head aches. Still low on energy but not as bad. Hopefully it will either continue to be like this or imrpove.

Day 2 - I'm going to die

Jul 26, 2009

Omg yesterday was so much easier. Today was more along the lines of what I expected the first day to be like. I knew the first 3 days would be really bad but after yesterday went pretty well I thought maybe it would be easier than I thought. Today came the headaches, the light-headedness, and growling stomach 80% of the time. The head aches are the worst part. Oh and upset stomach. My body is not liking so much protien. After this the surgery should be easy!

I'm joking with my family and saying this is how the surgeon makes sure your really serious about wanting the surgery done. Anyone who says this is taking the easy route needs to come try it themself.

Day 1 of Diet

Jul 25, 2009

Today was the first day of my pre-op diet. I really thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was. I was pleasantly suprised to find that my protien bars and protien shakes actually taste pretty good! Neither one has that normal cardboard taste to them. The shakes are actually very creamy. I have to say that that has probbaly helped make day 1 alot easier. I was expecting to be gagging down both things.

I just had my ast prtien shake of the day and I am still hungry but its not too bad. My bloodsuger has stayed stable so that has helped a lot. I can handle hungey pains, its the low blood-suger that's I can't.

Count-Down to Surgery: 15 days

About Me
Moreno Valley, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2009
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