
May 02, 2010

I haven't written anything in awhile, but it's just been super busy around here.  "Here", by the way, is my mother's house.  I am in the unfortunate situation of being 25 (almost 26!) and being forced to move back home.  That's a whole 'nother blog post, maybe.  I don't know if that's something I want to delve into here.  Anyway, a week after I had my RNY, my mother had a hysterectomy.  And one week after that, our dog died.  And soon after that, my step dad had back surgery.  And we got a new puppy last Monday.  I wasn't really ready to get another dog yet, since it hadn't even been three weeks since Maggie died.  But it wasn't my call, so I'm just dealing with it.  I also go to school full time, and am studying separate from that to take the medical coding certification exam.  And I'm trying to get ahead of school because I'm going to San Diego in May and I don't want to worry about school while I'm there.  So, yeah.  Been busy.  I'm not on OH every day, and when I am like to check the Rants & Raves board the most.  The people there tend to have my sense of humor.  
In terms of my surgery...I'm almost 5 weeks post op now.  My weight has gone down, but I tend to weigh and measure myself on Mondays, so I'll be updating that tomorrow.  My pants are definitely looser, which is awesome.  I'm eating soft foods now, and I practically live on refried beans and cheese.  I still don't like the protein drinks, so I tend to avoid those, which isn't good.  I also learned that although I love going to the gym first thing in the morning, I still need to eat something first or I'll feel like fainting while I'm there.  NOT GOOD.  I've been cheating a little on the soft foods part, since I've been eating real meats that the family is also eating.  Chicken breast sits really hard in the pouch and hurts, so I'm staying away from chicken for awhile.  Pouch wasn't fond of shrimp, either, which made me sad.  But I've had beef, pork, ham and fish without a problem.  I just eat a tiny bit and chew like mad.  Anyway, I'll be updating the health tracker tomorrow! 


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Apr 07, 2009
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