6 months!

Jan 27, 2012

Wow I finally made it to the 6 month mark.  Crazy how time flies.  One week after my 6 month follow up I finally hit below 200 lbs.  I have never been so excited!  That is a huge milestone for me.  I am working out now at least 30 mins 5-6 times a week.  I am having body image issues big time with the sagging skin and flabby arms.  I am focused on strengthening my core and my arms.  From surgery weight of 279 - I have lost 80 lbs in 6 months.  That is a pretty solid accomplishment.  I still have another 50 to go at least and we will see from there.  I can't wait to travel - only 4 months till Rome, and 2 months till San Fransisco - I really am looking forward to the plane rides.  The seat belt will actually fit (I hope) LOL.  I have gone from an LB size 24 to an LB 14.  I can wear regular 16's and will soon be in regular 14's as LB stuff is starting to get too big!  I have lost 96 inches off my body - that is insane!    Definitely wouldn't change a thing!  Just keep plugging along- taking it one day at a time!

Month # 4 Check in

Nov 15, 2011

Well this month was more challenging to say the least.  The carb monster comes out on the weekends.  I find myself  grazing a little more when I don't have my meals planned.  I keep testing the "no no" foods.  I ate a cookie, chips and salsa....I don't beat myself up over it - I record everything I eat - no matter what it is.  I ate 1/2 a small cookie, chips and salsa was 3 chips and a tablespoon of salsa - not exactly large enough portions to freak out over! 

Fluid has been an issue for me from the beginning.  I normally am right around 30ish ounces a day.  Well one day I was out shopping and didn' t have much water.  I actually passed out in a LB store.  They called the squad and everything.  Turns out I was fine, just dehydrated.  Embarassing for sure!  Now I make sure I have water with me at all times. 

Weightloss wise - I didn't work out as much as I would like - but I was a lot more active - putting up christmas decorations and cleaning, taking the stairs at work.  All in all I lost 10 lbs with the last week seeing no change.  I still need to take my measurements - maybe that will show more change. 

More and more people are noticing and I don't hesitate to tell them how I am losing weight. 

So far this week I have worked out 2 days and been focused on water and protein first.  Thanksgiving should be fine - it is christmas I am worried about.  Way more opportunities to graze during Christmas! 

My goal is still to be at 200 by Christmas - not sure if that will happen or not - since I am in this slight stall.  MFP says I should be on track to at least be 205 by then ---20 something is better than nothing ....granted 199 is a lot better :) 

Just taking it day by day - this is my journey not a race!

Almost forgot my 3 month surgiversary!

Oct 17, 2011

Totally forgot to blog about my 3rd month post surgery.   So far I am down 48 lbs to my surgery weight, 69 from the start of diet class, and 99 from my highest recorded weight.   Good stuff!  I feel great!  This last month I only lost 10 lbs but I lost A LOT of inches.  In total I am down 47 inches.  That has moved me from a tight 24 down to a solid 16 in LB sizes.  I jumped over size 18 completely!!  I tried to keep wearing my 20's, but they are just too loose - the crotch of my pants feels like it is down to my knees - so not comfortable!  

My scale officially died last week so I won't be weighing myself for two weeks until my new scale arrives from Amazon.  The scale I bought was the highest ranked scale they had with almost 2000 people giving it 5 stars!  Much better then the 3 star average I was finding on Bed Bath and Beyond's website! 

I keep trucking along staying between 600-800 cals a day.  tend to be more towards the 600 unless I eat more carbs.  Stuff is tasting different - I now can't stand deli lunch meat and cheese - it tastes so gross.  I don't know why!  It tasted fine a few weeks ago!   Focusing now on brats, chicken breast, meatballs, ground beef or ground turkey - those all seem to be just fine. 

Finding it hard to fit in exercise right now - due to stress at work and working a lot of overtime.  Sticking to my food plan 95% of the time - there are a few days where I don't log my food or I might eat too many carbs - like 50 instead of less than 40.  Nothing too crazy.  I don't deprive myself - I eat chicken fingers and french fries and crackers.  I stay away from breads/pastas/rices for now.  However I am going to an Indian Restaurant in a few weeks and might try rice to see how it goes!  Just a little of course.  Just to clarify with the french fries - I eat like 3-5- that's it!  Past life I could eat a supersize fry without blinking and still be hungry.  WOW how times have changed! 

I have more energy finally!  I stay busy and active on the weekends - don't really want to sit still anymore.  I still have my 1-2 hours of TV time a night  3-nights a week - but I use it to catch up on all the shows that I missed because I was too busy doing other things!  I am more social now - going out to more events and hanging out with my friends more - even though I can't drink or eat like they do - I can still have fun!  It is great....dating still doesn't exist for me - but it will someday!   On to the next month!  Hoping to hit 215 by Thanksgiving - not sure if it will happen or not....trying for 200 by Christmas - I know I know lofty goals - but I have to strive for something :) 

They say it's your birthday!

Sep 20, 2011

Today I officially turn the big 3-0!  I achieved my birthday goal weight.  The scale was playing tricks on me this morning - first thing it said 237.4 then 30 mins later it said 239.   Grr I like the first number better - but am recording the 2nd just to be safe.  Anyway my goal was to hit 240 by my birthday!  Woo hoo I now weigh the same as I did when I was 21.  Next year - who knows!   Going to spend the time with my family and friends and just enjoy it - keeping it low key.   My next goal is to hit 200 by Christmas - guess we will have to wait and see if that happens - it's a pretty lofty goal - but I am going to try really hard for it!  I can't even remember ever being under 200 lbs - maybe when I was in junior high?? !   That's it for now - next post will be 3 months out!

Experience at the County Fair

Sep 13, 2011

Wow so what an odd trip that was to go to the county fair.  There were so many emotions and thoughts running through my head. 

What I ate: ox roast beef sandwich with cheese and onions.  Had like 3 bites - no bun.  Wrapped it up so my dad had left overs - he couldn't even tell I ate anything LOL.  I also got some of the German cinnamon/sugar roasted almonds - I know it has carbs but was so worth it - ate about 7 on the car ride home. 

Things I learned/thought about

1.) Head hunger - first real bought of it.  Just seeing everyone stuffing their faces and all the food vendors made me think I was hungry - I knew I wasn't and just kept chugging the water.  Man it felt like my snack couldn't come fast enough.

2.) Foods smell/look different now - for the most part all I could smell was the grease and that was not appetizing.

3.) I am more judgmental of others - of course it is the fair so everyone is eating bad foods - fried XXX you fill in the blank they probably sell it.  It feels like that is why people go to the fair anymore - just to eat crap food. 

4.) I walked a lot and was able to keep pace with the rest of the family- which was nice - I wasn't always the straggler. 

My sister posed two odd questions to me...
1.) do you chose to not eat because you fear that you won't lose? a: no I get frustrated because I want to eat more sometimes but my tummy won't let me.  Just the texture and density of food that determines how much of it I can actually eat.

2.) are you trying to keep me fat by passing your leftovers off on me? a: no I just hate wasting food and if there is only a few bites left it won't go to waste.  You can always say NO - starting to be OK with throwing away food - still a daily struggle.

That's it for now sports fans!

Seacrest Out!

2 month surgiversary!

Sep 12, 2011

What?! 2 months already - wow the time has flown by.   I am officially down 17 lbs this month - 38 since day of surgery.  WOW!  So much better than I could have imagined - even with that dreaded 3 week stall.  I am just going to keep trucking along.  Hitting my mini goals along the way - first 250 then 240 by my birthday - which I will so hit since it is next week.  Turning the big 3-0 and excited/lonely.  Kind of sucks to be single during this transition phase - wish I had someone to share in this journey with me.  Oh well - my time will come!   I don't go back to the surgeon until 6 months -early January - my goal is to be at or below 200 by then.  I really hope I can do it

Starting to work out more - lots of walking - have walk away the lbs DVDs, wii fit/cardio boxing, zumba, and my spinning bike to help me through the fall/winter months.  Updated my photos as well - take a look!

Can't wait for next month!
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McDonald's will never be the same!

Aug 30, 2011

So my sister asked me to get her McDonald's for breakfast one day.  I said sure no problem.  While in line I had a moment of weakness and ordered a hash brown. In the old days a typical MD B-fast for me was 1 b-fast burrito, 1- BAC Bagel, 1-2 hash browns and a diet coke.  I look back and think Holy $hit- I could pack in the fast food.  To top it off I would eat that at least 3 times a week!  So anyway back to my weakness moment.  I am driving home and I pull the hash brown out of the bag and take a small nibble.  OMG it was so gross - it was super salty and all I could taste was the grease.  I couldn't believe it - my tastes really have changed!  Back in the day I ate fast food a lot.  It was easy to just swing through on my way to or from work - then I didn't have to worry about cooking and having to wait too long to eat. 

Here is another eye opener for me - typical only eat when I am by myself meal at fast/food joints
McDonald's - Lunch or dinner
1 fish sand
1 large fry
1 large diet coke
1- 10 piece chicken nugget
1- double cheeseburger

Wendy's -during my retail days
double cheeseburger
large fry
5 piece chicken nugget
large diet coke

more recent Wendy's
crispy chicken bacon ranch sand
large fry
5 piece chicken nugget
sometimes a Jr bacon cheeseburger
large diet coke.

WOW - i really can't believe I used to eat like that - I am so grateful that I don't miss it too much!  I know that I can eat fast food and can make it work - thanks to myfitnesspal.  Yes it has more carbs/fat then if I were to make it at home - but sometimes convenience is necessary.  For example the only fast food I have tried is... chili from Wendy's - ate 1/3, frosty from Wendy's - ate 3 bites, b-fast burrito from mcd's - ate 1/2.   I am learning how to eat out at restaurants and not have tons of leftovers - by ordering smart.  IF I know where we are going ahead of time - I try to look up the menu/nut. stats in advance so I know what I am ordering.  I feel like I waste a lot of food - and spend a lot on food - I know the more comfortable/smarter I get with grocery shopping - the lower the bill will be!  Anyway - this my eyeopener on food.  My eyes/head and still trying to get in sync with my stomach.  It's hard - but everyday it get's a little easier.  Even at parties when I watch others pack in the food and all I have is a tiny bit of food - I just think - WOW that used to be me.  I am really starting to like the new me.  I just need to learn to not put down the other people around me who are like the old me.  I catch myself critiquing peoples food choices - again I just need to worry about myself and no one else!  LOL 
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Finally the stall is broken!!!

Aug 30, 2011

So excited that my stall has finally broken!  The scale has finally moved.  It went from 257.2 down to 252.4 - YEY almost under 250 !!!!   Next week is my 2 month surgiversary so I am hoping to lose those few pounds to get under 250 by then.  Also my birthday is coming up on the 21st and I am going to work hard to make it under or close to 240 by then - that is the lowest I have been in a long time and that was when I was 21 - almost 9 years ago!  

My fitness pal & the dreaded stall!

Aug 17, 2011

I love myfitnesspal.com.  yes there is an app for that and it is great!  You can program in recipes and choose food - it knows most name brands.  It is great - for awhile I was just tracking protein but this lets me track calories/carbs....  it is nice! 

Also I am in the dreaded stall -actually it is worse than that I actually gained 1.5 lbs!  I know it will pass and my body is just freaking out.  I just have to be patient - yeah not one of my strong suits LOL.  Tried my first red meat tonight - I can eat about an ounce with a little mayo.  It was delish.  So far the only thing my tummy doesn't love is pulled pork - I may try it again in a few weeks though because pre-surgery me - very much enjoyed pulled pork.   Still focusing on protein - getting in my 50 grams and all my fluids.  I have given up on Isopure - I just can't stand it now.  Now I drink the special k20 water it only has 5 grams of protein but I'll take it.  I am also drinking milk.  I am hoping when I get to full foods that I won't have to try so hard to get protein in because I will be able to eat more than 1 ounce of meat at a time.  Oh well we will see - I am still under eating my sleeve. Still have not had that "FULL" feeling.  I haven't thrown up from eating either.  That is a good thing!  

Girly Info:  My first period after surgery has been awefull!  It has been on and off really heavy/clotty for the past 2 weeks!  I called my surgeon and he said not to worry that it is common post-surgery.  He told me to see my GYN about birth control and that would help lighten things up.  He told me if I was worried about the bleeding that I should start taking my iron pills again - since I am anemic.  I started that today - hopefully things will level out soon!  I can't wait to be out of month # 2 LOL

One Month Surgiversary!

Aug 09, 2011

Holy cow it has been a month already!  Weight loss is slowing down a little - lost 3 lbs this week.  Went from 260.5- 257.2.  I will take my measurements tonight.  So this puts my weight loss at 22 lbs since surgery and 28 lbs since my last Dr. visit a week before surgery.  I am hoping for a bigger loss next week, since this week I am on my period.  Hoping to not hit the dreaded stall for a few more weeks - would like to hit 50 lbs lost before my Birthday at the end of September.  Today I feel kind of blah.  I started back to work at the office yesterday - between that and all the stuff I needed to do at home I was running around until 9pm - and then I crashed.  Today I am tired.  I am starting slow by walking the dogs 4 x a week.  Dr. says no vigorous exercise for a few more weeks.  I started phase 3 diet - were I can incorporate more soft foods and not have to blend everything.  So far so good.  It is hard to try to get everything in - 4 meats, 4 milks, 2-3 starches, 1-2 fruits/veg's each, 2 fats.  I just eat protein first and if I can get to the rest great - if not that is OK too.  Definitely going to take a nap when I get off work tonight - well after I run a few errands LOL.   I have my next Dr. appointment in 2 weeks so we will see how I progress!  I am trying to be more active - walked around farmers market - dad/sis went to dinner and mom and I went shopping at a store at the opposite end of the strip center - so I said we would walk down instead of them dropping us off.  So little by little I am getting better!  I feel normal - minimal/no pain - unless I over do it with bending over or walking too much.  More good things to come!

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About Me
Surgery Date
May 19, 2011
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