Feb 07, 2007

So my old BMI was 45.2 and now it is 39.0 woot woot~~ And now I am considered Obese, and not EXTREMLY OBESE!!! Yea for me, that rocks my socks off.. lol... heck yea! 

My cloths are getting big on me, and I can fit into my 16's now, they are tight, but dammit I can fit into them.. yea!!  So from a 20 to a 16 in 5 weeks!! 

Ok I am done now!!

Hello everyone

Feb 07, 2007

Well we are in WV. We got here early yesterday morning. It is COLD COLD COLD here!!!!!!  There is snow all over the place, we got about 6 inches last night. Jeromy and I took Gage outside and played in it for about 40 min. or so, and I was not tired at all!!! That was so neat for me. I got down in the snow and played with him, and didn't get out fo breath at all. I weighed in today and on my MIL scale I am at 213 pounds. That is 4 more pounds from last weeks weigh-in!!  Only 13 more pounds then I am in ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can not belive that in a little under 6 weeks I have lost 34 pounds. Man, that is great!! 
I have not gotten to the gym since I left Florida, but my MIL has a treadmil downstairs in the basment, so I am going to be getting on that at working out with the weights too they have here. She said she is going to start back to the gym this week, so I am going to go with her as her guest.. woot woot.. can't weight to get back to the gym, I never thought I would hear myself say 

My BMI when I started this was 45.2, and I need to change my profile to it's new BMI, I'll so that when I am done here, then I'll post again with the difference.
Well everyone that is my update for now!
Take Care,

Wow.. Descrimination

Jan 31, 2007

Wow.. I didn't think I was going to be descriminated against for having WLS.  Why are people so judgemental about WLS?? I accually had someone tell me I was seflish for making this choice, and that I did not make the healthy choice. 
That I didn't work out hard enough or long enough for it to make a differance. WTH? 
Oh well to each there own right? But I just wouldn't me so judgmental if someone had a surgery to better there life. 

Maybe this is just me, but I felt that this was just wrong!

My 1 month Appointment!

Jan 30, 2007

Well I am 1 month post-op and I am down 30 pounds. Now only 89 pounds to go, till my goal of 125 pounds. 
Dr. Jenkins said that I am doing wonderfully, and I look great. I got to see Mjr. California today aslo, and he said I looked amazing, he could realy see a big differance in me. 
Dr. Jenkins said that I am "testbook" if what he wants to see of his patiants. So that made me feel good!!

I am still not is any different cloths size yet, but they are getting very big on me, I would say another few weeks, and I am going to have to get somthing new. I did have to get a new oh well, at lest somthing is going down, and I had to take a link out of my watch b/c it was falling off. 
My wedding set is getting realy lose too, in another couple of weeks I am going to have to get a guard for it and my other rings, they are just turring right around my fingers, and my shoes are getting bigger, I bought a 1/2 size down a few days ago when I got new crosstrainers. 

I have been going to the gym, and feel great! I did 15 miles on the bike lastnight, and walked a mile the daybefore with a friend of mine. I have been walking everyware! I feel wonderful, and am so glad I had this surgery!

To everyone who reads this that is just starting this process, good luck, and it is such a great ride!!!!!!!!!!

Well everyone take Care!! 
Till my next update,

Well I had my 2 week apt yesterday

Jan 12, 2007

Well i had my 2 week Apt yesterday, and I have lost 20 pounds!!! I still can not tell anything, but husband said I am loseing it in my boobs lol... A friend of mine, said she can tell in my face and my butt, I was like dang thanks my ass was that huge huh. lol... 
So I am at 224 pounds.!!
Take care everyone!

Well I am home

Jan 02, 2007

I am home from the hospital. I had surgery on Friday and was sent home on Saturday. I am having some problems with the air/gass. but other than that I am feeling better. still a little sore, and tired, but doing good.
No Problems at all with nausia or vometing. And I am doing good with tolerating food. 
So all is doing well!!!
Take Care,

Tomorrow At 7AM

Dec 28, 2006

Well Tomorrow at 7AM I will be at the hospital getting ready for surgery! I can not belive that this is happening! It is FINNALY Here!!!!!!!! 
I have been waiting for this for so long, and now it is upon me! 
I am not nervous anymore, I have a calm feeling over me now. 
Thanks for everyones support, and I will update as soon as I can!! 
My Finale weight is 244 pounds, Man I can not belive I am that big, and I will NEVER be that big again! Woot Woot!!!!! This is happening, and I am so ready for the ride!
My Doc thinks I can get to 125, but he said for my height (5'2) my perfect weight would be 120 pounds, we will see about that, I am setting my Goal at 130 lbs. I hope to be at 150 at lest by this time next year, but Dr. Jenkins thinks, I will be very close to my Goal weight, if I work my butt off and I intend to!!
Take Care everyone! See ya on the losing side.. Slid over and keep my spot warm, on the loser bench I am coming to get it!!!

Holy Crap!!

Dec 26, 2006

3 Days and then I am a loser!!!!!!! Woot Woot!!!! I am so excited!!!!!

I have been waiting for so long for this, and now, 3 more days and it is here!!! Tomorrow is my last day of "real" food, and then thursday is my Pre-op and my Liquid diet. Then Friday morning, and the Surgery!!!!
If anyone reads this, and has anything they want to say please let me know! 
Take Care, hope everyone had a great Christmas!!

16 Days to go

Dec 13, 2006

Well 16 Days left of being this Fat Girl. It is so unreal. I can not believe that in 16 days I am going to be going in for surgery and waking up with a new start at life.

I am so very excited to start this new phase of my life. I know it is going to be a long and hard road, and this is just a tool to help me get this weight off, and I am going to be sore and tired after surgery, but my body should heal in about 4 weeks, but I will always have to eat differently than other people. I am so ready to start eating healthy, and being a healther person.
My Children are still young so they wont remember mommy as being fat, and they are going to know how to eat properly and healthy, and hopfully they will not have to go through life as an overweight person. I love my boys so much and I want to be here for them for as long as I can, I don't want to go anytime soon, so that is one of the biggest reasons I am having WLS to prevent dieing prematurly. 
Welp, I am going to go and read some of by books, and try and get some sleep.
Take Care everyone!

Getting Excited~~~~

Dec 10, 2006

Well I am getting very excited!! Only 19 more days then I will be a loser!! I was talking with my husband today, and asked him if he was worried about the surgery or anything. He said he was not worried, he was just happy that I am getting what I want, and he can not wait to see me happy again, and enjoying life! 

I am trying to find a good place online to get my protien Shakes from, if anyone has any good sites and wants to pass them on please do so! 
I got a call from the Nutritionist at Eglin Friay, and my appt with her is on Dec 20th, at 8am. I also have a support Group meeting to go to tomorrow night, that should be fun, I am wanting to meet some people here at Eglin that is going through this surgery also, and see how there recovery is going, and see how they are doing a few months, and years out, that should be neat to see.

My friend Jessica is having her surgery with Dr. Jenkins on the 13th, that is my grandmothers birthday as I am going to go see her that Night, and try and help her out as much as I can. If you wern't for Jessica then I never would have gotten ahold of Dr. Jenkins, and this would not have happened so fast for me!! Thanks Jessica, your such a sweetheart!! I'll bring you some water and Sf Jello.... mmm that sounds so yummy.. hehehe

My mother and grandparents are going to come down for a week when I have the surgery and JEromy is going to take off 2 weeks, and a friend of ours is staying with us till she finds a house, so I know I am going to have plenty of help around here, and if I need it my friend Kristy will come over and help me as well, her sister went through GB also so she knows what to expect from that!

Well if anyone can tell me how to fix up my page that would be great, I still havn't figured it out.. lol..
Take care everyone and have a safe and happy Holiday Season!
Merry CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!

About Me
Eglin Air Force Base, FL
Surgery Date
May 05, 2005
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 26
Times a Changing
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
10 Month's out...
8 Month's and a few days out!
6 Month's out
5 months out today!
My 3 month Fallow up
2 months out!
