
Oct 17, 2007

       Just wanted to let everyone know that I was denied on the 12th and should get my denial letter today in the mail. I am so mad, but I'm going forward with this and nothing is gonna stop me. I think they are hopeing that I will just give up and go away. But I'm not going anywhere.

Soon as I get the letter, I will go to the clinic and see my nurse case manager. Then go from there. Man I just wish they could see me now and Fudge the paperwork. But I know that they can't. I can always dream. But anyway's I just wanted to let you know what was going on with me.

On My Way!!! part2

Oct 12, 2007

    Well thing's are looking up. I spoke to my insurance again this morning and they told me that it's being reviewed today. so who know's when i will hear from them. it could be as early as this afternoon or monday morning. I have my finger's crossed keep the prayer's coming. They are well needed at this point.

On My Way!!!

Oct 03, 2007

      Well I went and got my clearance from the Cardiologist. I also had my last appointment with the dr. and now I have an appointment with the surgeon today. So can't wait to see what he says. Oh and they sent my paperwork in yesterday so we will see how thing's go. will post again soon. God I hope thing's go my way.

Update on me......

Sep 27, 2007

            Well I went to the cardiologist and I didn't get my clearance yet because they want me to have a stress test first. So I will go there tomorrow and have that and then on tuesday see the cardi again, and after that I go and see the dr. They will then send in my paperwork to the insurance and hope to hear from them asap. That's the latest on me. I'm chomping at the bit wanting to know what the heck is gonna happen next. ahhh who know's. 

       Will blog more on tues. or wed.
I am still hopeful because I know that this is and will happen for me. Thanks for listening.

Hoping to get a surgery date soon!!!

Sep 09, 2007

Well It seems to me that all I need to do is get my clearance's from the 2 dr's and then finish my last 2 visit's and then paper work will go to the insurance. I just wish that these last few thing's were over. And then there is the little thing like wanting to move to Arizona!!! The DH might have a job there and if he does then I might not have the surgery. And that scares the crap out of me. I told him that I would go but only if he has the same insurance and it's immediate. But who know's what will happen. All prayer's and thought's are needed. LOL well I will post soon. have a good one.

argggggggggghhh need clearance

Aug 06, 2007

well my phyc dr. hasn't given me my clearance yet. i don't know what to do about getting it. i can't wait to get this all over and get a surgery date. can't wait... 

Here we go...

Aug 02, 2007

 Well I'm into my last 3 month's that are required by my insurance and I tell ya it's getting so close to time. I have all my test's done but 2 and I will have those done in the next week. All I can say is WOW! Will let you all know more when I know more.


About Me
highland, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2007
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me and the hubby

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8 1/2 months out now
Long time no Post...Sorry
3 months out
2 months out and doing fine
4 days out....
3 days till my rebirth....
I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just An Update on me...
