No posting for skinny people

Oct 20, 2011

Isn't it funny how you get away from this site after you lose weight?

I had my revision in Dec 09, even though my insurance didn't pay for it.  Currently, I'm 152 lbs and in a comfy size 8.  I am actually smaller today than I ever got after my initial surgery.  I stay very active these days!!   

Well hello!

Nov 24, 2009

Well, my insurance, United Health, denied my surgery!  So, I've filed an appeal and we will see....
I ended up in the ER for horrible abdominal pain last Wednesday and surgery was scheduled to do an exploratory lap for December 3rd. 
I had an appointment today with the surgeon and he is going to repair what's wrong and I made the decision to go ahead with the revision anyway.  Since the repairs will take care of the OR and anesthesia, my portion is only going to be around $500.  I'm nervous now....

2nd visit to the surgeon

Oct 26, 2009

I saw the surgeon again on Friday.  He can do the exploratory lap, fix my pouch, close up any incisional hernias and we can schedule that in a week.  OR, if he also does a revision, I have to wait for insurance approval and join the year long program they have.  (Which, by the way, sound fabulous!  My original surgeon had nothing like this!)  They have a dietician, exercise physiologist, surgeon who monitors your vitiman levels, support groups and vitiman supplements.  Obviously, I've opted for the revision.  So, I should hear something regarding my insurance on Wednesday.  The insurance person said with complications, she was 99% sure it would be approved without problem.  Now, I just have to come up with $750 out of the $3000 fee.  But, that's do-able.  I'm excited.  I will post more after I hear on Wednesday.

1 comment

Surgery consult

Oct 18, 2009

It's been awhile since my last post.  I've undergone numerous tests in the last 6 months.  Apparently, my roux limb is too long and it has created a blind pouch, bigger than my orginal stomach pouch.  Food stays in there until I vomit.  I saw a surgeon on Monday and he wants to do an exploratory lap.  While he's in there, he is going to revise my original WLS.  I see him again on Friday, and I'm considering the BPD.  I'm up to 243lbs.  I'm ready to be well again.


Jan 17, 2009

It's been quite awhile since I posted anything.  I'm currently in a size 18 :(.  I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia and I vomit alot.  I don't quite know what's going on with me.  I had my baby last January and just recently started weight watchers to try and get this weight off.  I just want to feel better. 

My Blog until now...

09/01/07- Wow, nearly 2 years since I posted anything! I am still a size 16, but currently, I'm 5 months pregnant with my second child. I'm having issues with hypoglycemia and I haven't really followed up with my doctor like I should. :o( I still have my dream job, was promoted last December, and I am about to get another promotion. I'm going to dedicate myself to losing this extra weight after my pregnancy. This will be my last, as I am now 35 years old. I have had problems with alcohol in the past few years. Anyone else with this problem? I'm curbing it while I'm pregnant, and I'm hoping I just won't want it anymore after I deliver. I'd love to talk to the people I originally had this surgery with.

12/25/05- Doing ok, back down to a size 16, I finally found my dream job, and wouldn't you know it, it is all about organ donation! No more intestinal problems to date.

06/17/05-5 years post op and I just got out of the hospital yesterday for a partial small bowel obstruction. It was scary, I started having horrible abdominal pain, went to my doctor, they acted like nothing was really wrong, sent me to a GI doctor, who didn't want to scope me because of my anatomy and made me have a gastrograffin swallow done. Ended up going to the ER for uncontrollable pain and was diagnosed and admitted. The surgeon who's care I was under didn't want to operate on me because of my previous surgery and said that if it came down to it, I could be transferred back to Atlanta or I could see a surgeon here. As of 2 days ago, I'm 223 lbs. I'm beginning to wonder if this was all worth it....

07/11/04-I'm 4 years post op and I gained some weight back while breastfeeding. I'm now 205lbs and a size 16. :o( Thinking about seeing another surgeon for a revision...

9/3/02- My best friend died today. We both had a gastric bypass within a week of each other. She died from complication of primary pulmonary hypertension. She needed a lung transplant, but died before she could get one. She was 23.

9/2/02- Hello! I had my baby on July 25th! He was 4 weeks early, but is doing wonderful! I gained a total of 25lbs with my pregnancy, and I have 9 left to lose. I am breastfeeding, but I don't think I will ever be in my size 9 jeans again. :o( Pregnancy sure changes a body! I would still have my surgery all over again in a heartbeat.

4/8/02- Wow, almost a whole year since I've posted anything! A lot has changed for me since my surgery. I have gotten divorced, remarried, and now I am expecting my first child in August! I had lost a total of 120 lbs. but I did gain 10 back. (Still quite alright with me!) Since I've been pregnant, I've had to eat more often than usual, but I have only gained 4.5lbs so far, but I WILL get this baby weight off after delivery! I get a lot of emails from local people that I don't really have a chance to answer. They pretty much all ask the same questions, so I'm going to answer some of them. #1, yes, I would do this again in a heartbeat if I had to. #2, no, I don't attend any support groups, I don't have time. #3, I don't know if your insurance will pay for your surgery and I'm not going to guess. #4, I have not had any problems from my surgery. I am healthier than I have ever been and more active than I've ever been. I would not have had this surgery if I couldn't have had it laproscopically. I do not feel I was big enough to take a bigger risk with my life like that. #5, I am happy, thin, and loving life. I wish you all the same.

5/31/01- Sorry I haven't posted anything in so long, but it just seems, the thinner you are, the less time you spend in front of the computer. :) I've lost a total of 120 pounds and I feel wonderful. I'm still a size 8, 6's are too tight...but at least I can get in them!! I would really like to lose about 20 more pounds before the end of the summer. I don't really have the excess skin I thought I would have, it mostly went back into place. I do have a little under my arms and on my thighs though. 2 weeks ago, I had my belly button pierced!! (Something I promised myself I'd do when I got small enough to do it!) It is way cool. I feel so young! I'm getting braces on my teeth on June 13th. I figured, since I have a new body, I might as well fix my teeth too. I will say it as I have before, this is the best thing I could have done for myself and I would do it a thousand times over. I will post a new picture soon. Love to all!!! ~Jennifer

03/27/01- It's been awhile since I last posted. I'm down 110 pounds, in a size 8 jeans. (I haven't tried on dresses since Christmas, but if it goes as it has been...that would mean a size 6 dress!!!) I have changed my mind about the pre-med thing. I enjoy being a nurse, and I think I'm just going to go back to school for something fun. I will say it again, if I had to do it all over again, I would...a thousand times. I will post a new picture this week.

01/01/01- Happy New Year! I'm down 104 pounds, I wore a size 8 dress on Christmas and I wear a 9/10 in pants. I have decided to go back to school for pre-med...something I would have never done being fat. I am so thankful to have a normal life again.

10/28/00- Do you know how it feels to walk in a store, pick up a pair of size 10 jeans from the rack and when you get to the dressing room, they are too big????? WELL I DO!!!!

10/3/00- I'm finally off my plateau. As of Monday I'm down 89 pounds. I will post a new picture soon!

9/16/00- 6 months post op and I guess I'm on my first real plateau. I have been at 176 for 5 weeks now. I was discouraged at first, but even if I don't lose another ounce (now, cross your fingers that I do) I'm happy in a size 12 because I never thought I'd be here again. Now, that's not to say I wouldn't just feel wonderful in a size 8..... I joined the YMCA and I plan to go at least 3 times a week.

8/6/00- 5 months post op and I'm doing wonderful! I'm down 82 pounds and I have never felt better. I purchased my first size 12 jeans two weeks ago and I am comfortable in them! It's strange to shop in the "normal" sizes....

6/9/00- 3 months post op today and for the first time since 1991 I am below 200 pounds!! I have lost 62 pounds and I now weigh 199. I am wearing a size 14 jeans and still trying to squeeze in a size 12 dress. *g* This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I still totally recommend it. I can also gulp water now. :o)

5/15/00- 2 months and a few days post op and I still couldn't be happier about my decision to have this surgery. I also graduated from Nursing school Friday!!! I just have a whole new life now...46 pounds has really made a difference. I'm wearing a 14/16 skirt now and it feels so good! I totally recommend this surgery to anyone who is morbidly obese...I do not regret my decision in the least! My webpage was also updated today.

4/22/00- I went to the doctor this week about my arm...and I don't need physical therapy!!! I'm doing great! I'm also down 41 pounds as of Thursday!! I haven't been this small (well, small to me) since 1991!

4/17/00- I'm still doing great! As of yesterday morning, I am down 38 pounds!! My arm is doing great, I start physical therapy this week.

4/9/00- One month today and I am down 33lbs. I have updated my webpage with another picture! I'm in a size 18 jeans down from a 22.

4/1/00- Well, I bought those roller blades...fell and broke my arm first time on them. :o( Had surgery on my arm 3/25 and even with all the swelling and the cast, I'm down 25 lbs. My arm is pretty bad, I will be in physical therapy all summer and can't go back to work until Aug or Sept. But at least I can't sit around and stuff my face with oreo's because of boredom .

3/20/00- Again...I'm still weighing everyday. But I'm down 19 pounds as of this morning!!! I'm doing wonderful and I'm back to full activity. Even looking into buying some roller blades. This is the best thing I have ever done!

3/14/00- I know I'm not supposed to weigh everyday...and I know that I will plateau here and there....but as of this morning I HAVE LOST 12 POUNDS!!!! I went back to school today and I feel wonderful. Thanks for all the wishes!

3/12/00- I am home and feeling wonderful! I'm already down 7 pounds! I didn't have any pain with my surgery, just a lot of nausea. Thanks for all the well wishes!! I'll update again soon.

About Me
Knoxville, TN
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-Surgery Size 22/24
8 Months post op SIZE 9

Latest Blog 6
My Blog until now...
