Eggface 17 years, 4 months ago

Happy Surgiversary! Thank you for contributing to the board through the year. The knowledge and sharing of "graduates" is definitely easing my journey. It is appreciated. ~Michelle (MV)

jobaby94 17 years, 8 months ago

It's been a while since I posted, but here goes. Today it's been about 8 1/2 months since the surgery and I have lost 88 pounds down to 262. Most of my meds are gone (except for half-pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. My surgeon says that my cholesterol is better than his (LOL). My sugar is normal and BP is very good. My PCP says that I may go off all meds by the next lab check in December - that's a miracle for me. I've been on these meds (and more) for at least 30 years. The only concern is bone density - the xray for that will also be in December, we'll see. My knees and hip joints are pain-free. Medically, I'm doing great. I thought my PCP was gonna do a tap dance at my last visit, he was so pleased. Also, I've gone from a women's size 24 to a 16. I still have a long way to go, but it looks like I'm getting to where I want to be.

jobaby94 18 years, 3 months ago

Well, I just got home from the surgeon's office where they removed my staples. That was uneventful - no infections or anything like that. the good news is that I have lost 16 pounds (down to 333) since my surgery 2 weeks ago. This is progress- I hope my journey continues on this path.

jobaby94 18 years, 3 months ago

I got home Friday night. The hospital kept me 2 extra days because my BP and heart rate was too low. However, they were very good about having the cardio doc check me out and clear me ASAP. The pain is minimal - the gas is unbelievable - and I can only have liquids for awhile. Staples come out in about a week. I am trying not to be such a complainer but it's hard to feel good about much right now. Hopefully every day will be a little better.

swangirl 18 years, 3 months ago

Linda Congratulations on your surgery and have a quick recovery and wonderful weight loss experience. Linda/Bactrac/swangirl Name/CB handle/me post op

jobaby94 18 years, 3 months ago

Well, it's the night before my surgery. The worst thing today was the enema - YUKKK! I hate it - it's got to be the nastiest tasting drink ever! Not to mention the MANY times I have visited the john today. But the best thing is that my hubby Rene' has been a rock for me - I thank God for him. And for my siblings who have been calling me all weekend to see how I'm doing and to offer support.And also for the many online supporteres that I have found here. I am grateful for all of you. I'll see you on the other side.

angelaridenour 18 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery. You are in my preyers. I hope you loose all the weight you want to loose. Best wishes on your new life. Good luck! Crystal

angelaridenour 18 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery. You are in my preyers. I hope you loose all the weight you want to loose. Best wishes on your new life. Good luck! Crystal

hanvey3252 18 years, 3 months ago

May the Lord plant a hedge of angels around you and give you an uneventful surgery. I am praying for you. “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; Surely, I will heal you.” (2 Kings 20:5)

Johnson-Miles 18 years, 3 months ago

Hello Linda, I just wanted to say congratulations on your decision to have weight loss surgery. I see that your date is just around the corner and we can’t wait to welcome you to the other side. As you start to lose the pounds you are going to feel so much better and your energy level will just grow. In just a few short months you’ll be able to do things you never thought possible. The little things will get so much easier, like tying your shoes. I know, I had RNY Gastric Bypass in August of 2004, and I’ve lost 130 lbs. Now the surgery and the change in lifestyle are not walks in the park. That’s why I go to support group meetings and belong to online WLS discussion groups like . And I check out websites like Obesity Help and for support and information. WLBSS stands for Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery Support, and you should take advantage of all the support you can get. Get all your questions answered by experienced losers who are now winners. From the Girth, a Rising Phoenix, a Bariatric Butterfly, that soon will be you. Congrats and good luck. We’re all right behind you and with you as you start to change your life. Take Care, Bill Johnson-Miles
About Me
McAllen, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2006
Member Since
